This was posted 3 years 4 months 29 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[iOS, Android] Free - 50 Poké Balls, a Fast TM, a Charged TM, and a Lucky Egg @ Pokemon Go


In celebration of Niantic’s birthday, you can claim a free box on Wednesday, October 6, 2021, between 11 am and 5 pm local time.

The free bundle contains 50 Poké Balls, a Fast TM, a Charged TM, and a Lucky Egg.

Credits to Leek Duck

Referral Links

Referrals: random (114)

Referee and referrer unlock various in-game rewards after referee completes certain tasks
Referee gets guaranteed 100 Pokeballs.

Trainer Code: random (8)

Pokemon Go Trainer Code

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closed Comments

  • +9

    I'm truly amazed at the staying power of this game. I get it's one of the largest global brands ever, but from my experience playing Pokemon Go there just wasn't that much to do.

    • +1

      I never got into it when it was hyper famous like 5 years ago, I never got the hype around it. Tried it again a year or two ago and I got too bored with it.

      • +10

        The developers were open about the fact that they released a 'minimum viable product' at release and thought they had time to develop before things went bananas.

        Having played the whole 6 years I can say that I was going to quit 1-2 years ago because everything was the same but I can say that the game is in the best shape it's ever been in with PvP now becoming one of the focuses of the game. There's lots of ways to play the game - hunt shinies, hunt 100% legendaries, fill pokedex etc.

        The biggest issue is that your enjoyment of the game is dependant on how active your area is - if you live in a CBD or a hotspot like southbank, redcliffe in Brisbane it's awesome. If you're in a quiet suburb/rural it sux.

        • Okay, good to know. I might pick it up again, I might not. I don't have a whole lot of free time, and the free time I do have I spend on OzBargain.

          • +2

            @CrispyChrispy: As an avid player i think the fact that it still motivates me to walk to hatch my eggs or get free candies for my pokemon is great. I'd go on a walk anyways but it's nice to feel extra motivated to do the additional 1km or something cause i want to hatch an egg. Or even go out for a whole afternoon cause its one of their community days/event days.

            To anopheles point though, the game is very pvp centric at the moment and looks to be the direction they're headed into moving forwards. Def more fun than it used to be, but certainly not for everyone.

            • +1

              @Lufiwara: Played back in 2016 and got bored really quickly. Only got back into it in 2019 and playing since. The only reason is the Pokemon Home integration and much easier collecting Shinies and even Shiny Legendaries than the main games. So using PoGo to complete the pokedex.

        • That still sounds pretty boring and repetitive?

          • @xtommyk: grinding is by nature repetitive and can be boring if you don't enjoy that kind of gameplay. PvP is probably where it's more enjoyable so i would recommend focusing efforts there.

    • +2

      The game adds a small amount of content constantly as well as events every week or two.

      • +1

        Hasn't really been a big event since anniversary, 3months ago sadly. Unless you count the sword and shield dog raids

        • Secrets of the jungle is on now, my kid thinks that's a massive one as you get the mythical monkey thing. I'm not big into Pokemon as you can tell but I play with him.

        • As a raider only the all legendary weekend really killed me, these days i log in once a day or so if that!

          That legendary weekend i went real hard across two devices and got nearly all with pokeraid and when the servers crapped itself someone mentioned poke genie and that is so much better, its miles ahead and i was able to obtain all the legendaries!!!

          Since then the t3 raids are like a maybe if i can b bothered getting some candy 😐

          I shouldn't have pushed so hard to fill my dex then I'd be delighted to see a new t3 legendary!

          • +1

            @Kammi: The game has hit a real wall in terms of what they're able to release. Most of the legendaries/mythicals have already been done multiple times with shinies. This month is useless non-shiny Genesect and then Darkrai for the umpteenth time. They've almost caught up with the MSG as well. I'm super interested to see what they're planning for the long term future of the game, because its current state of releases is not looking good. Making an entire 12 day event with the only interesting feature being a new 1/500 shiny is getting quite tired.

            • @Hinee: I'm thinking that Niantic had the mindset of make hay while the sun shines. I'm not sure what a normal msg makes but pogo has made some 6-7 billion dollars. Milk the IPO for all it's worth then figure out what to do with the game after!

