[12 July 2024] CSV of Every Home Loan Mortgage Rate + Cashback in Australia

I wrote a script to yank rates and lending product details from a few sources, de-duped them and tracked it over time. The tabs are ordered by date.

There's more than 6000 home loan lending products, this is all you'll ever need for making a decision without a broker. However keep in mind terms and conditions may differ from spreadsheet, so be sure to dot your i's and cross your t's. This is not financial advice. See @geek001's reply re: Tic:Toc. In some cases "Members Only" or package deals aren't included, this is because the data source does not list them. See Me Bank example below.

Update: I've started just uploading a daily CSV as the XSLX was getting too big. Historical CSV's available upon request.

https://mega.nz/file/vZ8WCaLC#NmY-z2On4yGVcozTrS1uE12JzCte0L… (July 12 2024)

There's a new worksheet added to the XSLX for every new day, the first sheet is just a formatted page of stale data. There's a copy of the daily data going back a few months, scroll all the way to the end for the last one.

https://mega.nz/file/jZVRjaqZ#HU5LBTp23D2XtSic5d7zkEgVA4e3XVNL3zsznbcWLsk (last updated Jan 27 2022)

I assume over time this information will become less available as different sources make scraping harder.


  • Thanks for the continued updates :)

  • Thanks

  • +2

    thanks for this, its extremely helpful

  • This might be highly unlikely, but no harm asking.

    Is it possible to add a column to show the max number of applicants? TicToc and OneTwo for example have a maximum number of 2 applicants per loan. For those with more than 2 people on the property title, these providers are not able to be used.

    • I’ll find out if there’s a field I can filter for, or if there’s another data source I can find to add a column for that. I’m not even sure what the category or feature of that loan is called, so I’ll message some of the brokers on here that have contacted me.

  • +3

    [01 Aug] New rates for August added!

    • Any stand outs?

      • For variable, OneTwo is probably still my pick at 2.59% - Tic:Toc is up to 3.09%.

        If ya wanna lock in, 3.49% at First Options Bank for the first year is an excellent pick, but it really does depend on what happens with rates over the next 3-6 months. You'll need to immediately refinance in 12 months though.

        Interestingly ANZ now sell a 10 Year Fixed product which is priced 0.2% higher for PPOR loans than they are investment loans.

        ING has Fixed for 5 years at 5.59% if you think inflation is about to go insane. I expected it below 7% but not 6% given New Zealand's quick rise.

        • Haha, just applied to the First Options Bank too. Im sure the rate will change after tomorrows announcement. I wonder if they offer rate lock dated to the application date…

          • @jalalii: Smaller lenders like that will send you notifications of increased rates as they're raised - but it really depends on who's processing your application and how fast they make those changes.

  • +6

    [Aug 23] New rates added! OneTwo has the best variable rates at just over 3% right now having yet to move up to 3.5ish% with the rest of the discount lenders. I doubt they'll sit there long. 2 year rates hovering around 4.5%, beginning to look more attractive. COVID travel beginning to pick up, lots of uncertainty, G20 around the corner, things are about to change. Do I know which way they'll go? No! Should you minimize your mortgage payments by using an offset account? Absolutely!

  • +2

    This is a mind bogglingly good resource. Thanks so much OP!

    Perfect ammo if the broker isn't getting a good enough deal.

    • My pleasure! :)

  • +10

    [Sep 7] New rates added! Unlikely to get under 3.5% now on variable. Macquarie is fighting for marketshare, undercutting Tic:Toc and other online lenders by 0.2-0.3% on 2 year fixed, hovering just below 5.3% with an offset product. Strange days.

    We'll probably see more raises as they play catch-up with the RBA.

    CBA's discount product, Unloan is new on the sheet. With their customer retention discount, I assume this is why we're seeing such drops from Macquarie. Expect ANZ to follow suit as they fight to get into #3 again.

    • Thank Autonomate, great work mate

  • +6

    [Sep 17] Updated!

  • thanks Autonomate, that's really helpful!

    • My pleasure, will be posting October rates in an hour or so.

  • This is awesome. Can you add minimum loan amount to be eligible for cashback?

    • +2

      You'll often see loan eligibility amounts under the loan name (first column), like "Something Loans (750k+)", however it's not included in the dataset I extract it from - often the terms and conditions relating to the loan are only available on the lenders website. So it may be present for some products, but not all of them unfortunately.

