This was posted 3 years 4 months 18 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

McDonald's Menu Hack: McChicken $3.65, Big Mac $4.35, Quarter Pounder $5.40, Cheeseburger $2.45, Filet O Fish $3.60


I worked much of my youth at McDonald's and knew that you could purchase patties separately. Sometimes you feel like just buying a burger but the high price of a single burger puts you off. I bought 4 4-1 patties with ketchup today as the double beef and bacon and bacon was discontinued. I ate it with a fork and ketchup they put on it, not bad for a pound of meat.

I never did the math but always heavily suspected it's cheaper to pay for the ingredients of a burger than a complete burger.

Yes they call it a 10 to 1 if you say these magic words they will believe you used to work for Macca's and treat you better
10:1 1/10 pound on Cheeseburger, Big Mac etc
4:1 Quarter Pounder Patty
3:1 1/3 pound Angus Beef Patty

Price Breakdown Cheeseburger
10 to 1 Patty $1.2
Ketchup Free
Mustard $0.5(You can live without it but for the sake of like for like comparison I've added it)
Dehydrated onion (Free)
Pickles (Free)
Your mileage will vary it's free to add to a seperate complete burger it's usually free. If they want to charge for it for it you can go without it or pay whatever they ask
You can also buy a complete cheeseburger and go ahead add 10x of onions and pickles to it for free and redistribute it
Buns ($0.75)
Total Price $2.45 RRP($3.95)

Quarter pounder
4 to 1 Patty $2.25
Sesame seed Buns $0.75
Ketchup Free
Slivered onions $0.5(Sub for dehydrated onions for Free if you want)
Pickles Free
Mustard $0.5
Cheese x 2 $0.7x2

Total Price $5.4 RRP($6.7)

Chicken patty fried $2
Sesame bun $0.75
Lettuce $0.5
Mayo $0.5
Lettuce Free
Total Price $3.65 RRP($6.5)

Big Mac
2x10 to 1 Patties $2.4
Cheese $0.7
Sesame bun $0.75
Dehydrated onion Free
Pickles Free
Big Mac Sauce $0.5
Lettuce Free
Total Price $4.35 RRP($6.75)

Filet of fish:
Filet o Fish Patty $1.60
Burger Bun $1
Tartare Sauce $0.5
Cheese $0.7(Includes half slice so you get more)
$3.6(RRP $5.8)

With these prices you can construct pretty much any burger in the restaurant for 30%-50% cheaper with some exceptions being Hamburger 🍔, Chicken 🐔 and Cheese 🧀 and low priced burgers.

If this deal does well I might publish the price hacks for Grilled Chicken and Angus burgers. I have included the link to the nutrition menu so you know what ingredients to ask for. Angus Patty is called 3 to 1(Around $3) and Grilled Chicken Breast(Around $3).

This is a long running hack deal until Macca's decides to patch it.

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closed Comments

  • +20

    I think im missing something, how do you order just ingredients from the app?

    Nvm im stupid, this is for just going up to the counter and telling them the stuff you want.

    • +48

      You can't this hack requires going to a register or drive through :)
      I'm keeping the register people in a job

      • +92

        They might want a new job if everyone starts ordering like this. But have my vote!

        • +7

          They will patch it when enough people find this deal. 2x3 nuggets used to be cheaper than 1x6.

      • +2

        I'm sure they're super thankful…

        • +14

          Maybe they've watched enough Terminator to know the kiosks were installed to replace them, not work alongside them?

      • Other than shopping malls where there aren't any kiosks, i don't think I've seen anyone tasked solely to man the registers anymore.

        • similar to Aldi, job rotation.

      • +3

        talking? im out

      • Can confirm this OP is a legend for showing the public this!

        Used to milk the 50% on shift staff discount.

        Feel free to DIY burgers & mix and match (just pay for the ingredients) hahaha

  • +8

    not bad for a pound of meat.

    4x 4-1 patties, at $2.25 each, makes it almost $20/kg.

    • +25

      Yes but this is cooked meat, if you calculate the cost of a $20 Caesar salad you will find it's $100/kg
      Fitness guys buy 4 to 1 patties to bulk up, I think its good value for restaurant cooked protein

      • +12

        Using the term restaurant loosely!

        • +10

          They are still called Mcdonald's Family Restaurants

        • Also using the term cooked loosely.

