This was posted 3 years 5 months ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[Pre Order, PS5] Gran Turismo 7 Standard Edition $109 (RRP $124.95) Delivered @ Amazon AU

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Gran Turismo 7 PS5 Standard Edition Pre Order deal via Amazon.

$15.99/13% off at time of posting.

As per amazons pre order price guarantee, if price drops further before its release (4 March 2022) you'll pay the lower price.

Other GT7 pre orders also live:

PS5 25th special edition…

PS4 version…

My first post, please go easy 🙏

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closed Comments

  • +8

    My first post, please go easy 🙏

    Against the rules REEEEEEEEE

  • +22

    Lol Sony and there $125 games. I wonder how much more is put into this ps5 game compared to say farcry 6 $69 game on release.

    Both are cross generation also.

    • +37

      If GT Sport was anything to go by this will be $20 in a year and 5 times better than it was on release day.

      • +2

        Not to mention the main menu's jazzy takes on Christmas carols in December.

      • -6

        The game will be platinum in a week, in the $5 bin at EB games in 2 weeks

      • +1

        GT Sport was crap. It was basically "GT Prologue" like a multiplayer demo and nothing of the full GT game. They had to keep adding to it to stop the franchise from dying.

        What I am concerned about is that the car acquirement model will be different from previous years - basically you will have to buy future cars as DLCs that is outside of the original release. If you want the new Ferrari as an example, might set you back at $20 or something for one car. Quickly builds up in costs.. Sony are greedy picks when it comes to this.

        • +3

          I'm sure they'll stop doing it if you just keep paying them money and talking about how concerning it is that you are losing money.

          • @Diji1: I'm only just saying - this won't be the only cost to the game. Sony will eventually make more money from DLCs on each individual car than from the core game itself.

        • +4

          GT Sport was crap. It was basically "GT Prologue" like a multiplayer demo and nothing of the full GT game. They had to keep adding to it to stop the franchise from dying.

          GT Sport was made to be an online racing/esport type game hence why it is called GT Sport and not GT7 and why there wasn't much single player content originally when it came out.

    • +14

      They put many years and alot of money for GT games. Thsy go to different locations and model each car (plus interior) and drive it for sound and control.

      They also do the tracks around the world. So the graffiti and wear and tear on nurburgring is same as real life.

      They also process alot of data on how brake/tyre ware affect each car. I dont know how many cars and tracks this game has but the old ones had over 1k cars and 20+ tracks around the world.

      This is a car sim and cant be compared to farcry which is the developers imagination of a story turned into a game.

        • +18

          Played so many Forza games and they are just sooooo BLAND compared to GT! I absolutely can't wait for this game, there is so much love put into this series.

          • +1

            @Goat Lord: Pretty sure that this is the exact opposite of the general opinion, GT has been picking up Forza's crumbs for almost 10 years now

            • -5

              @cille745: People are now furious that GT is an online all the time game.

              Forza has driver's best invested interests, just driving game without the BS.
              I heard that woeful DriveClub was a stop gap solution for GT7.
              I left PS when they killed off Liverpool Studios, one of the dumbest things Sony ever did.

              • @[Deactivated]: +1 for GT, I enjoy it way more than Forza

                • +1

                  @Ozimodo: No you don't, don't lie

                  • @[Deactivated]: Careful when calling people liars mate, we know where you live

                    • @Ozimodo: yeah rent free in your head


        • +3

          What Sony wont do is make a console that can better a Series X

          I stopped reading, guess ill see you on Halo online lol.

          • -6

            @Nananananana: Sure if you want to play Halo, that's fine BUT I prefer playing my games online 1440P 120 HZ like BFV, PS5 does what now? Does it even support 1440P yet?

            • +6

              @[Deactivated]: This game will be 4k 60fps.

              • -7

                @Nananananana: Checkboard sure, but what does that have to do with my original statement of more powerful console?