  • +3

    [Oct 1] October rates are in! One Two is at 4.09% post-rate rise although they just removed their cashback. Tic:Toc is reviewing their rates next week, probably matching One Two. Lowest 2-year fixed after fees I can see (even considering some of the $2K cashbacks) is bcu at 4.89%.

  • +4

    [8 Oct] Updated! Tic:Toc's new rate is up! Lots of new 5-year fixed products being introduced.

  • What do you think about putting up the content (not script) in GitHub, under the same name or timestamped? It would be nice to see how products change over time.
    EDIT: Great work, thank you.

    • +6

      Yeah I'm actually looking to generate some interactive graphics for it. Will share it once I've put it together!

  • Hi, this file is amazing, thank you so much! Just wanted to know if there was a planned update soon in light of the November rise, or if you like to wait a certain amount of time for lenders to capture the rise in their offerings. Thanks

    • +1

      Sorry, updated - see original thread!

  • No more updates since I asked last time? Looking forward to your updated hack!

    • Ask and ye shall receive.

  • +10

    [09 Nov] Updated! Sorry for the delay. Was getting drunk and fat in Japan.

    HSBC has surprisingly become competitive, I believe because it's "package only" offerings and high annual fees to get some desperate borrowers over to their variable offerings.

    If you're on <60% LVR, this would be a great low-fee, low-discharge refinance option for OO's: https://www.gcmutual.bank/products/home-loans/momentum-home-…

    Variable mostly hovering around 4.2-4.3%. Most 12 month fixed above 5%, more is above 5.4%. I'll be rolling over to variable at these rates when my fixed ends.

    • Legend!

    • Always appreciate this.

  • Appreciated your help.

  • +5

    [20 Nov] Updated the CSV!

    OneTwo's taking the Variable cake for me right now. $2500 cashback at 4.09%.

    • I was looking at them also, but incase you had not noticed, according to OneTwo website they still haven't passed on Octobers rate rise, would be at approx. 4.59% with the last 2 rises

      • Can confirm OneTwo are at 4.59% baseline on my loan account from today.

        • +1

          Thanks! I'll upload a new sheet now.

  • Is there another download location for the file? The mega.nz site has dropped off the internet.

    • User error! Had Blockada activated, and it was denying me access.

  • You are a legend - its a great data source, I am on <60% LVR and from your sheet i found that GC mutual being the cheapest option in my situtaion whereas broker was telling me it'd be in the range of 4.59-4.7

    • +1

      A couple of gotchas here:
      1) G&C Mutual haven't yet added the 1st Nov 0.25% interest rate rise yet. They add it effective 14 Dec, so it hasn't been added to this spreadsheet yet.
      2) G&C Mutual's normal rates are horrible at 4.74% + 0.25% look here —> https://www.gcmutual.bank/media/4830/home-loan-interest-rate… and only the 'special' rate 4.09% + 0.25% looks half decent… which from their website looks like a first home buyer only promotion.

      This spreadsheet is amazing and I use it all the time, but be aware of it's limitations in a market of moving rates and lenders that are slow moving. You've got to dig deeper but it's a great starting point

    • +1

      Late to the party but I just found this thread and wanted to share my G&C experience in case anyone was interested.

      I got the 4.09% special. It was for refinance only with at least 60% LVR. RBA raised 25 bps during my application process and G&C upped their special rate to 4.49% (40bps increase). However they honoured the 4.09% rate for me as I was already in the application process +25bps taking my rate to 4.34% when I settled earlier this month.

      In general I have found G&C to be excellent to deal with. When calling them I can get through very quickly. It's a small bank so you'll usually talk to the same people very frequently and get to know them so it feels very personal. They do have an iPhone banking app now (I saw it was a criticism of them in the past) which I would rate as comparable to CBA and ING and better than Citi and HSBC apps.

      You can still get the special, it's just 4.49% now which is no longer the lowest rate for 100% offset. According to the CSV, that is now Pacific Mortgage Group but they are not a bank and I don't know if they have a banking app or what their service is like.

  • +2

    [Dec 14] Updated! Bendigo & Adeleide Bank would be my pick if I was going variable today at 4.27% with offset facilities available. They underwrite Tic:Toc loans.

    Unloan the cheap offering from CBA would be another pick for non-offset at 4.29%.

    Tic:Toc is now at 4.49%.

    Likely Bendigo and Unloan haven't factored in the 25 basis point rise from last week yet.

    2 year fixed is hovering 5.25-5.35.