          • +1

            @shiznit: As long as she doesn't vacuum loosely…

            • @sk3iron: just making sure it is bagless…XD

      • -4

        Quarter pound patties are weighed before cooking. After cooking they reduce by around 35% by weight. Makes little difference if its cooked.

        • +47

          Interesting fact, most people buying meat at grocery will also be buying precooked weight

            • +1

              @ATangk: I think Levity meant a $20 caesar salad from a restaurant

              • -7

                @friedbanana: The least he could have done is pick the same restaurant, Maccas serves salads too. Otherwise I should go and pick a $20 burger too?

                • +3

                  @ATangk: I admire your devotion to continue to dig this hole you made for yourself so frantically, but maybe it's time to move on and take the L.

                  • -4

                    @pandamninator: Doesn't change the fact its still cheaper to buy a roast chicken for the dollars per kg value.

            • +6

              @ATangk: That's my point, buying it at a restaurant compared to buying ingredients and making yourself.

      • Beef patties are not…made entirely from beef, a large portion of any patty is some sort of filler.

        • +6

          You’re some sort of filler.

        • +5

          Username checks out 🧐

          • +2

            @R-Man: hahahaahahaahaa

        • +4


      • "Fitness guys buy 4 to 1 patties to bulk up"

        Never heard that one before. Oh well, as long as you meet your macros I suppose.

      • Fitness guys buy 4 to 1 patties to bulk up

        Lol do they? Anyone I've ever met who could be labeled a 'fitness guy' buys bulk chicken breast from Coles or Woolies for $9/kg

        If you care about fitness, you're not eating junk food.

        • Except for Lee Priest of course.

  • +10

    Can be worth the effort but to add to insult the last time I constructed a burger they stuck the cheese in a seperate box and you couldn’t remove the cheese. Just a caution to everyone willing.

    • +4

      Did you tell them you were doing a DIY burger or to make it?
      Some people take enjoyment in KBBQ and Hot Pot so they might have thought you like constructing it.

      • +5

        Cheeseburger hotpot 🍔🍲

        • +1

          I see.
          You know, these hamburgers are quite similar to the ones they have at Krusty Burger.

          • +2

            @Speckled Jim: Steamed hams? I'm from Utica and I've never heard anyone use the phrase steamed hams. Oh it's an Albany expression.
            Oh good lord what is happening in your kitchen? Aurora borealis! An aurora borealis this time of the day, this time of the year localised entirely within your kitchen?
            Ah…. Yes!

  • +3

    Used to be $1.50 for a qtr pounder patty and $1.80 for a McChook patty…from memory…I also worked at Maccas and that was what I ordered for my meal whilst on break (noting the price would be reduced by 50% as a staff meal order).

    • +2

      Maybe its state specific, was 1.6 for quarter and 1.6 for Mcchicken 6 years ago. Staff discount was 50% on the shift, 20% off duty unless Employee of the month. Yeah the chicken patty fried is $2 now and Grilled and Angus is still $3.

      • +3

        Never worked at Maccas.

        What got you Employee of the Month?

        • +21

          It involves a dark room, a lot of grease, and a clown.

          Best not to ask.

        • +2

          It's the reward for playing hamburgler that month… having to play hide the sausage with the manager is not worth the extra discount though

      • +4

        I have been buying McChicken patties like this for over 20 years. I could get about the equivalent of 5 nuggets in one mega-nugget for $1. I’d get 3-4 and a sweet and sour sauce or three. They’d charge using some generic extra button. Then my family and friends started doing it. After a few years of doing this, they added a specific McChicken patty option for $1.20. By a few years later I stopped getting weird looks from the staff and they knew exactly what to do. I’d also get filet-o-fish and quarter pounder patties and sometimes combine them all on a mega burger. I still get a a few McChicken patties as a side with a normal burger meal. Old habits die hard but I still love them!

        Edit: I still like to think they added the special button just for me!

      • If you work at maccas it's "100%" discount. If you are not getting that you are doing it wrong.

    • McDonald's Sutton Forrest, staff meals 50% in the early 2000s, once I made big Mac with 6 patties but my regular was a McOz with a 4:1 and a chicken patty delish! Granted I was earning $5.35 an hour though…

      • +1

        I used to get 4 Mcdoubles for $4 :) Now neither the Mcdouble or Double Beef and Bacon is a Menu item anymore :'(

  • +12

    Some heroes don't wear capes

  • +18

    This post from OP makes a lot more sense now…

    • +1

      Gave me a good laugh….

