• expired

Xiaomi Mi Electric Scooter Pro 2 $620.10 Delivered @ Gearbite


I am a genius. I successfully guessed what this coupon code was (based on previous codes) and discovered this deal.

As usual, note these are illegal in NSW because Australia/NSW is a nanny-state that is behind the world. Cities in other countries that give back much more to humanity than NSW, allow scooters.

You can get $2400 of fines for riding a scooter like this in NSW, even though they are openly sold at JB Hifi and Harvey Norman etc. and many people just ride them anyway.

Also the scooters are zero-emission and quiet, take cars off the road etc. but our government does have no interest in fighting climate change so I guess it makes sense that they prefer you to buy a large vehicle instead.

"Transport Minister Andrew Constance says he was “not in the mood” to have e-scooters on Sydney streets, even though his department ran a lengthy process recommending conditions for holding a trial."


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closed Comments

      • Can confirm. Spent 2 hours doing this yesterday to have put a hole in the new tube. Took it to a shop to get done again.. Time not well spent.

  • Preparing for the avalanche, but people are horrific when riding these. I’m on a push bike and these scooters weave and hoon on footpaths and are a real menace. Even on bike paths I fear for kids who may suddenly change directions and be met with a 30 km/h scooter. Car drivers at least need licenses and whilst can be horrific, there’s at least a somewhat vetted process.

    • +29

      I ride 20km per day on one of these. Cyclists can be pretty reckless too.

      • +5

        Yep, sounds like the pot calling the kettle black.

      • +5

        This. I own a Kaabo Wolf Pro and I've been passed by heroes on bicycles that think they're the next Lance Armstrong, proceeding to weave in and out, sneak through non existent gaps and scare people at ridiculous speeds.

        I sped up to a cyclist that passed me one day just to see what speed he was doing - 45km/h! - and he held it with ease and for as long as I cared to keep up with him. He then disappeared through the turns carrying the same speed. He and many others I constantly watch startle pedestrians, closely followed by shaking heads and abuse.

        I feel there is a massive polarising of abilities on bike paths too, especially shared paths. You either have people that are in gah gah land, completely oblivious to anybody else around them, or you have the aforementioned heroes. Track etiquette is non existent.

        For reference my scooter is capable of holding 60+km/h but I wouldn't dream of doing half that on busy bike tracks. Ride sensibly and there's no reason why PEVs can't share the paths and roadways with other users. I average about 25km/h according to my computer but have been up to 35-40km/h on paths that I can see a clear distance ahead. I slow to ~15-20km/h when passing anybody or going around blind corners and when cycling, I ride in the same manner. I must add too that I am a licensed motorbike rider of nearly 15+ years so I do often wonder if this aids my ability to ride to conditions and have a better perception of those around me. Being an enthusiast of just about all things mobile, it's definitely something close to my heart that I think could be given a lot more attention in multiple fields.

        YMMV but I definitely agree that our laws are prehistoric in the world of EVs. Just look at the taxes they're trying to impose on people for owning an electric vehicle that were initially incentivised to buy by the same government now trying to tax them! 🤦🏻‍♂️

      • +1

        people* cab be reckless too

        Can we get over this stupid tribalism of cars vs bikes vs motorcycles vs ev?

        Being a cyclist doesn't make you a bad person
        Being a car driver make you a good person

        It's up to the individuals using the vehicle

    • +22

      i cycled every day for 6 months this year and i saw more cyclists riding selfishly (aggressively ringing their bell expecting pedestrians to get out of the way, unsafe overtaking of said pedestrians and nearly hitting me head-on, riding two or three abreast taking up the whole path then expecting me to get out of the way, and riding while on their phones) than these "menace" scooter riders. pedestrians do their fair share of stupid things like staring at their phone the entire time, walking on the wrong side of a shared path and yelling at whoever despite you ringing your bell in advance and passing them at walking pace.

      these scooters come with built-in front lights, and i lost count of the amount of cyclists riding without any form of front or rear light at night (as required by law).

      Car drivers at least need licenses

      lol you really want to open up that can of worms and talk about licences, let's see you advocate for cyclists requiring licences.

    • -1

      I don’t mind people buying and riding e-scooters. They look after them and park them safely.

      What I hate and despise with a passion are those rides share scooters that obstruct footpaths all about Brisbane CBD. In peak hour you don’t even see them, all of a sudden the crowd walking in front of you get this sort of ripple effect and before you know it you are there, and there is one or two e-scooters blocking the footpath. If an ordinary person did that they would be fined, and then there is the issue of a dangerous trip hazards in the rush hour crowd. The ride share company has paid the council money, so is allowed to do it when an ordinary scooter owner, or bike owner would not.

