Samsung 2TB 980 PRO
cheaper at $432.65
Might come with free game still.
Samsung 2TB 980 PRO
cheaper at $432.65
Might come with free game still.
In the spirit of Ozb I'd rather buy this deal and grab some alu heat sinks off of ebay and stick them on than spend $200 for a fancy pants heat sink.
Just buy a heatsink separately. The heatsink isn’t worth $220 extra
good luck if something goes wrong… i gave the link for REF purposes, not price purposes. u can get it cheaper.
BUT, as it stands, this unit is NOT ps5 compatible without the heat-sinks.
people need to know.
@sachz: Heatsink is just a piece of metal to help dissipate heat. Even if you were to use without one it’ll just throttle under load and might affect longevity but won’t self destruct
@sachz: It wouldn’t melt the console. It would probably just throttle during large transfers, degrading the gaming experience or maybe initially reject the drive since it can’t sustain speeds.
Mounting a separately purchased heatsink will be enough
@FireRunner: Is a heatsink on a memory controller actually a good thing? They perform best when warm.
@sachz: The lack of a heatsink does not make this drive incompatible with the PS5.
If you really are worried about heat, $15 here…
@sachz: I think people that don't know what they are doing should ask someone like me that works in IT that knows what they are doing and is qualified to install one of these because I don't think Sony made it easy for the average person that knows nothing about computers. You do this wrong you will damaged the drive. I have seen people do this wrong and its not pretty.
for most of the dumb arses out there I agree people that are not qualified should pay the extra money to buy one with a heat sync I have seen far too many people break M.2 drives because they have no clue how to install a heat sync. on a m.2 drive.
HT is not a participating retailer in the Samsung FarCry6 promo
Fiddy cent, is that you?
Reminder of the current Far Cry 6 offer: (shallothead = K.S. Computer Technology).
Thanks Quppa
guy,how about the black friday sales ?
cheaper than this time ?459.00
probably, prices come down eventually, just a matter of time.
but you subject me to buy it or wait black friday sales ?
back friday is on November 26, might get cheaper or not, but free game deal expires by then.
Waiting for sub $250. It’s coming. I’ll keep managing my HDD til then
Think about the farcry 6 promo. It will be gone by that. You could always sell the code for 30-40 and make it cheaper than ever.
Yep I have this in my PS5 works so good you need a heat sync but other than that it works so good I paid about the same price too, but I got a free $70 Steam gift card with mine :D I have 80 games on my PS5 with this 2tb m.2 drive installed in my ps5. I have 20 PS5 games and 60 PS4 games, which also includes PSVR games because I have the officeal usb adapter for it to work.
highly recommend this its as fast as the internal storage.
It's PS5 compatible, for the people that were gonna ask it.