Catchoftheday 5% off Purchases Via ipod App
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Catchoftheday 5% off Purchases Via ipod App
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I would forgo the 5% off just to NOT type the promo code in…
I have to agree with u there, I couldn't resist saving $7.95 tho. But I've seen OzBargainers loose their dignity over less
What has this deal got to do with the crap LG phone you speak of? This is a 5% off deal for everything on COTD purchases via iOS mobile.
Bugatti… Must be really dark down there??
CoTD lost me yesterday with their iApple only sale, finally deleted their bookmark.
Same here they obviously have become to big now and don't need non apple users….
Thinking same thing here. Shame that they offer their discount to only iOverpricedS** users. Could have had one sale from me.
They probably just havent made an android version yet
I like how they piss off customers who don't own and don't want to own Apple products.
That's nice to know, but how come you negged this deal?
you don't own an apple product you don't get 5%.
i don't live in melbourne, i don't get free pick up from mln
not everything is available to everyone
Amen to that.
(bad supplier)
No wonder their COTD app suddently jump to the top of free apps. Sneaky tactics from a shitty supplier.
Why give discounts to apple product users only??
What are these guys smoking??
Can't think why iphone users are so special that they deserve an extra 5% disc??
COTD… I use Android… why not make us pay 5% more??
what makes android users so special?
geez just because they developed an app for ios doesnt mean they wont develope one for andriod or wp
if you dont like how it right now, go get an ipod touch
Never have and never will touch a product with a name beginning with i-
If you like overpriced underperforming products that is fine but dont shame those that dont. :-)
***** Next week COTD will be giving 5% off if you order whilst wearing edible undies… Be ready! ****
anyone for ice cream?
So what iPhone users really need is a 5% discount off a cheap Windows-7 phone? Love it :-)
Actually not that bad a phone, the LG. Beats an iPhone3 :-)
This is the Best deal IMO
$157 Delivered