This was posted 3 years 3 months 28 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PC] Control Ultimate Edition (GOG) $0.59, Dragon Age Inquisition (Origin) $0.99, Ghostrunner (GOG) $0.99 (OOS) @ CDKeys

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Update 16/11: Control has dropped to $0.59, Dragon Age is back to $0.99.

Update 10/11: Both Control and Dragon Age have dropped to $0.79.

Update 7/11: Dragon Age has dropped from $1.19 to $0.99.

Good prices for those without Prime who just want the games (note that Ghostrunner is no longer on giveaway at Prime Gaming).

Note that if buying 2 or more of these, it's currently slightly cheaper to pick them up at Eneba, e.g. Control + Dragon Age for $1.83 or all 3 for $2.23.

Redeem Control by 1 December.

Dragon Age Inquisition - Redeem by 4 December.

Ghostrunner - "Please note: This game is not redeemable in Asia and the codes can only be redeemed until November 7th, 2021." - OOS

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closed Comments

  • +2

    Just finished Control after getting it free on Epic! Was looking for the DLCs so this is perfect timing - thank you.

    • +1

      Same. Since this is on gog though, is it possible to transfer my epic save to the gog file, so that I can just pick up where I left off, rather than have to replay through the main game?

      • +2

        Yeah dude happened to do this just yesterday. Do beware it is a little involved requiring the need to change save file names and such, but overall not too difficult to do.

        • Don't suppose there is a online how to you could link me to?

    • Same. But I finished Alan Wake and started EOG free control.

      • What's EOG?

        • Well….Epic Games Store for the auto corrects

  • +6

    These are free next month on Amazon gaming. Control was great

    • +15

      They are free right now not next month, ghost runner was free last month or the month before.
      You could really do the amazon free trial to get these if you wanted, ie make a new email if already used the trial as they are just codes that can be redeemed in the different launchers. Personally I have a year Prime membership and would say it is easily the best subscription I have for dollar value.

    • How does that work? What launcher is it tied to if you get it free off Amazon gaming i.e. prime?

      For that cost I think it's easier just to get a gog key, no?

      • Platforms on Amazon are the same as these codes as the codes they are selling cheap are just the ones from Amazon :)

    • +3

      They are a (relatively) small and independent studio, once Epic threw a gazillion dollars at them to give it away for free, it probs starts making sense to just get the game out to as many people as possible to start hyping Alan Wake 2 or Control 2 or Quantum Break 2 or whatever else they got cooking.

      Re: CDKeys, I think it's cheap right now because who's gonna buy it for less than the cost of one month of Amazon prime

      • +2

        Remedy are massive for an independent company, they have almost 300 employees and crank out a high budget game every two years.

    • +2

      o yeah Rocket league must be crap because its free…… your logic is stupid.

      • -3

        Rocket League is a game which used to be a paid game. But it's a really great game too.

        • I was being sarcastic to Rumcaser I am very aware it is.

          • -1

            @kungfuman: Well that's a stupid comment considering you can buy credits for rocket league not exactly free complete game now is it ?
            And it also took 5 years to become freemium lol .

            • +2

              @rumchaser: again used to be a paid game is now free. the price of games means nothing any more. games can cost anything doens't mean the game is bad. That was the point since you can't seem to get the point.

              • -4

                @kungfuman: Awe diddums can't you accept the fact you are wrong poor little fella .
                Decent games don't continually get fobbed off free like this game does .

                • +1

                  @rumchaser: are you retarded? because I totally understand if that is the case, I hope you get the help you need.

                  • @kungfuman: Really ? You’re the one comparing a game that has iap to a full game for free .
                    Guess the next “ free “ one you will carry on about is candy crush

  • +5

    these are all free on amazon prime

    • Reminded me to claim these from Amazon gaming.
      Realize this is the third copy of Control I own lol, Steam copy from Humble Choice, Epic copy from giveaway and now GOG version from Prime Gaming

  • +1

    Wait till it’s cheaper.

  • +11

    No shit it's free on Amazon Prime. Where do you think these keys came from?

  • +1

    If you don't want to, or can't, start a free Prime trial, you can signup, get the keys AND get the Epic game, by linking your account. Then you immediately cancel and get a pro rata refund. You will only be charged 21c.

  • +1

    Thanks! I'd never heard of Eneba before.

    I did a search of Gog games and came up with Encodya for under $2!
    Currently at A$36.95 directly from Gog

    • +1

      Was in a previous humble choice is likely where the keys came from.

      • +1

        Yep - message from Gog says

  • Damn if i didn't already have Control from the Epic Games giveaway.

    • Isn't it simply just a visual update?

      • +5

        No, Control Ultimate Edition also includes the 2 DLC / expansions.

  • Who's selling this for a buck? 😂👍

    • +2

      Both Control (GOG) and Dragon Age Inquistion (Origin) are free with Prime right now, so these are probably resells from that lol

  • +2

    Own them, but great prices.
    I think its a shame Control is so cheap already, should have made more for the devs. The age of skins is unfortunately more profitable than ground breaking visuals.

    • +2

      There was that unpleasantness surrounding the next gen upgrade path where it was subsequently proven that 505 Games had lied about technical limitations requiring owners of the game completely repurchase the title a second time in order to benefit from the upgrades. So there's not really a whole lot of sympathy there. Hopefully lessons have been learned. /shrug

  • Grabbed it for that low low price

  • I have Prime but don’t understand how you get GOG keys from it?

    • +1

      For Control it will be shown here Just click on Claim.
      The Prime Gaming Ghostrunner giveaway already ended recently (I prob should've mentioned that in OP - have now done so).

  • +2

    wow, thanks OP!

    I've been a member of Amazon Prime for yonks. Never even knew Amazon Gaming was a thing. Had to go looking for it, and also had to "activate" it (what ever that means) after logging in with my Prime account. Added Control to my GOG account. SWEET!

    Seems there is a LOT of stuff in Amazon Gaming. I will have to take another look at what, exactly, it is all about.

    • Yeah I upvoted not necessarily for the deal, but for the awareness of Amazon Gaming it raised!

  • Price dropped again on Dragon Age. Now $0.79.

  • Control has dropped to $0.59.

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