      And as for the claim it reduces emissions, hahaha. Walk or get a scooter without an engine.

    • +2

      There's a lot more people on our paths lately. The government ought to educate people on how to share paths safety (pedestrians, cyclists, scooter riders, alike) rather than outright banning devices. They should also be building better infrastructure to better support these transport methods.

      • Oh… also, I like the idea of geofencing speed limits on devices.

        • And I also support the idea of geofenced speed limits on cars, trucks and motorbikes too. Let's not pretend that car drivers don't speed and cause horrific accidents.

  • +21

    Anything that threatens revenue in Australia is the work of the devil and gets heavily restricted.. E-Scooters will get cars off the road, increase the utilisation of public transport and reduce polution, but tax on fuel is so incrediby lucrative that they'll lose out on money (and they can't recoup it in rego / other means) so they just flat out ban them. The same goes for electric vehicles which uses no fuel, so.. no revenue at all, and you bet the NSW govt. has plans to slap a tax on driving one of them too.

    I don't think they fully grasp the damage they can cause by trying to safeguard any revenue at the expense of so much more, so many countries around the world are encouraging alternative means of transport / EVs and here we discourage them. sigh

    • +3

      Whilst I don't disagree with your sentiment, fuel excise is a Federal Tax, not a State Tax. So taking cars off the roads robs the Federal Government of tax money, not each state, but it's the State's that are deciding these scooters aren't allowed.

      As for the 'driving tax' on EV's, that's being challenged in VIC on the grounds of it being a State tax that's taking over a Federal Tax. The plaintiffs are arguing it's unconstitutional. So, we'll see how that goes, and if the challenge succeeds, then it may not happen in NSW. I'll bet they give it damned try though (the NSW Govt that is).

      • +1

        Historically, excise was a state tax, a road user charge. But some dude got a ruling about 25 years ago that states could not apply tariffs, and the feds stepped in to collect it and save their revenue. At the time the average excise was about 7.5c per litre.

        Qld did not originally apply excise, a Joh thing, so the feds still had to apply the excise (constitution requires all states are taxed the same) and give Qld the revenue and so the Qld gov paid it back to the fuel companies. The Bligh Government removed the exemption about ten years later so now Qlders pay the excise like everyone else. This was about revenue for QGOV, and incidentally removed bad blood with the other states, particularly NSW who had to offset the excise for northern NSW petrol stations to reduce trade loss across the border.

        When the GST was introduced, the Howard Government removed the twice yearly indexation of the excise in line with the CPI. This was good. Indexation was reintroduced by the Abbott Government as a revenue repair approach even though it is meant to not be a federal tax. This was not good. Like the story about how to boil a frog in a saucepan, people don’t realise how much it grows and distorts energy and transport markets

        The excise for every litre of fuel because of indexation is now @43.3 cents plus 4.33 cents GST. If inflation is returning as it seems, expect the excise to start rising rapidly, and the political consequences arising from that.

    • LoL speaking of EV, try Google Victoria EV tax…becuz ppl who drive EV won't need to buy fossil fuels so they have to pay tax for it.

      • +1

        Originally the excise was called the “road user charge” and the revenue raised was spent on roads. It was much simpler tied to fuel consumption as a proxy rather than trying to work out and record how much people used the roads, and thus how much tax thereby were liable. Remember, computers and the internet did not exist.

        But the revenue easily hidden in the variable price of fuel got too appealing to the tax eaters.

      • +1

        So they should pay ev tax. They need to pay for roads too chief.

        • +1

          and you think that the excise for Petrol goes to roads ..lol

          Goes to general revenue to pay for sports rorts

          The real losers in the VIC EV tax are those with Plug in Hybrids. They are still charged a per km rate (slightly lower )than full EVs ) even though most of their travel would be using Petrol

    • -3

      Partially our own doing, Aussies seem to love big government, we are forever funding new programs, expanding existing ones etc and everyone loves that shit. So yeah, of course the government is going to be revenue hungry.

      • +2

        what do you think a government is for, if not spending money to improve services/infrastructure for the society it exists within?

    • They're legal in other states though.

  • how about ACT?

