Was browsing again for some gifts and found this one for a low price. I checked with other retailers and it seems like it usually sells for about $15 to $20, so I reckon at 7 bucks is a good bargain. The Ultra Two is also on sale for $10.
Nerf Ultra Four Blaster $7 + Delivery / $0 C&C @ Kmart

Last edited 08/11/2021 - 23:30 by 2 other users
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suuureeee buddyyy
I don’t get it. Surely a grown-up that buys toys designed for little kids is going to be pretty annoying?
He was probably doubting the girlfriend part. I mean, I have a massive collection of Nerf guns, and no girlfriend. It makes sense.
lol u dont have a girlfriend
not anymore 🤣
Not after y’all destroyed my self esteem
Grabbed an Ultra 2. Thanks op!
Although you need to use these different nerf darts, this looks quite a decent nerf deal. Cheers op
Buy more darts from aliexpress
Good point
Bought six for secret santa gifts for the family. Roll on chaos at the lunch table.
I know nothing about nerf guns, but might get a couple just for fun with my girlfriend. For those who are experienced, which of the two is better for silly girlfriend/boyfriend nerf gun fights?
Four is single shot springer, the Two is a flywheeler that takes 6aa batteries.
The ultra range was poorly received in the the nerfing hobby for its DRM darts and false claims on performance.
For ease of plinking and pot shots around the house go with the Four.DRM darts? No way, they're doing that now?
Ultra darts are made of polystyrene foa, are different size to normal darts and specifically shaped in the tail to disengage locks on many ultra blasters if not using “Nerf Ultra” darts.
Chinese manufacturers have copied them now though, but are still significantly more expensive then basic foam darts.
Hasbro is all about the money, they even frequently write on their normal range of blasters to only use Nerf branded darts.
The Ultra2 is motorised, and you can here someone coming from a mile* away with it; you have to hold the trigger down for a good couple of seconds to get the motor spinning up to speed; and your batteries also have to be in pretty good shape to fire with any real velocity.
(*actual distance may vary subject to geographic location and individual aural capability.) 😉
Got a couple for “the kids” one Christmas.
Spent the afternoon having nerf gun fights with my 60 year old dad and 35 year old brother.
Where can u buy the salt 🧂 fillers, and water guns from nerf….
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vrY-X6h15jo Good technical review, I'm not gonna get it though, doesnt seem interesting enough visually or mechanically to me
I bought one of these in japan, it said it’s range was 36m on the box.
Australian blasters have less range than other countries to comply with our laws.
Whaaaat? I just bought these 2 from David Jones 3 weeks ago for $50 and it is on the way to my home. T。T
I hate it when that happens!
Is it worth getting extra darts for these and if so where is a cheap source?
Cool, gonna go annoy my girlfriend with this.