                • +1

                  @[Deactivated]: What does your original statement on Xbox have to do with development cos of Far Cry 6 vs GT7?

                  • -1

                    @Nananananana: I answered your original statement, many other car game makers do the same exacting thing you said but you were comparing a cost vs cost scenario, expenses something something.
                    Many other car game makers do the same thing, Forza is free on game pass, $125 game but you go on to say expense, yet who is starring in FC6? do actors not cost money?
                    Do you know how much it costs to hire someone to go and laser scan topography or are you saying this is such an expense that $125 can justify this compared to a story driven game?

                    As you were.

                    • +3

                      @[Deactivated]: I get where you're coming from as far as console wars go but the reality people will buy GT7 and it'll pass 10 mil copies because its Gran Turismo.

                      You can go on an on about how good Forza 8 and FH5 is going to be but no one cares.

                      They wont ever be Gran Turismo.

                      As far as sales goes, Gran Turismo is the Real Thing® and Forza just isnt.

                      • -2

                        @tonyjzx: And no one will ever care that it's not GT because it's shown time again and again people will buy anything inferior because it's an exclusive.

                        • +1

                          @[Deactivated]: i'd say 10 mil people will care at least.

                          i dont think forza has even sold 10 mil in a single generation and this is coming from someone who likes forza

                          • -1

                            @tonyjzx: N4S sold almost double what GT did, that would prove nothing right?
                            Given Sony is geared to Japan and MS to US, two entirely different markets, but you knew this right?

                            • +3

                              @[Deactivated]: i dont know what n4s is so…. nor do i care for scintillating JP vs US market analysis

                              goodbye and keep waving that green flag

                              hope the ms points are worth it

                              • -2

                                @tonyjzx: Need 4 speed, again do some research before chest pumping.
                                I have owned and still own both consoles, but at least I am willing to admit which is better value.
                                This isn't MS points, nor do I care abt your petty rebuttal, it is plain and simple what is a better gaming experience.

                                1440P @ 120 HZ vs 1080P @ 60 for online, tell me which is better please.

                                • +9

                                  @[Deactivated]: Christ. Are you this insecure you need to bring console wars into the comments section?

                                  Like serious, I own XSX and PS5 and I am getting GT5 and will play FH5.

                                  Sorry a PS5 game has triggered you this much. You don't sound like an adult with this console wars BS.

                                  in the $5 bin at EB games in 2 weeks


                                  • -6

                                    @Lucille Bluth: No you don't, and you wont be getting GT5 as that is far too old, I mean I played that 11 years ago.
                                    Does GT5 even work on a PS5?

                                    How is that backward compatible working out?

                                    Don't blame the messenger, even Bill Gates games online with MS.

                                    • +10

                                      @[Deactivated]: GT7 not GT5 obvious typo.

                                      You still sound like a child, that's not a typo.

                                      • -2

                                        @Lucille Bluth: Probably the voices in your head.

                                    • +2


                                      Don't blame the messenger, even Bill Gates games online with MS.

                                      Which vax did you take? I wana avoid that one.

                                      • @Nananananana: wana? which school did you attend, my children need to avoid that one!!

                                • +2

                                  @[Deactivated]: Does Bill Gate's vaccines do this to everyone and turn them to xbox fanbois?

                                  • @Nananananana: I don't know, I don't follow Bill, who is he?

                                    • +2

                                      @[Deactivated]: But you said even he plays on xbox. Did he take over your body with the microchip 5G wave?

                                • @[Deactivated]: Maybe you need to chill dude. Nothing that you have raised here is a) relevant to the post or b) interesting

                            • +1

                              @[Deactivated]: Need for Speed is multiplatform of course it's going to sell more. Also Sony isn't just geared to Japan but the world just look at the sells.

                        • +1


                          people will buy anything inferior because it's an exclusive.

                          Isnt that why people buy Halo instead of CoD/BF?