    • +1


    • They have giant rental fleets instead of the bikes

  • +1

    I have two - cheerful little vehicles - but I punctured the rear tyre - anyone have a suggestion who can fix this in bayside Melbourne?

    Yes - I recommend this deal

    • +1

      Have you tried the green slime?
      You could get it at Repco or Officeworks.

    • +1

      Enough reason to not buy this scooter. I cannot recommend it. Not bad at this price but as soon as you get your first puncture, you will be in a world of hurt. It's not practical to take it to the shop every time you get a puncture because not only is it inconvenient, it gets expensive very fast relative to the cost of the scooter itself.

      I've gone through unlucky phases with frequent punctures when I had this scooter and it was a bloody nightmare

      • +1

        Can u replace with solid tyres?

      • +1

        Replace it yourself. Easy enough. Plenty of youtube videos on how to do it easily.

        • +1

          Exactly this, it's not the easiest job but it's fairly straight forward and the tires aren't expensive. Worst case scenario most cities have scooter shops and even some bikes shops will do them. Put in some slime too and voila. I have a combined ~6000km in 18 months on two e-scooters, have had one flat the entire time. Really I don't see this being much different to a flat on a pushie.

          • @foxpants: I went through that phase and thought it's not a big deal until I hit a series of punctures in a short period of time.

            Solid tyres are rubbish. They are heavy, makes ride quality worse and dangerous as hell. You will be struggling for grip especially in the wet. I would not ride another scooter with solid tyre after having ridden one for 10 months covering 1,600km.

            • @dji1111111: Agreed on solid tyres, I tried and very much disliked them. As for air-filled, wether tubed or tubeless, first of all I can 100% agree this is going to be a massive slice of YMMV, you could ride every day for a year and get no flats, or get a flat every ride, or anything in between.

              Again though I don't see it as much different to pushbikes, albeit they are a bit easier to DIY fix a flat and there are more bike shops. If one was really worried, slime + liners should cover most possible flats that aren't just a massive un-save-able gash. It's going to be a personal choice of whether that risk is acceptable, whether you're prepared to DIY fix, whether the features/benefits of a folding kick scooter are worth it over other forms of transport etc etc.

  • Does anyone owns this one and care to share the experience so far?

    • +1

      Good fun.

    • I haven't used it in a year because I'd rather deal with PT than have everyone look at me funny.

    • +1

      I have the Pro (1) and almost 2500km on it, great little scooter! built like a tank (for what it is), very user friendly, easy to mod with custom firmware and get better acceleration and top speed (30-35kph ish), lots of parts online becuase they're very popular. And honestly at ~$620 it's a very cheap way to see if you like it.

      • My work is 20km away, so 40km commute 5 days a week.
        I weigh about 95kg. Do you think the scooter can do it in one charge?
        Also, there is like a steep 150m incline at the start of the trip, how good is it with hills, like some streets in Surry Hills (going up Albion St in Surry or similar in Bondi or Rose Bay aso)

        It used to be 11km (22km) commute and I could do it with a pushbike, but 20 is a bit much - time and effort.

      • Which tool did you use to load the custom firmware?

  • +12

    Also from 2021, any hybrid vehicle in Victoria (unsure about other states) would be subjected to EV road tax.
    Australia is messed up. Andrews needs to go.


    • +4

      This is so horrible and deluded.

    • +1

      I'd like Andrews to stay but change some of his policies, specifically on fossil fuels and logging and the utterly ridiculous and embarassing EV tax

      • While I don't have anything against him personally, I just think that a lot of the State/Fed policies could be refined so much more. Rather than taking a lazy one-size-fits-all approach, such as putting in place a zero COVID policy, and lock everyone at home; rather than ban e-scooter outright; rather than imposing an EV road tax (and stopped giving discounted rego to hybrid); as well as taxing heavily on someone who occasionally smokes/drinks vs heavy smokers/drinkers.

        Whew, feeling much better after a rant here.

    • +1

      As long as petrol car users pay all the tax on fuels Electric car owners should pay their fair share too. Road tax sounds dumb for just a group of road users but that the way it needs to be for now. It’s should be that all car/motor bike drivers pay a consumption tax that’s standardized while reducing most excise on petrol.

      • Shh be quiet, they don't want you to tell the truth.

  • +4

    Yep. Seriously how hard can it be.. it’s basically a bicycle replacement and should be treated as such

    • -6

      Lol. Yes should be permitted but also anything fast enough should be controlled. Number plate and drivers license. Road bikes too.

      • +2

        The one in this deal is about 25kmh so not any faster than a bicycle.

