Free 500ml Ice Break Extra Shot @ Freedom Fuels from Scoopon.
To check participating stores:
one per account only.
Free 500ml Ice Break Extra Shot @ Freedom Fuels from Scoopon.
To check participating stores:
one per account only.
The Freedom Fuels always puts their prices up the day after everyone else does. I'm not sure if it is like that in other places, but it saves me a bunch of money.
Only 1 voucher per person (per scoopon account)!
Can't buy for friend - says already got maximum, come back tomorrow.
fake email?
To celebrate the humiliating loss off Labor.
nice to see a giveaway that is NOT on facebook for a change, other companies should take note.
Sold out at my local servo :(
I'd love to see a skim version of more ice coffees
Checks locations in QLD
I have nothing close to me, all sold out unless I want to drive to the south side….
UHT milk. Gross.
OMFG every location is more than 10km from me, some places never heard off… lol :(
at least you're not on the other side of the country pining from some QLD-only free ice coffee :(
DAMN all sold out near me.
I only see 3 locations left - not worth the effort now. They must have been Ozbargain'd.
Got one tonight after a day of free stuff. Just can't sleep now due to the 'Extra Shot'.
I just clicked submit deal and comes up that it may already posted. So slow with this phone :-(