Five games — never. before. seen on Android. for your phones and tablets. We're bringing the hottest mobile entertainment to your Android devices. Pay. what. you. want to get
- Zen Bound 2
- Canabalt
- Cogs
- Avadon: The Black Fortress (tablets only)
And if you pay more than the average price, you'll also get the vibrant, side- scrolling strategy game Swords & Soldiers.
Playing at your desktop. No problem. Buying the Humble Bundle for Android. also gets you Mac. Windows. and Linux versions of all the games! Customers will also receive digital audio for each game with an official soundtrack.
Pay what you want. If you bought these games separately. it would cost around. 57. We are letting you set the price!
The games work great on Mac, Windows, Linux, and Android (system requirements here). Note that this is the initial release of all the games for Android, and most of them for Linux. Please be patient while the developers fix any. .. bugs as quickly as they can, and of course, don't hesitate to contact us if you encounter any issues.
Wow you were fast, I was wondering how long it'd take for someone to post it haha.
tip of the hat to you sir