This was posted 3 years 4 months 27 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Purchase a Samsung 860 EVO, 870 EVO, 870 QVO, 970 EVO Plus, 980 Pro SSD and Claim Far Cry 6 for Free via Redemption @ Samsung

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Latest run in the Samsung SSD promos. Most of the usual SSDs good for redemption: 860 Evo, 870 EVO and QVO, 970 Evo Plus, 980 Pro.

And all of the usual participating stores.


Mod Update 26/11: Promotion period has been extended to 11:59 PM AEDT, Friday, 31 December 2021 (Redemption period: 11:59 PM AEDT, Saturday, 22 January 2022)

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Ordered an SSD on Tuesday wonder if I can do this instead of the cashback

    • +2

      Only if you can get the seller to date the receipt as of TODAY (7/10) as that is when promotion starts

      • +16

        I have pretty good mspaint skills

        • +5

          "Inspect Element" anyone?

        • +3

          I once gave a co-worker a moustache on his security swipe at work, good ole mspaint!

    • You need to upload tax invoice and the date on the invoice is what is used to determine the promo you qualify for.

    • Details on the cash back? I’ve bought two a few days ago

      • It would've been the Steam gift card; there hasn't been a cashback offer for a long time now it seems.

  • No love for the 980 I bought today

    • You should be fine, unless you bought it before 9am (hopefully invoice doesn't have time stamp)

      Start: 9:00 AM AEDT, Thursday, 7 October 2021

      • I didn't buy the pro variant

  • Got one of the SSD from GG tech? Reckon it's worth checking it in? Its not listed as a participating store

    • ggtech can be claimed under KS Computers (assuming it KS Computers on the tax invoice)

  • +2

    hoping for some good ebay 15% (or 20%) offs

  • +1

    Can confirm Far Cry 6 is supported by GeForce Now cloud game streaming here in Australia (which is currently in beta, but should become available to everyone later this month).

    I used a $20 Ubisoft+ subscription to access Far Cry 6, but I could do with a new SSD…

  • +4

    Makes me wonder if this is going to takes months to get like their cashback process. Then it will say sorry, your serial num is invalid. :D

    • I miss getting actual cashback :(

      Looks like it's easier for Samsung to collab with Steam to get gift cards/game codes for cheap.

      • They do plenty of actual cashback deals, they just vary up their promotions a lot. I'm guessing they get more customers this way?

    • I got the Assasin's Creed game code last round early this year after 2 days, so the game code promotion maybe quicker than actual cash back.

  • damn! should have gone with 970 e+ instead of 980. price was roughly the same

    • Are you thinking about the newer revision of 970 EVO+?…

      Do you know whether the PCIe gen 4.0 controller means it supports PCIe gen 4 or it is somehow locked to gen 3? One article indicates Samsung restricts it to PCIe gen 3 (oh well, I guess they don't want 970 EVO+ to be too attractive to affect 980 Pro). If the new 970 EVO+ is allowed to run in PCIe gen 4 mode, it would work in PS5.

  • Looks like the eBay promo has ended :-(
    Any good deals on the M.2 drive (that we can claim the free game)?

  • +1

    Is this only for PC or is it Console as well. I have taken a look on the Samsung and Ubisoft site, but i can only see reference to redeeming for PC.

  • +3

    The Far Cry games go on discount pretty heavily and often. I got FC5 for about $12 and Primal and FC3 for under $5 ea.

    • +3

      Do you realize that you compare 3 years old game with 1 day old game?

      • +6

        Yes. I still expect FC6 will be available for under $30 within six months.

        • +2

          It is true, all ubisoft games will go for sale 50% after 6 months.
          Some peoples (like me), are expecting to join early live event and didn't want to get spoiled by youtube reviewers. I willing to pay full price just for it.

  • +2

    Bleh. Steam credit was better on the more expensive drives

    • +3

      Just cash back for me

      • +2

        just gold bricks for me

  • To me it seems the value with Samsung deals is dragging its feet with these useless deals IMO!

    Great for some I'm sure but money talks not a game that many wont even play.

  • +2

    op failed to mention that most ssd have to be atleast 1tb to be able to claim this. other than SSD 980 PRO NVMe M.2 which is 500gb minimum

  • -1

    Was thinking of getting the M.2 SSD for my PS5. Too bad the FC6 code is for PC. Would've been perfect if they had a PS5 code.

