This was posted 3 years 3 months 19 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

10 Movie Vouchers for $95 @ Event Cinemas (In Cinema Offer Only)


Was at Movies last night and saw poster up at event cinemas advertising this.
Not available online - apparently you have to buy in person.
On their Facebook page says it’s for limited time.

T&Cs apply. In cinema offer only. Vouchers not valid on Saturday from 5pm.

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Event Cinemas
Event Cinemas

closed Comments

  • +46

    Not valid for any movie after 5pm on Saturday.
    Probably still good for an OzBarganer as we are unlikely to have a Saturday night date.

    • +22

      My wife's boyfriend says ths same thing 🤣

  • -8

    with bonus of a chance to bring back covid - priceless

  • +6

    I smell another lockdown soon lol and your tickets void.

    • Yep half my voucher book expired during lockdowns…

      • +1

        How long do these last?

        • +1

          12 months on mine.

      • +1

        Lucky bugger - 9 of my 10 expired even after they extended them for 3 months…

      • +3

        I emailed them…they extended them…very helpful

    • Quite possible cases might explode again during XMAS

  • Is there still a surcharge with this?

    • Prolly a $1 booking fee if looked online.

  • +4

    Pissed that I bought the other tickets for $11

  • Im guessing you have to redeem in person too?

    • +34

      Yes. The cinema won’t come to you.

      • +13

        A statement that is unlikely to age well..

      • +1

        I mean you can't use the event cinema app to book

        • +3

          There should be an option at the top when picking your tickets to put in voucher codes.

      • You could buy the ticket now, then wait for a few years, possible the movie would come to you on Netflix or something.

        • Worst case the movies don't come to you and you lose $95

  • +1

    I bought a bunch of discount vouchers then the cinemas were closed for half of the year because of Covid. Half of my vouchers expired during lock downs… In hindsight the savings were not worth it, and limitation like not valid after 5pm etc. Only if the cinemas honour expired vouchers for the period that were locked down, I may consider.

    • +8

      Check with the cinema? Most chains extended vouchers for 12+ months and some you just had to email and they extended/reissued.

      • +1

        Cheers. I will try that.

    • +5

      user name checks out :/

  • Remember when the ticket prices got up around $20 per person… that didn't last long in the era of streaming.

    • @buffalo bill (btw yummy ice-cream name), why did the non-discounted peak time tickets drop under $20?

  • Any idea what the validity is?

  • +2

    Can you use the service NSW voucher to buy it?

  • How long does this valid for? I mean, one can't exactly watch 10 movies in a week or so, right?

  • Vmax included or just regular tickets?

    • Regular I think.

    • Generally +$5 for vmax for other Event vouchers.

  • last year seems $80 for 10…damn

  • Is this available to purchase in VIC?

    • I'm guessing not since our only event cinema is the outdoor moonlight cinema

  • +1

    but will this let me see DUNE !!! :P

  • +6

    When you include the online booking fee's associated with going to see a movie as part of this voucher , not really worth it. Especially considering they charge you a separate "booking fee" for each of your tickets. 2 people …2 booking fee's.

    Cinemas have become a joke , happy to enjoy whatever streaming content is on offer as it works out to be a far better arrangement.

    Also consider the fact as an example Red Notice is in the cinemas currently but its also available on Netflix , same with The Harder They Fall , and Even Black Widow and Free Guy are on Disney+.

    Invest in a 55 inch or bigger TV with a decent sound setup and only go to the Cinemas if you have a date or watch an important film to you on the big screen otherwise these days its absolutely not worth the prices they are charging. Don't get me started on the popcorn and drinks.

    • +1

      I'm a student who rents I think I'll stick to the movies over the 55 inch tv and home cinema. Althought I totally relate to the outrage over the prices and fees

    • +8

      Nothing stopping you redeeming the voucher in the cinema for no fee…

      And you're not forced to buy drinks or snacks either…

      • +1

        I mean many cinemas are pretty close to shops, never had an issue walking in with a bag of food whether packs of lollies or even a warm takeaway meal

    • +1

      shang-chi & the legend of the ten rings and jungle book are now on disney+ as well

    • +1

      When you have kids, they are excited to go to the cinema. Production studios also don't put kids movies straight to streaming, they know you will take them to the movies and buy the dvd.

    • This is true but my old setup which is 10 year old needs an upgrade, that means new TV, new Amplifer, new speakers, new everything.
      This is before having kids family + full time work, after that no time to even watch the TV yet alone movies, so I don't think its worth the investment at this point.

      Pretty sure I'm not the only one

      If you are living alone, still a student, no other commitments sure. I would game all day after work/studies, play games watch every streaming service i subscribe to

  • +2

    whats the FB link? cannot see it on their page

    • Thought it was from event cinema page but can’t see it now. Still on event cinema cairns fb page though. ??

  • Is this better value than the Hoyts 20% off deal?

  • -7

    Event cinemas are still an absolute rip off, at least here in Brisbane. These discounted tickets are still more expensive than Cineplex regular tickets, plus popcorn, drinks etc are at least 50% more expensive at Event.

    • I'm in Brisbane, but on the Northside, so cineplex aren't a realistic alternative (it'd cost more in petrol to go to the southside than I get in savings).

      I'd say 95%+ of the population don't live within a short (<15 min) drive away from a cheap $8.50 cinema like Cineplex, so $9.50 is a good deal for most people.

      • Understandable.
        However for us with three kids we have an event cinema within walking distance, but usually drive into Southbank. $7 for adults and $5.50 for the kids, plus the cheaper food makes a bit of a difference.

        • Ah. I haven't bought cinema food in yonks, so haven't factored that into considerations. I guess if you prefer buying food onsite then a cheapo cinema chain could be a better deal. Still, not sure how applicable this is outside Brisbane (not sure if there are any movie chains doing $7/$8 regular tickets in other states?)

  • What's the expiry of the voucher?

  • Where do you buy these? SYD Only?

    Just went to village cinema in VIC and they’re not aware

  • Can't find this anywhere for NSW.. I think it only is for BRISBANE..

  • +1

    Just bought mine from the Greater Union Morley. Staff had no idea about the promo but they were good enough to check, and the register showed $95 for a book of 10 tickets. They stamped expiry as today as their date stamper didn't have 2022 and told me the tickets are valid for 6 months.

  • +2

    Myer Centre Brisbane have flyers in-store, can confirm 6-months expiry.

  • How much to upgrade it to gold class does anyone know/can confirm? will be very helpful :)

    • You can't upgrade to gold class with standard movie vouchers, need to purchase gold class specific vouchers.

  • Is it still available? Did anyone got this recently?

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