Which Credit Card to Pay Income Tax to ATO?

Hi, I need to pay about $5000 to ATO as income tax in the next few weeks. I want to charge it to a credit card to get bonus points or cash back. I am aware that most credit card don't allow rewards on government related transactions.

Do you know any credit card which allows rewards on the ATO transaction?



  • amex.
    ANY CC but use intermediary provider ie Snip, and many more too many to list just google. of course you need to pay a bit fee for the service

  • you can use BeemIt, but
    'Payment (including through Checkout with Beem It): There is a $2,000 per day payment limit, and a rolling 30 day limit of $10,000. '

  • +8

    Apple gift cards of course.

    • +2

      But there is a sign at my local Woolies saying

      The ATO will never ask for payment by apple gift cards

      I'm confused.

      • +1

        ATO prefers Google gift cards now, woolies is just being friendly. You can trust the internet

  • +1

    Credit cards that earn points with ATO payments


  • +1

    Thanks, all. I have shortlisted some cards and will use them with Beem It.

    • Use any visa/mc with beem it and earn full points

      • I plan to do the same. Do you have any idea if westpac credit card will incur any fees while using beem it to pay ATO?

        • +1

          It shouldn't, I use my St George Visa
          Just do a small tester.. Only way to be sure

          • @daft009: Good to know I have a St George card. Do you use it with Been It?

          • @daft009: oops i mean "it should"

          • @daft009: i had st george visa card, and it never work with Bpay beem it.

            Westpac mastercard seems to work fine with beem it bpay.

            how did you managed to get it to work? or was this a recent beem it update?

            • @georgegates5: Just added it and it worked.
              Been using for 3-4 months

              • @daft009: weird tho. oh well will have to try a different visa card in the future.

                • @georgegates5: I just added my St George card too and it works. Might have been an issue at the time you were trying to add?

            • @georgegates5: Was it westpac credit card. I wanted to fulfill the spending requirement to get the 400 cash back. Can you confirm if it incurs any fees or not?

              • +1

                @ledgisv2: yeah it was the westpac qantas plat card. no fees if done via beem it bpay.

    • Share what is on your shortlist

  • Citibank. Using the payall feature you can pay to any bsb & account. There is no fee till Oct 22.

    • This ^ is how I’ve been doing it although I didn’t know that the fee-free offer had been extended again.

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