                          • @Nananananana: Why are you asking me? or are you trying to imply that I play HALO? you do know HALO is free with Game Pass?
                            Have you heard of Game Pass, over 200 free games for an online subscription of $17 per month.
                            That's like four dollars and twenty five cents per week.
                            Basically 1 large coffee per week.

                            • +1


                              Have you heard of Game Pass, over 200 free games for an online subscription of $17 per month.
                              That's like four dollars and twenty five cents per week.
                              Basically 1 large coffee per week.

                              They put advertising in your Vax too? Well played Bill.

                              • @Nananananana: They must have triggered your vax, seems you had a healthy dose.

                            • +3

                              @[Deactivated]: just stfu already

                              • -1

                                @dukeGR4: I appreciate your apology.

                      • +3

                        @tonyjzx: Forza Horizon isn't meant to compete with Gran Turismo anyway. It's an arcade-sim blend, so they're not vying for the same playerbase.

                        Forza Motorsport is definitely competing for the same audience and they'd be crazy to release in the same window as GT7.

                • +1

                  @[Deactivated]: Look at all previous XBox consoles. They have always been more powerful. Didnt help them win a single generation since 2001 due to the lack of exclusives. Games are what matter and Forza is nothing more than a pretty arcade game. The physics and fine detail of cars is what makes GT stand out. GT Sport was ordinary. GT7 will set the record staright.

                  • -1

                    @klaatu: You think this is about winning? so instead of you making a decision on your own needs, you go for a lesser and pack mentality of what you think is more suitable. Somehow I am the whiteknight because I chose what is technically better yet somehow you think generation winning is a thing?
                    So I have played all the Forzas and most of GTs, your assessment spews BIAS, both are simcades, saying 1 is more sim could be right as GT seems more simple.
                    Who cares about exclusives? when Sony cannot even implement what MS has in its console, that's enough to see that Sony simply do not care about its user base.
                    No 1440P and VRR, thems just sad days.

                    Oh exclusives, what now? you're going to fist pump because of Spoodermang? er OK I guess.

                    • +1

                      @[Deactivated]: username checks out………….

                      • @klaatu: most overused meme on here, figured you could not have at least a decent rebuttal…

        • I hate picking side but I was genuinely interested with the facts Johnny said. Not until his comment that I knew about PS5's 1440p support. And it sucks, I have a 1440p monitor with solid colors and nice refresh rate and can't wait to use my PS5 on it, just to now be disappointed for the lack of support.

          I guess the big selling point for PS5 is exclusivity, and in this GT vs Forza case, IMO I've heard but have not seen much of GT's gameplay so I don't know. Forza on the other hand, is on a lot of platform for contents.

          I'll wait and see both upcoming GT7 and FH5 to see which one is better.

          • +1

            @Thomthomx: Another thing to consider is lack of VRR, someone stated that you cannot hold 120 fps consistently on the SX @ 1440P, that's why VRR exists and it is buttery smooth too.
            Why would anyone in their right mind choose an eco system that has lesser hardware and offers lesser software solutions to game online competitively?

            1440P 60HZ and 120HZ are day night difference and anyone who has experienced this would know. Whilst you might not see a difference, the input lag is better and offers a competitive edge over those that do not have it.
            I don't game with a WIFI connection nor do I with a wireless joypad, it makes no sense for online gaming.

            PS5 is scheduled for these updates but the console has been out a year already and the user base suffers, if the hardware is so similar, why doesn't Sony fix their console?
            Sony sell TVs with this solution but not their console?

            I don't care about exclusives, this is where brand loyalty kicks in, I buy the best and when something better comes out, I will switch too.

            • @[Deactivated]:

              I will switch too

              Yeah, the Switch complements both the PS5 and the XSX ;)

              Jokes aside, I agree with your points regarding latency. I wish they kept developing CRTs which had no frame buffers and zero input lag (just the time it took to scan each frame onto the screen). 120hz on a VGA CRT has zero motion blur and looks amazing even in 2021.

              nor do I with a wireless joypad

              What do you use on consoles?
              I recall with the PS4, average latency was worse wired because of the USB polling rate.
              That said, the lag was more consistent than wireless despite the hire minimum ms.