    • How long since you've played? There's a fair bit now, but it is just a mobile game built around grinding so won't be for everyone.

      • Not particularly into grindy games like Clash of Clans or this game, I find that I can probably spend my time a bit more wisely than in a mobile game.

  • I got into it at launch and quickly got bored because there wasn't much. About 9 months ago my kids got me back into the game and there was a lot more to do, but if you play it solidly for 6 months you can get a lot of the pokemon. I'm almost at the point of taking a break again. But my kids constantly want me to trade them the hard to find characters so that keeps me busy getting stardust (I feel like THEY should be forced to get the stardust and not me who is giving up the best Pokemons!)

  • +4

    Annoying that they fill this with pokeballs to make you clear 54 item slots to claim it. They know everyone just wants the other things in the bundle and are hoping you buy coins to expand bag space to claim it.

    • +2

      Just delete 50 pokeballs before claiming?

      • -1

        I have no pokeballs. Have got 29 great ball & 105 ultra ball though i'm not about to delete those for pokeballs.

        • +1

          Fair enough - I just assume everyone has a gotcha nowadays and lives and breathes their pokeball stash XD

          • @Hinee: You would be right, that's why I have no pokeballs haha. Not hard to get a ton just accepting a bunch of gifts / spinning a couple stops though.

            • @Agret: protip - forget about great balls if you're low on storage space. make them the first thing you delete and just stash ultras for general catching and whatever left for the gotcha.

        • +1

          Just think of deleting them for TMs

    • -1

      It's only 200 to expand your storage so you need to hold a gym or 2 for a few hours and when knocked out you can get up to 50 coins a day. So 4 days to get an upgrade if you do it right. I have an account with a different team so I can knock my pokemon out of a gym if no one else is doing it to get the coins. You're right though, pokeballs are a waste.

  • Thanks OP.

  • Out of interest, how do you claim this?

    I'm getting back into this a little bit with my son, but am completly lost. Haha.

    • +1

      Should appear in the Pokemon Go Shop, Under Free -> Special Box.

      If it doesn't appear, reset your game.

      • Cheers. Goes to show how little I know. Didn't even know the shop was there. :)

  • Haven't played this game for about 5yrs now and see they haven't improved the spoofing anyway, just hatched a 5km egg that I got back in 2016 and I never left the couch ! LoL

    • Afaik you can't really spoof on it anymore.

      • +2

        Spoofing is still rampant in the game, just harder/behind a subscription paywall now.

        • Ahh right

        • I charged up one of the kids older Samsung tablets and stuck an old version of mock GPS on it, works a treat still and no paywall needed.
          Still able to do battles, spin pokestops etc, Was walking around Kingspark in Perth for an hour and I was sitting on the couch.

          Kids don't play the game anymore they've moved on to other things and can't be bothered walking around for hours at a time, guess thats why they had an unhatched egg from 2016 lol.

          • @CheapGit: They just recently added more pokestops and gym locations to the game now so I have a PokeStop and a gym I can access from my suburban home. About 300m down the road is a big park with 4 gyms and 10 pokestops in it so if I need pokeballs etc a 20 minute walk will do fine.

          • @CheapGit: Our old Xperia Z2 tablet is no longer able to run Pokemon Go.

          • @CheapGit: Would love to know how you do this (on iPhone) as I'm in hotel quarantine for 2 weeks so close to zero steps and no gyms!

            • @sydneygirl: It's an old Samsung galaxy tab s 8.4 that was lying in the drawer for ages, doing a clear out and seen it still had the old apps on it which haven't been updated.
              I had to allow an update on Pokemon go and didn't allow update on Mock GPS.
              The kids never really played the game much as their Pokemon Go account has very little Pokemon caught!

              Don't think it would work on iPhone.

      • Pgsharp

        I personally don't use it, tested it on my throw away account though. No Google account linkage though.

  • Also don’t forget the 1 pokecoin gift box that includes a remote raid pass.
    Add me for gifts!
    8430 2659 7190

  • Confirm it's still avaliable

  • For anyone still playing, add me for gifts!

    1823 2819 7903


  • 1146 3187 4437

  • Ah shit I missed it

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