This was posted 12 years 11 months 21 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Dead Rising 2 - Xbox - $16; Split/Second: Velocity - Xbox - $20 Delivered - GAME Plus Others


Seems GAME is having a sale of sorts, and there are a few decent deals to be had.

Link to Split/Second: Velocity:…

Link to sale:

Some of the other deals spotted:

  • uDraw Game Tablet plus Instant Artist - Xbox - $24 ($38 for PS3)
  • Tekken 6 - PS3 - $17
  • Tekken Hybrid - PS3 - $30
  • DJ Hero 2 (game only) - $10
  • Ace Combat: Assault Horizon Limited Edition - $24
  • Grand Slam Tennis 2 - Xbox - $50
  • Xbox 360 Dual Charge Dock - $8
  • Move The Fight, Move TV Superstars, PlayStation Move Heroes, Ape Escape, and Start The Party for PS3 are all $15 each

Related Stores


closed Comments

  • They are in trouble so they may have a big sales again like last time.…

    • Yeah, a bargain is to be had it seems… just wondering if Tekken 6 is worth $17 to me. I always enjoyed Mortal Kombat and Soul Calibur more.

      • If you haven't bought a tekken game for a while yeah, the campaign is really long and hard, I gave up eons ago lol

  • +3

    Also Shadow of the Colossus + ICO for $30…

    • yes, been waiting for this to come down in price. bought!

    • Awesome! Been waiting for a price drop too.

    • bought one as well! the cheapest price for the game

    • damnit, out of stock! really wanted that

    • We thought you'd like this one…
      Shame you OzBargainers have bought us clean out! (see our response to Nubzy here)

      Check your local store though, you never know what you might find ;)

  • +1…

    Forza 4 STD ed. & Wireless speed wheel for $78 ( JB sells for $119? )

  • Bought Sam and Max season 3 for $12. Thanks!

  • +1

    Good spotting Kirt. You beat us to the punch! Here's some inside goss on some other deals our OzBargain fans might be interested in:

    Item         Price         Link    
    FIFA 11 Xbox, PS3       $24 Click Here
    WWE 12 Wii, PS3, Xbox fr $48 Click Here
    Uncharted 3 Special Ed PS3 $58 Click Here
    Wii + Mario Kart Hardware (Black or White) $149 Click Here
    Tekken 6 PS3 $17 Click Here
    COD MW3 Nintendo DS $27 Click Here
    F1 2011 PC, Xbox, PS3 fr $19 Click Here
    Deus Ex: Human Revolution PC, Xbox, PS3 fr $19 Click Here
    Need for Speed: The Run. PC, Xbox, PS3, 3DS fr $38 Click Here

    Don't forget to look around. There's over 390 lines (and growing) that have had their prices slashed…

    Also, another hot tip - Specials aren't only available online. There are hundreds more products marked down in store ;)

    • can you put some more ico/shadow collosals online please

      • You might have to check with your local store for the time being nubzy…you OzBargainers are pretty good at exhausting our web stock allocations! We'll keep you posted if we get more stock :)

  • +2

    A few more added today, including Dead Space 2 Limited Edition for PS3 (includes Dead Space 2 Game and Dead Space Extraction Game) for $24:…

    • +2

      More to come in the next week too! Keep your eyes peeled ;)
      On that note, any suggestions?

      • +2

        On that note, any suggestions?

        Why yes :D

        IMO anything you guys can price at same as UK prices or cheaper people will go for (like most of these deals in your current sale), because we can score a local copy that we don't have to wait 2 weeks for, and can later trade if we want.

        A quick check on Gamecafe will give you an idea of current UK prices:

        With popular games, a price slightly higher than UK pricing would still go down well…for example, Portal 2 is $20 from the UK atm…if you priced that at say $22 - $23 delivered you would be swamped.

        A recent example is Batman AC. Harvey Norman dropped it to $38 recently, although it had been that price in the UK for months, but people jumped on it, cause they could score a local copy down the road at the same price. The week after Zavvi dropped it to $31 delivered, but people were still saying "oh I can get one at HN for $38 and I don't have to wait".

        You can check places like Metacritic / IGN / Gamespot etc for the highest rating games of all time…sell any of those at a comparable price to the UK and you'll be winning ;)

        Also, with Xbox points (and PSN cards?), there is hardly ever any deals on them (best in the last few months was $20 delivered for 1500 xbox points)…if you could do these for $18 delivered you would make a killing (depending on your margins…actually, can you email the codes?).


        • Thanks Kirt. Your feedback is truly appreciated!
          Will keep you posted with any updates from the powers that be ;)

    • Ugh, what are you doing to me?

      I bought 5 PS3 games from JB Hifi's 2 for $20 deal, then I got the Team Ico collection for $30 from GAME.

      Now I have to get Dead Space 2…

      • LOL!

        You could be in trouble:

        More to come in the next week too! Keep your eyes peeled ;)

  • Optical audio cable (TOSLINK) - 2 metres - $2

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