              • +1

                @idonotknowwhy: Razer Wolverine Ultimate for SX. Short throw triggers plus the extra index fingers (4) underneath allow for some good customization.
                I play against a lot of people who have higher ping than me, I struggle to get tanks, planes at the start as ping always favors these guys.
                I have around 18 - 20 ms ping to server, these guys are always in 40 60 ms range. When I pop on US servers, I never use a gun, 180 MS ping is useless but I always get tank plane w/e. I can dominate but it's like shooting fish with a nade, purposeless.

                I have some really weird footage I captured this week, own team player jumping out of an enemy plane? flying over runway and seeing 3 planes when I was 1 of 4, you can only spawn 3 planes and this was a DICE server.

                I don't know if people are cheating but I see a lot people using double shots with artillery, I've seen some tanks do it too. So anything I can do to make my gaming better, I do it, my SX is in a DMZ too.
                I have a healthy KD of around 3+ but sometimes you cannot help and see people dominate all for the wrong reasons.

      • +2

        Yet they still use the same tire squeel sample from the PS2 version of the game.

        • +1

          Its a simulator, sound of tyres squeeling in 2003 is the same as tyre squeeling in 2021.

          Its like complaining that the 1999 R34 skyline has the same horse power in GT2 and GT7.

          • @Nananananana: The tyre squeeling sound is the most arcade sounding trash ever. I've been complaining about this for 15 years.

            They send around 14 men to a shop and dyno all these things and take 19GB of engine rumbling sounds for the PREMIUM cars and then they put in about 100 of those and 1400 trash cars from the PS2 with PS2 sounds and PS3 models……….

            The tyre squeel is particularly egregious because Forza, while inferior in some ways has had a better tyre squeel for a decade. The code in the controller, for the rumble, combined with the squeel pitch and volume in Forza, makes using the controller /shockingly/ feel quite good so you can really feel like you're getting the traction in your head just on right.

            GT3,4,5,6,7 the tyre literally sounds as stupid as Outrun (!!) despite them being better with some other things. The squeel drives me nuts.

            (Colours are more subdued in GT series and look less video gamey, it's actually a more realistic photo look to the game)

            Finally, they keep crapping out the same game, with the same tracks and minor tweaks

            GT5, GT5 combo edition, GT5 Lite, GT6 alpha demo GT6 'one quarter of the game edition' GT6, GT6 final combo max, GT7 ultra lite alpha EX

            I am over how they handle their franchise. Ought to be a $70 game.
            (did I mention how much I hate that goddamn squeel?)

            Oh one more thing, I'm not an Xbox guy - I'm a Sony guy. but the GT team are just … they just barely sit on their hands.

        • +2

          Exactly this, having done sound design before, understanding bit rates and sample rates, knowing well now that newer hardware affords better sound design, specifically with the ability to place and move sounds in three-dimensional space with ATMOS, something consoles can do, it boggles the mind that a sound used from a PS2 game could sound the same or similar to a 2021 one.
          Digital requires much more processing to sound analog these days and that's where gaming is headed.

          • +1

            @[Deactivated]: I'm (kinda) exaggerating, mostly, because I haven't actually checked after GT5. However I can confirm at least ALL versions of GT3, GT4 and GT5 used an identical pitch / sounding tyre squeel sample (and even the timing on when you'd hit traction loss and the code required to do so) sounds like not a single thing at all has changed in any capacity, for both the audio file and the trigger code to activate the squeel.

            Having played BF3 on a simple 4.0 system with decent bookshelf speakers, with some of the best audio samples I've ever heard and the best audio reverb and other tricky effects to make it feel real AND obviously pretty decent 3D world audio code (play audio sample from X, Y location at Z volume) - I'm really over stuff like the tyre in GT, it's so so so bad. I really dislike that tyre!