  • damn and i just bought a non plus 970 evo

  • I assume all the stores are selling these for the same price

  • +2

    If anyone is buying multiple ssd and wants to sell a fc6 code cheapish, pls let me know.
    (i hope this is ok to ask here?)

    • I'd love one too (after datscheap of course)!

  • I just won a copy of Far Cry 6 Ultimate Edition for x-box. I don't own a x-box.

    Anyone have a PC standard edition and want to swap codes?

    • I’d be open to swapping if I get one of these SSD’s - mainly game on the Xbox.

      • Sorry Marrk, I gave it to a mate.

  • Last time I bought a Samsung SSD with cash back I went to Centrecom after getting my drive on a flash sale when I went in to pickup and pay they said they couldn’t honour their flash sale because of the cash back.

    Had to fight them on that one.

    One you advertised the price and you must honour it, two it’s cashback from the Samsung not you.

  • Thanks I was willing to pay full price for FC6 (yeah I know it goes on sale but I love FC). So basically free HD!

    • +1

      the cheapest ssd in the list is above $150

  • +1

    This was helping me justify upgrading my storage to PCIe4 up until I got an email from AMD rewards telling me to claim my free copy. Seems that was from November last year when I bought a new AMD CPU :P


  • +1

    Not all SSDs are eligible for the deal. Minimum capacity eligible:
    - 500GB for 980 Pro
    - 1TB for 970 EVO, 860 EVO or 870 EVO
    - 2TB for 870 QVO

  • Hi all - I bought an SSD to claim the promo a few days ago.

    Has anyone received theirs yet? How long did it take?

    I was hoping to play this weekend, but that seems optimistic….

    • I have no idea honestly - I purchased an eligible SSD on the 7th and submitted my claim on the 8th, so far I've had 3 rejections citing not attaching valid proof of purchase, but I don't see how thats possible considering I've attached my tax invoice…

      I've been on the phone for about an hour now being transferred between departments and nobody seems able to help - will update once I have any luck haha.

      • Out of interest - what retailer did you buy it from and was it from their ebay store?

  • +4

    Bought the 970 EVO Plus 1TB. Trying to redeem and getting "Invalid SN/IMEI"
    Entered exactly as per the 15 character "S/N" located on a sticker of the SSD device.

    Anyone else have the same issue?

    • -2

      I'm not getting the invalid SN/IMEI tag, but I am getting a "did not attach valid proof of purchase".

      After having gone through a series of phone calls and forwarding I was directed to email [email protected] with my issue, might be worth giving that a shot as well? I'll be updating my comment above once I have any success, I'd appreciate the same from you if you find out what the heck is going on haha.

      • +4

        Cheers. I did end up getting onto the support chat and got directed to [email protected] (no s). Sent and waiting to hear back.

      • +2

        Reply from [email protected]

        Dear customer,

        Sorry to hear you are having issues with your serial number.

        We will look into this and let you know when your issue has been resolved.

        Kind Regards,
        Samsung RMS (Redemption Management System)

        • Yeah looks like I can't edit my earlier post but you had the right email - I didn't.

          Glad you've heard back from them (though it's so unhelpful haha), hoping I hear back soon as well.

          • +1

            @Cosmonaught: I am having the same issue - have you rectified? what do i need to do?
            How is a tax invoice not proof of purchase, incompetent idiots.

            • +2

              @sojushake: No resolution as of yet - though I did receive a response from [email protected] stating that the issue was actually related to my serial number evidence, not my POP documents. They suggested taking a screenshot of the serial number in Samsung's Magician software. I re-uploaded my Centrecom receipt and a screenshot from the magician software and if I get it approved, I'll let you know.

              My suggestion in the meantime is to email the address [email protected] to ask for further clarification on the issue.

              • @Cosmonaught: Thanks for letting me know Cosmonaught,

                I have emailed them, and see what they say. So much unnecessary trouble.

              • +1

                @Cosmonaught: I am having the same issue, did you end up getting it resolved? I don't know what to do, they keep knocking my PoP back.

      • +2

        Resolved. Able to submit successfully.
        Had no issue attaching PDF tax invoice for proof of purchase.

        Dear customer,

        Thank you for your patience.
        Your serial number issue has been resolved.
        You can now submit your claim.

