Seller Cancelled Item after My Winning Bid of $1

Hi everyone I just received an email from eBay saying that my item in which I won for $1 has been canceled due to it being out of stock or damaged, however, this is a lie as the seller relisted the same item at a starting price of $80.

I know this item is worth significantly more than $1 and the seller would probably lose money. Regardless I think this is the seller's fault, this was the price he was "willing" to sell for and should still send the item.

So, what are my options, and is it still possible to get the item considering the out of stock or damaged thing is a complete lie?

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  • +30

    Fairly common practice. Move on.

  • +6

    is a complete lie?

    I think you know it's a lie and you know we think it's a lie…

    So, what are my options

    Ask ebay? and report back.

  • +4

    Did you get your $1 back?

  • -4

    I know this item the is worth significantly more than $1 and the seller would probably lose money.

    That would be a reason to invalidate a contract of sale.

    • +3

      Not really. Sellers often lose money.

      • +4

        Agreed. Don't do auctions if you don't want to sell at an auction price.

    • +5

      A good reason from the seller's perspective yes, a legal reason, most definitely not.

      I know law pretty well, learnt from Lionel Hutz.

    • +3

      a contract of sale, yes.
      This was an auction with a reserve price of $1, seller is clearly in the wrong.

      The question is what OP can do about it.
      I'd report the new sale to ebay and get that stopped. Then it's a matter of whether it's worth taking legal action.

      Common sense suggests walk away. But if OP has a drive to see justice in the world, I think he should make it his life's mission to take down this seller.

  • +10

    if he re-lists it, then complain to ebay

    • Live chat or appeal case?

      Also when I click appeal it's says it's and unpaid item appeal? I'm little confused because it did pay. And is this the type of thing that gets marked on your account?

      • just contact them.. although you'll need to provide evidence

  • this is a lie as the seller relisted the same item

    How do you know it's the same one?

    They might have re-stocked and paid a higher price.

    • This is more of a individual seller rather than a business

      • +1

        Can you leave a bad review considering it was cancelled?

        • Ebay seems to remove feedback for cancelled or refunded items now…

  • +3

    Happened with me too once, unfortunately seller can do this kinda dodgy sh*t

    Best to punish him by not buying from him and reporting him to ebay

    • +5

      Best to punish him by not buying from him and reporting him to ebay

      Or posting their store on OzBargain…

  • +2

    Come on mate it is not a business it is an individual, common sense.

    • +5

      it is not a business it is an individual

      Most businesses in Australia are owned by individuals.

      • +1

        Mitt Romney in the house! Corporations are People too!

        The OP posted in a comment that you replied to that it is an individual seller rather than a business. Perhaps you just wanted to post something cynical though.

        • +1

          Corporations are People too!

          A Business does not need to be incorporated.
          Most businesses in Australia are sole traders

          An individual seller can still be registered as a business…

          • +5

            @jv: Thank you for sharing that common knowledge. You win whatever game you are playing, congrats.

            The OP has made it clear in his comments, which you have engaged in, that he believes it was a single item being sold by an individual, not a business. That is the premise on which the entire discussion is based. You can move the goalposts to suggest that the OP's assumptions are wrong which invalidates every other comment here if you are so determined to be the smartest person in the room. It seems rather pointless, but whatever floats your boat.

            I concede this is inviting more cynical comments my way of course.

          • +1

            @jv: Technically speaking a Corporation has all the powers that individual does (at least in Australia)

          • +1

            @jv: 'I'll believe that corporations are people when Texas executes one…'

    • +2

      Business or individual or both - if you can't afford to sell something at $1, then don't list it starting from $1.

      (Seller probably did it for lower ebay listing fees and had it backfire!)

  • OP, can you share your username so I can put it on my blocked bidders list?

    Clearly it was a genuine mistake. SMH

  • +5

    I'm starting to think OZB needs a sub site for these people..

  • +7

    Don't waste your time OP.

    eBay won't care or do anything about it.

    Move on.

  • +1

    If it's worth $80 it sounds like a mistake on their part.

    Annoying but if they refund you in full what can you do?

  • +3

    House buyers know the feeling all too well.

    • -1

      Which is why you set a reserve.

  • +3

    Report to eBay via live chat. Take screenshots to send them. Leave negative feedback. Buy from another seller.

    The item selling under the price they wanted is not your issues, it's theirs. "Something is only worth as much as someone will pay for it". In this case, it was $1

    • "The item selling under the price they wanted is not your issues, it's theirs"
      Not really, it's OPs issue as he didn't get his $1 item.

  • +1

    Your new to Ebay aren't you?

  • +1

    Buy it again then don't pay.

  • +1

    When I buy or sell anything from ebay / gumtree / FB I prepare to be disappointed until the product and cash have physically changed hands

    • +1

      Even then, it's a crapshoot. When I buy off ebay, I picture in my mind the absolute lowest quality item that only half matches the description, and the item I receive is usually one notch worst than what I imagined.

  • this is been going on since the dawn of ebay.

  • +1

    Just another reason why I used to buy tons of stuff on Ebay, and now hardly ever.

  • +1

    Seller already got a defect to their account when they said it's out of stock or damaged. Few more defects and it affects them as a seller.

  • The entitlement in this post is staggering.

    • +3

      What? The entitlement to expect the seller to uphold their part of the legally binding contract that they voluntarily entered into?

      Yeah, staggering.

      • No, it's the part where OP is willing to action this further which is staggering.

        This situation is no different to a pricing error 'deal' where members get all high and mighty because they think that they are obligated to receive the item they purchased simply because they submited an order.

        legally binding contract

        I would pay to see that case hold up in court.

    • Your expectations in life must be low.

  • This happens heaps doesn’t it, you probably knew it was too good to be true and should expect the sale not to go through. I wonder if anyone has jagged a $1 mistake/dodgy ad

    • I don't think you understand how auctions work.

      • nope i dont, i dont even know how to reply

  • All the seller has to do is say that the item was withdrawn from sale because it was broken, lost, stolen, or any of a number of reasons and the current one for sale is another one, not the original one.

    Reporting it to eBay will achieve nothing, especially if it's one of eBay's protected sellers.

    Any type of legal action would give a court a good laugh and cost the OP many times the price of the item's worth.

  • If a deal looks to good to be true - it probably is. Walk away it’s $1 …..

  • +2

    Many many years ago (back when ebay was just 2nd hand items only), I had a very different experience.

    I won an auction for a set of PC speakers (sub + 2 x satellites) for the opening bid of $0.01 The postage was listed as $16, which I thought was high but was happy to pay considering I'd won the item for 1c.
    After posting the item, the seller contacted me to let me know the postage was actually cheaper than than the $16 (around $9 from memory), and sent me a refund for the difference! Sure enough when it arrived, the post stamp confirmed they had only charged me for exactly the paid postage amount and not a cent more!

    Unfortunately ebay has moved on from those days when it was a place where honest people did honest exchanges…..

  • -1

    Lodge a complaint with ebay. They will keep track of the seller.

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