• expired

Facebook Portal TV $99, 10" Portal $179 Delivered @ Facebook


First Post! I have the portal TV and the now discontinued 8" portal. I sometimes have lunch time meetings via zoom, I can just use my tv to join and listen in while I prep my lunch. I personally like the portal more than the echo show.

Referral Links

Referral: random (459)

Buy a new Meta Quest headset from any retailer and both referee and referrer will get A$47 in Meta Quest Store credit once the headset is activated.

This is part of Black Friday / Cyber Monday deals for 2021

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closed Comments

  • +22


    • +14

      when someone with a username of "nuts" tells you "never"… you listen

    • 🤣🤣

  • +7

    no thx, zuck

  • Can someone be kind enough to provide this poor chap with a promo code for a 20% off ? Thank :)

    • Do those exist? May I ask where or how we may obtain one?

      • It used to. Seems like if there is someone who had already purchased a FB product could get a code which they could share with their friends and family for an additional discount.

    • Last time this was on sale ( a couple of weeks ago) you couldn't add a referral discount to the already discounted price

  • +4

    Facebook should be paying you for all of the data you're giving them through this thing.

  • +1

    A useful device for those who want to share their protocols and reasons for keeping the Government and Deep State spies out of their lives with fellow sovereign citizens, brought to you by the dweeb who took his fellow incels' perv pages and invited the stupid to offer him all their secrets.

  • +5

    Oh hi Mark

    • +2

      You're tearing me apart Lisa!

  • +3

    Imagine if Facebook/Meta was harvesting data from all your Zoom calls and using it for not so ethical intentions OP.

  • +1

    The display looks rubbish … better off getting a second hand tablet.

  • what makes them better then the google or echos?

    • +8

      Well for starters…lets say you are having a fight with your wife because of something you apparently said 5 years ago…this little device will have a detailed record of everything that was ever said that you can then use to defend your innocents!

      • But but… deep fakes!

      • Technically so would Google and Echo.

        • But FB is a closed network within internet.

          • +1

            @pizzaguy: Cambridge Analytica: May we introduce ourselves? :P

          • +1

            @pizzaguy: HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! Good joke!!!!!

          • @pizzaguy: I meant Google or Amazon can't search through it. Not as effective, at least.

      • And those records will include(not limited to) your complete facial recognition data, websites you visited, what all you purchased, your hotel room numbers …..

    • +1

      zuck gets your info instead of amazon and google

  • I bought the portal TV a month ago for 99.

    My wife and me do not use Facebook. We do have accounts but maybe login once every 6 months on an average. It doesn't bother us what Facebook knows about us because we don't live our lives in Facebook.

    This thing is a fine piece of hardware which we use for Whatsapp video calling. We've used it pretty much every alternate day. Works flawlessly. There are physical buttons to close the camera and disable the mic.

    • Zuckyberg has entered the chat.

      • correction suckyberg owns the chat

    • +2

      You don’t have to use Facebook.com to be tracked by Zuck. They are probably grabbing your voice and facial data every time you use the camera on the device. Might see yourself walking around metaverse as an npc. Jk.

    • +1

      Just FYI, Facebook have an advertising arm, that knows every site you visit/what you add to your cart/items you browse/ etc etc. So they track you even though you think they don't, and just because you don't use facebook all the time, it really means nothing. It just means that you are giving them even more data.

  • +1

    The camera and microphone quality is so good. The autofocus is brilliant. I wonder if $99 is very close to manufacturing cost price.

    • +3

      They make money off your data.

  • +1

    As a device this is useful. Good camera, great mic and the softwares tracks the movement properly and actually zoom in and out as advertised.

    Privacy, i do think about it. We turn it off after the calls. Facebook, if they are tracking already know when we use their service whatsapp/facebook on mobile device already.

    One issue though, on whatsapp the other side hears the echo. Apparently the mic is bot cancelling the call audio from TV speakers ending up in echo to the other side. Other then that, it is Great.

  • yes.. I want Zuck's meta to know everything !

  • Would you recommend it for an older person that doesn't need any operating accounts?

    Ie. can I create a FB account (useless, but I assume it's required) for a non tech-savvy person and let them use WhatsApp on the device without supervision? Does it prompt or update a lot? Is the interface bearable? Physical buttons for the mic and camera sound good.

    • yes it is very easy to use. just create your favourite contacts and it will be displayed in the homescreen, just 2 clicks to call someone. I sent 1 to my dad overseas as an ipad is now not big enough for him to see us clearly. Have not experienced any update prompts so far and ive been using it for 4 months now.

      • Awesome, thanks.

  • Idk even the name ‘portal’ sounds so sneaky.

  • Best alternative to this is Kinect on Xbox One, and they cost about $150 second hand last time I checked

    What I find so disappointing is they don't integrate facebook games on it. I would have liked to see an Eyetoy type thing, so I could play more physical-style games with my nephew

  • Thanks for this, i know there are cons and pros, but i mean we use our phone everyday which virtually has everything we do. I wanted to get the portal once i saw a friend use theirs to call their families back home (they have young kids) it was really easy to use and the quality of the video was great. they would use it almost every other day due to the pandemic restrictions. With little ones it was easy to see all the faces on the TV compared to using a phone/tablet needing to reposition all the time.

    • You use a facebook phone?

  • -2

    So many damn shills in these comments. Surely no one in their right mind would ever let this thing in their house.

  • We use our TV portal a lot. Works great and no men in trench coats have turned up just yet.

    I don't think you can use it for Zoom though, only Messenger and WhatsApp.

    Funny how people are happy to upload their entire life history online but are scared someone might listen to a conversation of theirs…

    • +2

      They added Zoom functionality to the Portal TV about six months ago and works well - entering the meeting details can be a little bit of a hassle (using the remote) but rock solid once you're in the meeting.

      In summary, a great product for the price, just a shame about the company that makes it (which is understandably a deal breaker for many).

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