        • +1

          That's fast enough. I've been into a tree at low speed (quad bike). If i didn't have a helmet on I'd be dead.

          I just want everyone safe regardless what they use to get around. Accountability for sht driving/cycling is a necessary part of that.

          • @justtoreply: Let me know when a cyclist crashes into a car and kills all the occupants.

            Also quad-bikes aren't allowed on roads or cycleways anyway so it's a really weird anecdote.

            • +2


              Let me know when a cyclist crashes into a car and kills all the occupants.

              That happened in about 92 if I recall; poor dude was driving a Moke Californian. Bicycle to the face at 80kmph was enough for both passengers.

              • -2

                @MasterScythe: Goddamn it, just as I was typing it I thought, I bet this probably has happened already in some freak accident.

                Still, there's like 1.5million car deaths every year but all we hear about is that one time someone got cut off by a cyclist…

            • -1

              @AusGeno: E bikes can go into trees just as fast as i did on the quad.

              25kph is fast enough to kill.

              Especially with so few e bikers actually wearing helmets.

              Don't know why you talk of a cyclist killing car occupants. I think you interpreted my comment on your own tangent. The reason to have license plates is the usual not wearing helmets / breaking road rules, same applies to drivers, all must be accountable to the law regardless of vehicle type.. The law is there to protect you (and yes maybe it needs tweaking)

              • @justtoreply: Some poor guy bought it recently here in Brisbane after riding his scooter into a concrete post. Was wearing a helmet too I believe.

  • +3

    This or Mi Scooter 3?

    • Yeah the 3 is already out/confirmed.

      It only has a 25km range until the pro version comes out, but they've fixed a lot of the issues with the 2.

  • I have the Ninebot E45 which is better?

    • From memory when I looked these up last year the Ninebot E45 came out better. Could have been a different model but I think Ninebot had more pros at the end of the day, whichever comparable model it was.

  • +2

    I do wish NSW would mandate these, not a fan of driving and bikes are much too inconvenient for travel for my liking. I don't see it being likely at all though, and I'm not risking the 2400 fine, even if some people say that cops let them drive freely.

  • +1

    Can the pro2 be soft modded like the original?

    I liked having my two settings "legal" for parks and shared pathways, and "i have a death wish" for…. Private property, and totally not 50k roads…

    • +1

      How fast would it go with no restrictions?

      • +1

        I believe it's 25km/h out of the box but when you flash the software it goes up to 35km/h (You can set max speed for each mode). 35 is definitely faster than you 'need' to go but having that extra power really puts it into a sweet spot for me if I do want the "death wish" mode. There's some other QoL features to be unlocked with the custom software like the ability to tweak auto breaking (slows you down immediately after accelerating which I found to be really annoying) and minimum speed before the scooter will accelerate (essentially you'd have to push off to get a bit of speed before you can accelerate).

      • +4

        keep in mind that there's no suspension and unless you're on a super-smooth surface with no debris, going fast will be bone-rattling uncomfortable

        • Very true; but you can overtake cars on a good downhill on a kick scooter, and the wheels are at least bigger than that.

          • @MasterScythe: So if you have an accident in death wish mode (overtaking cars on a downhill), but the other person is technically at fault even though in reality it was you creating a situation that was unpredictable…

            That can totally end two lives.

            • @justtoreply: Yup, and one mistake when I carpool could totally end 5 lives.
              Thats part of living im afraid. The chance it will stop happening.

              • @MasterScythe: I meant they have to live with manslaughter thinking it's 100% their fault, but you know.

                And the risk carpooling isn't the same. That's like comparing covid to the flu :p

                But anyway, conversation over i suppose

                • +1

                  @justtoreply: Yep. Im not gonna advocate for banning kids from kick scooters.

                  Kids need to be kids. If the gov is that worried, build more tunnels, to avoid hills, dont take kick scooters away from kids because hills exist.

    • +1

      You can use the xiaoflasher app to change to a region that is 25 km/h no flashing actually required. It's just a setting change.

      • Thats better than nothing; but without the oldschool firmware hacks, battery mods and current bypass probably wont work anymore.

        Fine for most folk; but there can be 10km between houses where I am, so being able to cut my ride in half was a game changer.

    • +1

      Yep, very easy to do custom firmware and get 30-35kph out of it and <1000w peak power too. As mentioned in other comments there are lots of other cool things you can change like regen brakes, how fast you need to roll it before the motor engages and more. Lack of suspension not an issue IMO, scooter rides great and it's got to be a horrendous surface to get the bone-rattling zone.

