This was posted 3 years 5 months 3 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

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[SUBS] Wonder Woman 1984 @ Netflix


From October 1 2021 wonder woman 1984 is coming to netflix. Pretty quick from cinema to netflix.

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  • +51


    • +27

      Lmao you been waiting since 2018. Your time to shine.

    • +34

      I wouldn't watch this movie even if they paid me.

      I bought this movie and watched the first 20min and it was terrible. The Idea about just showing a strong woman without much personality or character is wrong, or not having a good story to tell. i mean for god sake the whole idea of a movie is telling us a good story. New movies are just theme parks.

      I loved Alita or Alien movies they all had a strong woman but in their nature they were humanly woman, I could easily fall in love with Alita because she has so much human emotions not just because she was a powerful android.

      unfortunately Hollywood is too much into pc or showing off their agenda rather than making a good story.

      • +6

        Agreed. As a story this is rubbish, as an addition to the DC Universe it's even more rubbish. If you're into disjointed story arcs and unbelievable characters then this is the movie for you, but even as a free film most people would find it a waste of time.

      • and she raped a guy…

        • +1

          To be fair though, there was concent from the spirit possessing the body at the time. It would be a possible defence if it ever went to court.

      • I made the mistake and paying to see it at a gold class session thinking it’d be as good as the first one and I’d treat myself….

        BIG mistake.

        • I made the bigger mistake of still buying the Lego set for it, even after watch it.

      • -1

        I was also not a huge fan of 1984 - but it had its moments. I enjoyed myself more than I didn't.

        the whole idea of a movie is telling us a good story

        I disagree with this. It's OK to have a film that's big and flashy and narratively thin - it's a visual medium. Which is exactly how I'd describe Alita…

    • +1

      This is good, but it could be better. 💁🏼‍♂️

  • +69

    Don't waste your time guys.

    • +48

      yeah - it was super disappointing compared to the 1st one

        • Yes that one and the one made in 2017

          • +15

            @TEER3X: I'd like to see a remake of the "6 Million Dollar Man"…

            (adjusted for inflation of course…)

            • @jv: I agree, as long as we get Maximillion too.

            • +4

              @jv: So, about 25 million dollars roughly? Probably equivalent to a Kardashian left buttock?

            • +1

              @jv: I would be more interested to watch a $6 million dollar man without adjustment for CPI . Maybe he has a hair transplant , whitened and straightened teeth , a spinal fusion & laser eye surgery.

            • @jv: What do you estimate it would be called?

              • @BadBreath: If you consider that $1 in 1976 now has the purchasing power of $4.81 today, then perhaps:

                "The 28.9 Million Dollar Man" ?

      • +3

        The first one was kinda shit for me as well.

        • +6

          it wasn't great, but it was a masterpiece compared to 1984.

      • I haven't seen the 1st one so…

    • IMDB agrees: 5.4. Not spending time on this.

  • +2

    Wow! A terrible moving… great deal!

    • +1

      Can't move from hotspot.

  • +8

    Yeah lets clog OZB up with hit movies :)

  • +5

    This movie bothers me

    • You could always wish that you didnt see it.

  • +19

    I renounce my wish for this to be on Netflix

    • HAH! Good one :)

  • +3

    What is it with Netflix having so much crap on atm, bad habits of buying up terrible movies

    • I just had a look through my Netflix history, last movie I actually watched on there was Legally Blonde with the missus at Christmas. Before that was the Old Guard in July last year (which was average).

      It was a good idea to look back through it actually, besides Queen of the South, Shadow and Bone and Kim's Convenience, I haven't actually watched anything good this year. For $240 a year I'm really not getting my money's worth (I know, I'll hand in my ozbargain card for not having an account in Argentina or something)

      • Queens gambit.
        And hopefully next season of the last kingdom
        There have been no good movies lately made by anyone, this Wonder Woman 1984 being a typical example.

        • There have been no good movies lately made by anyone

          If you honestly believe this you need to expand your movie-watching horizons.

      • Netflix is good for their TV series, their movie selection has been mediocre.

    • +4

      cuz its cheaper for them to buy crap than it is for them to buy decent movies.

  • +7

    Only way this is a deal is if you get paid to watch it.

  • Whats wrong with the movie, seems like everyone thats seen it says its bad. Only ppl not seen it are hype.

    • +6

      The premise and how it gets resolved.

    • +4

      It's terrible. Very cheesy dialogue and acting and mediocre/bad storyline.

      • +1

        So it's a Star Wars movie?

        • +5

          Nah, worse.