            • -1

              @hamwhisperer: Nice to speak to someone who values immersion in gaming or what ever.
              Dolby ATMOS has changed how we experience things, I had an AMTOS 9.1.4 sound bar and whilst it was good, I returned it under the Samsung 90 day policy, bought a Hisense Dual Cell instead for almost the same $.
              My reasoning was to get a Denon ATMOS AVR instead, knowing that whilst the soundbar was good, one could only imagine what better dedicated speakers would bring to the table.

              The sonics in BFV are amaziiiing (bullets flying past you). I run a simple Beresford headphone amp that has a touch of dulls to the highs, not to say that it isn't good as it powers the HD6XX very well and for long sessions you do not get any fatigue.
              I can appreciated sound whoring on these cans as I can discern footsteps all around me which gives me that added advantage.
              Flying is important for spatial awareness too so back to your assessment of audio, again it is appreciated that one can understand your level of understanding, audio is as important to visuals if not more important as it gives us auditory cues to the space we are in.
              2D mixed with 3D, visuals and audio go hand in hand imo.

      • +1

        So is that the same reason for demon soul remake and miles morales and ratchet and Clank. You are making excuses for something that needs hate so Sony changes there way. And what's the go $89 for ps4 and $109 for ps5.

        Sony fans have to admit they are getting ripped off really bad from Sony and stop defending this.

        • +2

          PS5 version of games are superior to PS4. (Faster load times, ray tracing, resolution, frame rates).

          Is paying for more for a better product getting ripped off?

          Do you feel ripped off that free range eggs cost more than cage?

    • I know right. You can literally get Forza Horizon 5, Halo Infinite, and access to hundreds of other games for a year for the same price.

    • -4

      Spiderman GT Sports Edition will be released later this year, where you race up and down buildings using your spider senses trying to run over bad peeps

      • +3

        Wtf are you about?

      • +8

        I thought the internet had moved on from these pathetic fanboy my brand vs your brand comments

          • +5

            @[Deactivated]: Just stop mate no one cares what console you fight for.

            • +6

              @Bissy: biggest fanboy loser this place has seen in a long long time

              "Exactly, MS and Gamepass is the undeniable choice." Major Nelson

              • @tonyjzx: Yep it's sad to see. Considering most multiplayer games have cross-play so either console works, the only thing that matters is what games you want to play.

              • @tonyjzx: And "even bill gates game on xbox"

          • +4

            @[Deactivated]: I also own both consoles. Honestly, if you want to be harsh, then you need to be harsh on both camps.

            • Forza Horizon series, while you can get FH4 (and will get FH5) on GP, you get only standard edition. Microsoft do entice you to pay for the extras.
            • If you do want to own Forza Horizon 4 outright with everything now, it isn't cheap and with FH5 coming, is it worthwhile? Will there be enough online players? The season change is fun at first, but the winner season is quite annoying.
            • The network element does cause Forza Horizon 4 to suffer a minor pause when you first start / resume the game.
            • Let's hope that Forza Horizon 5 remove the wheel spin for clothing rubbish. Also, the FH4 expansions, honestly, feel like pay to win (or pay for better quality of life).
            • 1440p/120Hz - let's be realistic here, that's on a PC monitor most likely. Also, there aren't that many games which support that mode.
            • Without Sony, I doubt Microsoft would do GamePass.
            • GamePass quests… a lot of them are really annoying. I found myself playing a lot of dumb games to get easy achievements to get my Microsoft rewards streak going.
            • The "enhanced" games require internal storage or that external storage, but there is a growing number of small games which got 'enhanced' a little bit. They are not worth being put on the SSD. For example, Tetris. Seriously, need an SSD to play Tetris? In order to get 5 reward points, you want me to download and install Tetris on the internal SSD?