      • +1

        What is the most popular online community that talks about these mods?

        It sounds good but I wonder what the maximum recommended modification to power output is and what the short or long term consequence is.

        how fast you need to roll it before the motor engages

        I wonder if they limit this out-of-the-box to save on battery or as a safety feature in case someone accidentally presses throttle when handling the stationary scooter etc.

        • I'd say Reddit and discord, there is r/electricscooters (lots of users, but lots of scooters) and r/m365 (specialized to these scooters but not many users). Alternatively, there is a discord I'm a moderator on for them if you'd like an invite?

          So I run a custom firmware (CFW) that peaks over 1000w, more like 1100w or so actually and no issues so far after well over 2000km, but I also run a dual battery setup which really helps not overload the poor stock battery which would have a lot of trouble discharging the amps needed for that wattage. Bear in mind too that peak wattage isn't sustained for much of your ride, it's when accelerating between about 18 and 25kph it'll pull that much power, holding 30-35kph on flat ground is more like 550-700w continuous.

          So the kick to start is both, safety so it doesn't just take off on you, but also kicking it to 5+ kph for sure saves battery too, iirc the most energy needed would be from a standstill. I changed that to 3kph.

          Very happy to talk mods and maintenance on these scoots :)

  • +2

    MB10 is another coupon that has the same effect.
    M10 is another.

    I can use google. I guess that makes me a genius too.

    • +3

      You have found a key, but did you know there was a lock?

  • +8

    "Not in the mood"

    Yeah…I read that. Just the sort of careful, thoughtful consideration you want from your elected representatives.

  • +1

    My 10 yr old and 12 yr old have been riding these to school for well over a year without incident (Truckload of flat tyres though, whats up with that).
    I also have my staff deliver local food on them.
    Seems the only people that question legal or not are Ozbarginers!!!

    and Pro2
    In the family

    in QLD

    FYI. Flashed the max I have seen is 32klm hr on both 1s and Pro2

    • No, the only ppl are NSWelshmen. (Because they are not legal on streets or footpaths in NSW).

    • Truckload of flat tyres though, whats up with that

      it amazes me the amount and type of crap people litter on roads and paths.

      but you have also checked the tyre pressures regularly?

      • Id respond in more detail.(Ive had at least 10 flats in last 2 years) But my kid just arrived with a flat tyre FFS.
        Been moving over to solids. What a bitch to put on those.

        Im aware qld has different rules. but 10 and 12 are under the legal, and no one cares.

        • +1

          No joke, grab tire slime. Make the tire about 25% slime. Also make sure its on the upper limit of pressure; most flats with adult riders at least, are pinch flats.

        • see if you can get a tire with anti-puncture technology, it wont stop a nail going through but will stop little bits of glass etc from puncturing the inner tube.

    • +1

      My kids are too young yet to ask for one but no way would i trust my kids to 1) wear a helmet, 2) be sensible 100% of the time, 3) there's always unforeseen accidents

      It can happen in other modes of transport but the likelihood of severe injury is very different.

      No way on earth, for my family.

  • +3

    Should also say
    $599 for Pro 2
    $399 for 1S
    On one of those split payment groups promos

    Ordered the 1S.
    Immediately cancelled
    Ordered the Pro 2
    They sent me both
    I contacted them twice to correct their error.
    Month later realised karma was paying me back for being a awesome guy with a bonus!!!

  • whats the go with a dead battery on these? Can you still use it as a foot-powered scooter if you run out of battery so you can get home to your charger?

    • +2

      sure you can but it is 14.2 kg so don't skip leg day ;)

      • +3

        That IS leg day 😂

        • +1

          okay…mere mortals need not apply lol

      • Actually even riding it for prolonged periods can be quite fatiguing on the legs, takes some getting used to for the muscles to develop.

  • +2

    Upvoted for self-proclaimed ingenuity and rant

    • And we eagerly await him figuring out what the powerball will be.

  • Oos

  • As usual, note these are illegal in NSW because Australia/NSW is a nanny-state that is behind the world. Cities in other countries that give back much more to humanity than NSW, allow scooters.

    I'm eager to hear more about your scooter centric worldview

  • Electric scooter legalisation is making some progress here in NSW.

    This is a news article from just yesterday about this topic:

    It really would help reduce traffic on the road and make more use of the bike lanes around NSW.

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