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Flashforge Adventurer 3 Lite 3D Printer US$295 (~A$395) Delivered @ Flashforge


AUD395 Delivered.
Quick switch nozzle kit. Can be upgraded to 265℃ capacity.

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Flashforge 3D Printer
Flashforge 3D Printer

closed Comments

  • That looks cute, if anyone wanted to buy me a Christmas present.

    • +1

      Ask your sugar daddy

      • Actually now that you mention it, my boyfriend hates choosing presents, so if I asked for it I think he would buy it for me. I don't want him to spend that much on my present though. If anyone else wants to, that would be fine though.

        • You could always buy it for your boyfriend as a Xmas present. πŸ’‹

          • @alidli: I could, but he told me he doesn't want a 3D printer.

  • +5

    Build size (150 * 150 * 150 mm) - for printing a school for ants…

    • +1

      It can’t even fit a piece of paper. It needs to be at least twice as big!

      • +4

        that's what she said !

  • +3

    The main thing to consider is that this printer is designed to be as consumer friendly as possible. If you want something to just work this is probably a good option.

    3D printing in general is notoriously open-source, using commodity parts, and it is something of a rite of passage to replace components until few to no original parts remain. Like Theseus' ship. This process is somewhere between difficult and impossible for a printer like this beyond official upgrades or at least to a far lesser degree. Of course at that stage the return on time invested falls off a cliff, when there's a good chance a printer like this could deliver you a good print within the first hour.

    Some people like myself fall in love with finicky, mind-numbing minutiae, others it drives insane. I've been partial to troubleshooting inkjet printers since I was a child, perhaps not everyone's idea of a lazy Sunday. This deal still piqued my interest. It seems a nice price for such a tidy unit. There are other Flashforge printers locally going for $500-600, have a camera and support for more plastics which could be of interest. I hope this helps.

  • +1

    better off with an Ender 3 or similar

  • +1

    265c??? 3-5min to heat the bed up to 100c?? 15x15cm bed??
    You are sh1tting me right??

    An sorry-ass Ender will give you more. Add a direct drive to it and you are getting into ASA, PC world.

    I had an Ender3-V2, now a Prusa MK3S+
    I wonder what you can actually do with this totally proprietary printer.

    That 15x15 bed is a kick in the balls.
    This printer is for total newbies who want to download models from the internet and print them without getting involved in 3D printing, if that makes any sense.

  • The lack of a camera can easily be supplemented by a ESP32-CAM set up.

    As others have mentioned, it's a plug and play printer for downloading off the internet and printing. Not sure what is wrong with that (previous comment). It's called 3d printing, not printer modding/tuning/tweaking right?

    I have an Adventurer 4 and 3 colleagues with Adventurer 3s - can't really complain about them, they work out of the box.

    • "it's a plug and play printer for downloading off the internet and printing" —- You said it all.

      There is nothing wrong with my comment, I just pointed out that the price you pay for this printer, you buy an Ender printer that will do way more than this printer can do, plus, almost twice as big build plate so

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