    • CRINGE
      Also the guy that lent his scooter for $10 a day LMAO

  • +2

    I guess is this one way to turn cheap fast food into cheap slow food.

    • +2

      Mcdonald's will soon open an assemble your own meal counter

  • What is a 10 to 1? Is that a 1/10t of a pound? Will they know what u r talking about?

    • +7

      Yes they call it a 10 to 1 if you say these magic words they will believe you used to work for Macca's and treat you better

      10-1 1/10 pound on Cheeseburger, Big Mac etc
      4-1 Quarter Pounder Patty
      3-1 1/3 pound Angus Beef Patty

        • +8

          OP explained this above if you bothered to read as Ten to One; for someone asking how to pick up garbage without bending over should appreciate the adage that one man's garbage is another's bargain.

          • -2

            @sk3iron: Oh look another stalker. Are you vegan too?

          • -3

            @sk3iron: Oh and btw Mr Foot-in-Mouth… that post still doesn't explain it fully anyway which is exactly WHY I pointed it out on behalf of others. It explains the 10-to-1 bit, but not the 1/10, which YOU also and ONLY repeated.

          • @sk3iron: LOOOLLL this is savage :D

      • I worked at Maccas way back in like 2004-2007. We had ten-to-one and four-to-one back then, but the Angus patties weren't a thing.

        What was a thing was when the front of house staff asked how long something was going to take in the kitchen. The term for this was 'three, two, one on x' (meaning three, two or one minute on whatever). With the Angus patties being 3-1, does this cause confusion?

  • +1

    Please do the price hack for chicken burgers! Thanks!

    • Which other ones do you want included?

  • Why does the sesame bun cost $0.70 on the McChicken and Big Mac, but $0.75 on the Quarter pounder?

    You would think that the Big Mac would be the more expensive one considering it has the middle bun.

    • I have to correct that its $0.75 on all Burgers, Thanks.
      There seems to be a lot of disparity between what something should be worth and the Mcdonald's item price

  • +2

    This is a long running deal until Macca's decides to patch it.

    I don't think they expect every man and his dog to say "Hi can I get a cheeseburger bun, a 10:1 patty, tomato sauce, dehydrated onions, pickles and a slice of cheese combined please?"

    • +6

      All it takes is someone to make a tiktok and it blowing up then they will patch it the next day

    • +7

      They literally taught us how to do it in their ads.

      Two all-beef 10:1 patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onion, sesame seed bun please.

    • It's not too far removed from the old "two all beef patties…." jingle from a few years ago.

  • +31

    A moment of silence for all the ozbargainers losing their dignity at Maccas tonight…

    • +2

      They were very nice to me, gave me a fork and knife even though I didn't ask. Maybe they knew I was an ex employee.

  • +2

    Majority of these items aren't on the register, only as add ons to particular burgers.
    I personally will not allow all of this, its way too confusing on the staff, with no massive benefit for the customer.

    • Booooo

    • You could make the price of ingredients and burger equal
      Yes the pickles, onions, and mustard are not usually sold seperately, but its still going to be considerable cost savings to the customer

      • +2

        I'm just a senior manager at a restaurant, I have no say to any of that stuff

        • +2

          How are those two paid drinks breaks going at your store? I sure never got one in my 7 year tenure.

          • @SnowDragon: When I worked at a McD you could have drink breaks, but only water from the drink machine. Manager was too stingy to let us drink any of the soft drink.

        • +1

          What does a senior manager get paid at Macca's? Enough to deal with people ordering a burger in 100 parts?

          • @brendanm: Clearly not why they're so salty, who called the fun police

      • +2

        Except that's the difference between maccas HO and the individual stores. The stores can't set the pricing, but will tell you where to go with orders like these

        • +2

          will tell you where to go with orders like these

          Sometimes I hate how I can't upvote comments :(

      • How would that work? Make the bun cost like $3 or 4? Then it will all add up..

        • +1

          I'll cut the carbs go without the bun instead. lol

    • +1

      User name does not check out!

    • Yeah, if you happen to get the store owner around etc, I would imagine them saying no to this way of ordering. They are losing money for the same cost.

  • +3

    the mcdonalds degustation menu. nice

    • +1

      It's been degusting for years.

  • +2

    Plus vote just for all the effort that went into this.

    • +1

      I did it on the bus ride home, must be a lot of confused office workers wondering what they overheard

    • For what prices nobody will buy them at .

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