        • +7

          worse than the sequels, easily.

    • +2

      The plot SUCKS!!!!

    • +4

      The main character sexualy assaults a comatose man that is being possessed by their dead boyfriend.

      The action looks terrible.

      The plot is nonsensical.

      The antagonists are low tier even by super hero movie standards.

      The main characters gains new powers she didn't have in the first movie whenever the writers find it convenient.

      There is many more things wrong with this movie, but that is just off the top of my head.

      • -7

        The main character sexualy assaults a comatose man that is being possessed by their dead boyfriend.

        What if captain america or ironman did the same thing to a women?

        • +3

          What a weird assumption you seem to be making, I would obviously find it equally repulsive. I'm questioning your intelligence for even asking that.

          Haven't read the comics so I can't comment on those but Captain America or Iron Man certainly haven't r*ped any comatose people in their movies.

          Let me be clear, the first Wonder Wan movie is great, WW1984 is terrible in every way, the action doesn't even look decent.

  • +2

    What is the 'deal' here?

    • Agree. What is the deal here? I'm already subscribed to Netflix and I already know this movie will be released on Netflix tomorrow, so it is not a deal for me. But for people who are not subscribed to Netflix, how can they get this "deal"?

      • +2

        …by subscribing to Netflix

      • +3

        Imagine we start posting every new show or movie that comes to Netflix…

        • Yeah. People should subscribe to Netflix if they are a fan of The Witcher. Season 2 will be released later this year. So is this considered a deal too?

  • +12

    This is one of the worst sequels ever made.

    • I can beat you easily with Amazon Prime’s “Coming 2 America”.

      But yeah, both appalling.

  • ugh i wouldnt watch this even if it was free

  • +9

    Best just watch the screen rant pitch meeting.

  • Do I need to have watched the first one?

    Heard Pedro Pascal was good in this.

    • +2

      You got this deal? The first one on Paramount Plus

    • +2

      Yes it helps, there are a couple of characters from the first one, but you can follow along just fine without having seen the first one. Pedro Pascal is good and the movie is fun and light hearted, don't let other reviews stop you from enjoying it

    • +4

      Watch the first one twice instead

    • Really? I like Pedro Pascal but he was wasted in this movie.

      • Thanks all for your replies

      • not as wasted as Chris Pine was - he definately got the short end of the stick.

  • +10

    Setting up OzB so I only get [SUBS] deals

  • +11

    shit movie

  • It’s been streaming in America since Christmas

    • It was only available on HBO Max for 2 weeks. You then had to either buy or rent it for a while before they put it back again. But yeah, available since last Christmas.

  • -3

    Why is this a deal? This is literally just a movie on Netflix? Are we all going to post our favourite shows/movies that get posted to Netflix now?

    • Yeap .
      I reckon Class Action Park on Foxtel is a classic .

    • -2

      This costs $20+ at the movies not long ago.

      • +2

        9 months is "not long ago"?

      • +1

        Was in Australian cinemas in December 2020? That's ages ago in terms of movie releases

    • So we could all have fun reminiscing about how great the first one was and what a train wreck this sequel is.

  • Your Friday is good, but this will make it better!


  • -7

    No deal

  • +7

    This was a terrible movie anyway. No-one is really that happy that it's coming to Netflix now :/

    • +2

      I have a lot of the merchandise and would like to see the source of all my crap :)

      • +1

        Hahahaha. Just curious, did you buy the merchandise before watching the movie?

  • +13

    I still haven't watched 1 to 1,983

  • +4

    I liked it…

    • +1

      u gotta be the only person in the world who does.. i tried so hard to like it, I did….

    • +1

      My favourite part was when Dianna had sex with someone whose body was possessed by her dead lover. /s

  • +11

    This was the biggest waste of time. I spent every literal minute of this movie waiting for it to start. The plot, if you can call it that, is riddled with massive holes. The pointless length and meandering of this movie is just appalling. Truly just spend time with your kids, read a book, learn a few words in another language. Don't bother with this mess.

  • +1

    Karl-El, No

  • Does anyone know why Australia doesnt have HBO max

    • +1

      thanks to Foxtel, something to do with the streaming rights on Binge.

      • +1

        Pretty sure they never released it in Aus because of game of thrones, Foxtel had the rights.
        Kinda crazy when you realise GOT still hasnt been on FTA.

  • +1

    the winged armor looks pretty sick, apart from that there isn't anything good about the movie. It's just an average movie

    • It is not an average movie.
      It is a bad movie. Appalling, waste of pixels. Waste of good actors.

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