This was posted 12 years 11 months 20 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

PlayStation Network (PSN) Sale - ICO & Shadow of The Colossus $29.95, The Sly Trilogy $19.95


Title and Price(AU$)

ICO Classics HD* 18.95
Shadow of the Colossus Classics HD* 18.95
ICO and Shadow of the Colossus Classics HD* 29.95
Siren Blood Curse* 23.95
The Last Guy* 6.95
The Sly Trilogy* 19.95
flOw* 4.25
Flower* 6.95

Split/Second: Velocity* 19.95
Split/Second – ‘High Octane’ Super Car Pack* 1.75
Split/Second Full Vehicle Unlock!* 2.45
Split/Second Master Unlock!* 2.45
Split/Second Survival at the Rock Pack* 6.95
Split/Second Track and Mode unlock!* 2.45

Deus Ex Human Revolution* 39.95
Tomb Raider: Underworld* 17.45
Just Cause 2 Ultimate Edition* 23.95
Kane and Lynch: Dead Men* 14.95
Lara Croft: Guardian Of Light* 10.95
Kung Fu – Live* 12.95

*Additional 10% Discount for PS Plus members

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closed Comments

  • +6

    +1 just for ICO and SoC

    • +4

      Game had the retail version for same price, out of stock online but might be some instore. really want it myself but would rather the boxed version.

      • Good spot. I think its a special at game aswell. worth posting in itself really :)

  • +1

    $30 is a great price, my hardcopy was $35 from ozameshop with a $5 voucher.

  • +1

    Excellent price for these too:

    The Last Guy
    Lara Croft: Guardian Of Light

  • damn at first i thought it was on cards..

  • +2

    Wait - is that all three Sly games for $20 as well? Is so I wish I could give another plus.

  • +3

    whoa, since when did we get decent prices for games on the PSN?? this is excellent

    • +3

      now if only we could get Chrono Cross…

  • +1

    Kung Fu Live is a good and fun game to get. You use your full body as the controller. Flower is ok for a relax fun.

  • Shadow of the Colossus Classics HD* 18.95 + 10% PS Plus……YES PLEASE!!!!

  • +2

    Shadow of the Colossus… One of the most epic games ever. Might be time to relive it…

  • Isn't PSN called SEN now?

  • anyone know what happens when/if you lose your PS3 how you can get these games downloaded again?

    does the PSN/ESN remember that you bought them (like an order history) and you can just download it again or is it tied to your unit?

    great bargains though, am tempted by the Team ICO games, have heard nothing but good things about them

    • The downloads are tied to your PSN ID. You can log into the new console and re-download them again. Yes, it has a download history.

      You can only do this on three different consoles. You can, I believe, release them from the old console, though. Even if the old console is dead. I've never done this before, though.

      • +1

        That is correct, except there is only 2 licences per download after the change last year. If your console has died/stolen/ havent got access to it, log into the SEN login (Note: not the playstation website, its the SEN website) with your email address and password, and you can manually reset your ps3 activations to zero, however this can only be done once every 6 months. After this you can login and activate the ps3 again, and just download the content that is tied to your email adsress.

  • nice price, definitely gonna pick up team ico pack. was seriously considering it for $40 from ozgameshop, but now this is better as i won't have to worry about putting in a disc each time i play

  • Makes me wish I had a PS3

  • Sony seem to be doing pretty good with sales the past couple of months. Rayman Origins was cheaper than local retail and about equal to imports during december, de blob 2 was apparantly $13 last week? (not too sure, didnt see it on the store, but it said in the EU update blog), and now the Ico+Colossus classics and Sly trilogy. Sure they aren't exactally steam sales, but the savings are enough to gain interest in buying digitally

  • +1

    Finally we get a good deal in Australia, miracle!

  • There is no way PSN download can beat the value of Boxed Retail version.

    The boxed version, you can resell it on ebay, and only count postage fees losses…
    You can't resell PSN games, and it added a chunk of storage…

    • That's only if you plan on reselling it.

      • True… Why should you keep it, if you have finish/platinum it?

        If it's for collections, it's not displayable on your disc rack…

        • Because I like to replay my old games from time to time.

  • -1

    It's retarded that you can't purchase PSN games online from a PC. My ps3 is in a box and I would happily give my money to Sony if I could for some of these…. oh well. Xbox wins again unfortunately.

  • Get Siren: Blood Curse, scariest game you will ever play, makes Fatal Frame II seem like a walk in a park.

  • Does anyone know how long this deal lasts for?

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