    • Yea unloan hasn’t even factored in the rise from November, which will come into effect 16 Dec. If including December rise (which they will likely pass on in Jan), they will be at 4.79%. Although you save in the meantime if you’re with them as they lag the market in rate rise by a month, also the rates reduce by 0.01% each year (if you don’t plan on refinancing ever)

    • Commbank seems to be at minimum 4.57% on their $395 pa package, and talk on their site about increasing rates by 0.25% tomorrow.

  • +4

    [Dec 18] Post-December rates!

  • +2


    I just saw this thread linked elsewhere and thought you might be interested in this project. I've been scraping Open Banking data for the last 200 days and publish it all here as a single downloadable zip file.


    • +1

      Neat, but I don't understand how to use it.

  • +8

    [Jan 24] Looks like my automation broke. Jan 24th is added! First of 2023.

    • Has the cash back column disappeared?

      • +4

        D'oh! I'll re-upload shortly. Sorry, uploaded the unprocessed one.

        • Amazing work like always with this, just opened the current version and couldnt see the cashback column?

  • +2

    G'day @autonomate,

    Thanks for the spreadhseet.

    Any chance of an updated release?


  • Great Work!

  • OPs a legend "Upvote for you"

  • Hey, Missing the cashback column again?

  • I m not able to open the link. Getting a message saying the site cannot be reached.

  • No more cashback column?

  • Hi OP, great work. Any updates to the excel file please?

  • Yo OP, any update to the excel file please :)

  • Hey thanks for this, some lenders I hadn't even heard of. With my 2% ANZ fix ending in a few months this is a great tool to use to start planning ahead!

  • OneTwo raised their rates to 5.84% today. Something to factor in. The partys over with them.

  • Hi OP, Can you please share updated excel please.

  • any updated version for april?

  • +1

    Hope youre OK, OP. Come back when youre able.

    • It's back!

      • Wicked! I mean I already refinanced last month but thank you!

  • +11

    [May 29] Sorry everyone, work took over my life - I've updated the latest link. It's missing cashback, which is far and few right now.

  • HE IS BACK!! <3 thank you for all of your work Autonomate

  • +3

    Hi OP, just came across this post, and I've got to say it looks like a total game-changer!
    Whenever you get the chance, mind sharing the latest version?

  • +8

    [Oct 5] Updated with cashbacks!

    • Awesome!

  • +3

    Hi mate, any chance of a refresh for this month?

    • +1

      Apologies, it's up now!

  • Are there any cashback offers for Macquarie Loans available for refinancing through specific brokers if going direct is unavailable?

    • Different brokers have different levels of access and products with lenders. I'd suggest shopping your loan around to a mix of sizes for brokers to see what rates might be possible w Mac.

  • Is this up to date for Jan 24 ?

  • It's going to be legend — wait for it, and I hope you're not lactose intolerant because the second half of that word is — dary!

  • +6

    [Jan 9] Updated! We've got $3K cashback at ME Bank, ANZ. $2K at Bank of China, BankSA, St.George Bank and BOQ.

    Looks like the smaller lenders like South West Slopes and First Choice Credit Union seem like the best option for variable with offset right now.

    • -1

      Is the First Choice CU site just terrible or has it been recently compromised.

      • It's terrible, it's Wordpress too, and their /wp-admin/ is open. D:

        • Enough to turn me off them. The Capricornian mob look alright for a 2 year stint.

          • +2

            @Mr BoMBAStiG: Latitude, Medibank and Optus probably have better security. Did it help?

            Let the market talk and go with the cheapest. At least you don't have to worry much about the credit union remaining solvent if they're willing to eat the risk of your mortgage. It'll just sit with whichever chump hoovers them up once the OAIC's done with them.

  • Thanks

  • +3

    [Jan 26] Updated!

  • +5

    [Feb 16] Updated! Will be updated more regularly until I refinance now.

    • when are you refinancing? Do you mind letting me know who you end up going with when you do? I will be later this year as well

  • +5

    [Feb 21] Updated!

  • Hats off to you!

  • FYI might be an issue with south west slopes credit union intro rate - showing up as 6.2% for me, inclusive of 0.4% discount.

    Food for thought - how easy would it be to include hyperlinks in the sheet?

  • +2

    [Feb 26] Updated!

  • when sorting the list from lowest to highest, the cheapest one appears to be 5.14% through South West Slopes Credit union but there is no such offer on their website. The cheapest variable on their website is 6.20% - not sure if I am missing something?

    • +1

      Bad source data, sorry!

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