            Honestly, Series X benefited from PC graphics cards being so expensive. Sony is brave for raising the price of PS5 games. The NVMe SSD upgrade for PS5 is a bit annoying, but at least cost wise, there were a few good deals on NVMe SSDs lately. Series X… that storage add-on really needs to come down in price and we need a 2TB version. It's a NVMe gen 4 x2 (which is really the same as NVMe gen 3 x4 and it is DRAMless storage) so don't price it like a NVMe gen 4 x4 SSD.

            Sony has an uphill battle and Sony doesn't have Microsoft Azure cloud. It's interesting that Sony has started using Microsoft Azure cloud for a while now. So, in a sense, Sony is one of Microsoft's customer.

            • +1

              @netsurfer: Just like how xbox using sony blu ray format.

            • @netsurfer:

              • The expansion pack for FH4 goes on sale often. I got it for like $30. FH4 is already jam-packed with content (it's literally a 100+ hour racing game) so the DLC is hardly necessary and by the time you want more content it's half price anyway.

              • I game on a 1440p 120Hz monitor and the Series X is incredible for that. Playing on the PS5 looks terrible at 1080p and it's bizarre that Sony offers 120Hz support when the amount of TVs that support that and 4K are so tiny. Most have to downscale to 1080p. The high refresh experience on the PS5 is garbage.

              • We should be thankful that Sony was competitive back then to kick Microsoft's arse into gear then!

              • If you want all the Microsoft rewards then sure it would be annoying. I just do the Bing searches and redeem my quest rewards when they come in naturally. You get 50 points per day just by popping a single achievement in any game. I get enough points to get free Game Pass on a constant basis. Only takes about a minute per day (quicker than a browse of Ozbargain).

              • Good thing you can increase your storage space easily with the SSD memory card and not have to pay $500+ for a high-end M.2.

              Sony is brave for raising PS5 game prices? Come on man. That's an absurd statement. No one should be praising a company for taking more of your money lol.

              Personally I feel Sony does not have an uphill battle. It's already beating Microsoft in console sales even with all its anti-consumer practices. They closed down Japan Studio and pivoted to uninspired AAA Western games. They want to remake TLOU because it sells well. It's a husk of their former self but the mainstream public are lapping it up so they must be doing something right. Microsoft is the underdog this generation and I hope they can claw themselves back after the disastrous Xbox One.

              • @Yuri Lowell: 1440P 120 HZ gaming on console is fantastic, people saying that few games use it have never gamed with it.
                More and more support is coming out but when it does support the game I most frequently play, who wouldn't praise the feature?
                Hi I have a console that cannot do what its competitor can do, but I pay the same asking $ for a technically more powerful console and I am humbled with that.

                If Sony had a more powerful console, I would have bought it, they didn't so I didn't.
                My 55 inch TV loves 1440P 120 HZ, and it only cost free when my Panasonic dropped all its diffusesers.

                Thanks Samsung, thx Panasonic, thx after market warranty.

                • @[Deactivated]: 1440p 120Hz - I have played Series X on it. However, if I am being really objective, I would say a lot of "likes" on it is due to having that monitor so I need to come up with justifications on why that was a good purchase. To me, it is not fun to play a handful of games which I don't like just because they have 120Hz support. And, let's not make all games Series X support 2K/120Hz like they are super duper games and game of the year winners, unmissable games please.

                  What I feel is that with Series X, if we are talking about 1440p support, THAT alone is good enough (2K over 1080p). You don't really have to enforce the 120Hz. It is the 1440p resolution that makes it greater (for me), rather than the 120Hz. If I really want high refresh gaming, I'd rather go PC gaming for 1440p 120Hz, instead of Series X. I don't see that you must have 1440p AND 120Hz to get the XBox One X, Series X's 2K support advantage.