        Kind regards,
        Samsung RMS (Redemption Management System) Support

      • Im getting that trying to redeem my 2TB Evo plus
        email already sent how stupid…

    • +3

      i bought 2 ssd 870 EVO both have the same issue Invalid SN/IMEI there support are completely useless.

    • Getting the same issue and I've just sent an email to [email protected]
      Lets hope they respond quickly.

  • Has anyone had their key claim approved and got their game? I submitted mine several days ago, still no reply.

    • No - I put mine in on Wednesday and it's had a status of Validation Completed since Friday. No key though.

  • Anyone looking for a game key? Not interested in Far Cry in general

    • How much?

  • Already got a key from someone (don't think they got it through Samsung though) but ended up buying a SSD because a friend wanted to buy a key cheap and you can never have enough SSDs, so I bought one and did my friend a favour and gave them the code for not much. Submitted on 14/10, validated by Samsung 19/10, key arrived in an email today.

    • I submitted mine on 19th, validated on 22nd and still no code as of 27th.

      Did the STATUS HISTORY on your redeption website get updated to say you received a code? I'm worried it may have gone to junk mail on my work email and deleted. My status is still stuck on validated though

      • Same, validated on the 21st, still waiting for the key email

        • Got a response - 14 days is apparently the period it will take them to generate the key

  • Yay! got my code today too. The status history changed to "Delivered" and the redemption code is also on the samsung page

  • How long did it take to get the code from them? I put my claim in over a week ago and have heard nothing, None of the Samsung promo email addresses are replying to me as well. edit well i got a reply and have had the claim denied for saying its not valid proof of purchase… I legit sent the exact Tax invoice to them. Any ideas?

  • Has anyone tried to redeem a 2nd key?

  • 970 EVO Plus results in an invalid SN. I have sent an email to both [email protected] and also [email protected]. Will update on my progress. It looks like this is something that regularly happens - there's a 6 page thread from last year detailing multiple people who had to jump through hoops to redeem the offer. Samsung's brand does not have a positive sentiment with me but they make good storage devices

    • I've had this exact problem, entering my 970 evo plus 2TB SN and results in an error stating that I'm using an invalid SN.

      • They returned an email saying that they would notify me when the problem gets fixed.

    • Same model same issue. Samsung support smoke massive c*ck. Every time I've tried to redeem stuff from them there's an issue. I've learnt to wait for the masses to complain and "try again later ™"

    • @modded @Panzah @barg99
      Have you heard back from Samsung? I had the same Invalid S/N issue, I emailed them proof of my S/N, photos of the device and the box, and a copy of my invoice. But they told me they're still looking into it. Its been 4 days now. Has yours been resolved?

      • @flubba86 I sent them an email and they eventually got back to me and it got submitted. Hasn't been approved yet but at least the SN is not invalid

        • yea same emailed, told they would let me know, few days later fixed. Still waiting to actually get it thought…

          No issues with my QVO 2TB though

      • Update: After 6 days they got back to me, they fixed the problem with my S/N, and I was able to submit it.
        Still waiting for the claim to be verified though, but I know that's normal.

  • +1

    emailed and fixed the s/n issue earlier on, officially submitted mine through redemption system on 15/11, as of today 20/11 still haven't got the key yet.

  • Same, submitted and still haven't got the key.

  • Just got a claim from this completed today.

    Gift Name: Far Cry 6 PC Standard Edition
    E-Voucher Code: XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX
    Expiry Date(DD/MM/YYYY): 28/02/2022 <<<<< Yet, why is there an expiry?
    Download Terms and Conditions

    What happens if you install it, then have to reformat and install it again after that date? Will it work or be able to be used still?

    I think its pretty cheesy that they give you 3 months to install it or otherwise what exactly?

    • Three months to claim it (link it to your ubisoft account) after which it is yours as long as Ubi is in business.

      • Ahh thanks for that. :)

  • Anyone have any luck redeeming from ShoppingExpress? I got rejected even though they are K.S Computers, although they trade under multiple names.

    • Did you use the tax invoice from KS Computers?

      (for context, I purchased an SSD from Futu_Online, another one of the names that they use, but I received a tax invoice from KS Computers with no mention whatsoever of Futu… so I've used that to lodge my claim)

  • Wonder how long it'l take to process the two claims I made on 24th.

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