                  I don't know about which TV or monitor you use, but I certain have some gripes about the Dell one, S2721DGF. There are a few firmware glitches (one of them being the 60Hz bug, okay, fine, one would never use a 120Hz+ monitor on a 60Hz source, but so that means all my 60Hz only sources must be connected to another monitor, if I want to avoid that issue). Also, it doesn't have the 4K downsampled to 2K features a number of competing monitors has. See, with THAT feature, it would address PS5/PS4's lack of 2K support since the monitor just does it for you.

                  Also, I certainly would like to know what will happen once all the discounted GamePass Ultimate (through converting from XBox Live Gold) runs out because when I noticed once Microsoft found that you had long term GamePass Ultimate subscription, Microsoft stopped offering $1 deal on those accounts. I reckon Microsoft will ask me to pay RRP for GamePass Ultimate on my main account when my current subscription ends.

                  • -1

                    @netsurfer: Samsung Q60R, was a replacement of a Panasonic 4K 30HZ. The diffusers just fell out and I had aftermarket warranty.
                    I paid 1800 for the TV, got 1800 back, paid 1350 for the Samsung, was an absolute godsend.
                    When I do play 60HZ the fidelity is all there, you can see finer detail and on some maps you cannot see the enemy until you're on them in a plane on 120HZ.
                    The real difference is how smooth it is, that old saying of once you go… you wont go back is true.
                    I know the tick rate is only 30 on these servers but you just feel like it's not as sluggish as 60HZ.

              • @Yuri Lowell:

                Sony is brave for raising PS5 game prices?

                That's NOT a compliment. I never buy into Apple's being brave for going all USB-C on Macbook Pro's rubbish. Without really having anything to counter against GamePass Ultimate, it is not a smart move to bump up the price.

                I game on a 1440p 120Hz monitor and the Series X is incredible for that.

                I have tried Series X on 1440p 120Hz. It's okay, but I think there is too much hype for it (because most games I play a lot on Series X don't have 2K 120Hz mode). And, I am NOT going to play games I don't like just so that I can trick my brain that 120Hz is so awesome. I still prefer 4K because other than a handful of games, it is basically 4K downscale to 1440p.

                The expansion pack for FH4 goes on sale often. I got it for like $30.

                Exactly $30? Or ~$30? The thing is, by the time it is at that price, the quality of life advantage is gone (unless you wait a year or two before playing FH4, and come on, how likely is that?). However, there is one other thing. With FH5 coming, when will Microsoft shutdown FH4? The main issue for me is after purchasing the expansion packs, in order to keep playing FH4 after its inevitable EOL, you will have to pay for FH4 game before it is EOL. By purchasing the expansion packs, there is a higher chance you will buy FH4 eventually. If you can look past it and have the self control not to eventually purchase FH4, that's certainly great.

    • +4

      Sony is a business not the Salvation Army, if you don't want to pay that price then just wait until it goes on sale.

    • +1

      One is a new game, the other is a reskin of Farcry 3, 4, 5 and combined with tired formula from AC series

      • OK. Just like demon souls? That is a direct remaster nothing new other then graphics. Guess what $125 at launch.

        Spiderman miles morales well that was a dlc. $125

        God of war is a reskin horizon reskin.

        Stop defending Sony's bullshit moves. This isn't even a next gen only title should be $79 and that's even too much.

  • +18

    $109 for a pre-order months away doesn't feel like a deal to the average person. If it was $69 I'd be hitting that green button.

    • +13

      I be hitting a few buttons at 69 ,,,

    • Amazon doesn't charge you until the item ships

  • Over 39, free shipping anyway.

    • Showing $5.45 delivery for me?

      • All free to me without sign in and under Incognito tab

  • +6

    Thanks Op, was wondering when the preorder starts. 👍

    Good thing with Amazon is I can easily cancel if the price doesn’t drop from +$100 before release…$100 for a game is ridiculous.

  • +13

    Wow, who is paying over $100 for a game these days? This will be under $100 at all retailers close to release, likely $79 or $89…is this really a bargain?

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