This was posted 3 years 5 months 10 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PC, Origin] Battlefield V $0.99 @ Cdkeys

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20 cents cheaper than the last deal. Can it get any cheaper than this?

Codes purchased must be redeemed before the 30th September 2021

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closed Comments

  • +1


  • +19

    If you're wondering why it's this cheap, keys were given out for free with Twitch Prime Gaming (aka Amazon Prime)

    • +1

      They also supposedly have a time limit, so if they don't get rid of them soon, they will become worthless.

      • so if they don't get rid of them soon, they will become worthless.

        Yes, the Twitch Prime keys have a redemption deadline of 30th September, so we'll see quite a bit of dumping over the next week in order to sell their (totally not botted) stash of keys.

    • you have a link to it ? coz i can't seem to find it :/

      • +1

        It's not free anymore. They're currently giving out the full version of Knockout City on Origin.

      • i bet buying it from this link for 99c is way cheaper than spending hours on to find twitch deal.

        • You'd lose that bet. People are having trouble getting their keys after they have paid. Meanwhile, finding the games available from Prime is a simple matter. The reason they can't find it is because it no longer exists.

  • +1

    And he would have change 👍🏻

  • +3

    Question is how much are they going to pay me to play it?

  • +1

    Am I likely to get my 20c back if I contact support?

  • +3

    Looks like a LOT of recent reviews commenting about how many hackers there are.…

    Simple "Battlefield 5" top google results have bad reviews year after year


    Not sure if it's worth your time, even if this game was free.

    • +3

      I've been playing BFV the last few months and hackers aren't really a problem from my experience. When they turn up they can definitely ruin a game but I think I've only seen a handful at best (mostly on Asian servers lol) and even when they turn up they are usually quickly booted by an admin.

      I'd say its a complete non-issue for the Australian servers.

      • How is the server population for Aussies?

        • +2

          There are a few 64 player Conquest servers that regularly fill up during nights over the week and during the weekend those servers usually have a queue of 5-10 people at any time plus a few breakthrough servers fill up.

        • Since the last few weeks of BFV being free or really cheap… There's been an increase in servers for Oceania region (no doubt every region to be honest). Even DICE have put several vanilla servers up every day.

          Admins usually deal with hackers fairly quickly.

          • @SueyJitSu: Might give it a try then if admins are quick. Only $1 lol

            • @Blitzfx: No admins on Dice servers, you can create your own server (community server) and admin it if you want. I done it a few times feels like a waste of time if the server is not busy.

              • @aussieprepper: The active servers I mentioned earlier are all Australian community servers so there's really no need to make or admin your own.

                • @eecan: By the time i Iog in the servers are usually empty or on a map I don't like, only a few maps worth playing like operation underground , I had a 24/7 underground map. I've already gone back to BF4 now. Over all the hackers on BF5.

        • Very active.

      • +2

        Battlefield:Vietnam? So good! :)

      • Go play the underground map on a Singapore of Japanese server, every game they have hackers on. Usually a few in each game it's bad.

    • Hackers aren't the problem, it's the (profanity) that sit in tanks all day. (profanity) tank players

  • +5

    It is 74c AUD on

    • +4


      Subtotal AU$0.74
      Platform Development Contribution: 0.03
      Payment fee AU$0.52
      Tax included AU$0.00
      Grand totalAU$1.29

      • +1

        Looks like the payment fee makes it more expensive !!

    • Use this coupon: CouponFollow3
      For a whopping 3% off making it 72c. 😅


      Using Paysafe whatever that is:


      Discount (COUPONFOLLOW3)

      Platform Development Contribution
      Payment fee
      Tax included
      Grand total

      • PaySafe Card is a voucher you have to buy which can then be redeemed at certain online retailers.

  • +1

    Does anyone else get an error when you click get code after paying?

    • Same here, i have sent an email to support, see what they have to say.

      • Update: it's ok now.

    • No issues here.

  • +1

    Can it get any cheaper than this?


  • Is this better than BF4?

    • +3

      Different game. BF V is set in WW2 so you won't get fighter jets, accurate assault rifles or tanks with thermal optics and big payloads.

      I enjoyed BF4 for the vehicles. BF V has great old school weapons and infantry combat.

      • OK cool, I've only played a few hours of campaign in BF4.

    • The gameplay is better for sure. BF4 is circle jerked but doesn't really hold up with modern standards (basic mechanics). BF4 has much more content so that's a strong plus, otherwise as a non circlejerk answer, bf5 is the peak of gunplay and gameplay in the series thus far.

  • +1

    games bloody boring mates, but yh grab it at this price, there is some fun to be had.

    • +2

      campaign was fun

      • +1

        i mean to each their own, but I thought the campaign was horrid. BF1 had much better campaigns.

  • +1

    Son of a bitch. Will they refund me the diff from last week's purchase?

  • +4


    Worked for the whole day, and I was so tired. I thought this is 2042, bought, redeemed, then realized this is BF V, which I've already played ~50hrs in Steam.

    but the good news is, the sdk is real not a scam.

  • Thanks OP just purchased

  • bought it for the 3.5 hour shit campaign

  • bah. bought this. found out i already bought this. lol. played 4 hours, so must have been the shit campaign above.

  • +2

    pretty sure with these games everyone just moves to the newest released (being battlefield 2042). Also i heard this one is full of hackers.

    • You play on community servers so there's always an admin on, hackers aren't that frequent (i've played 100hrs~ over the past few months), and to your first point, not entirely true, bf4 has a large community, bf1 has a smaller community and bf5 has a medium community. people stick to these games past their 'expiry'.

      • I think BF4 has a large community because they haven't released another game like it since… which is where BF2042 steps in.

        • and how good 2042 will be is anyone's guess. i'm hyped for sure because I love battlefield, however to say i'm not skeptical with not much info being out is putting it lightly.

    • +1

      It so is full of hackers - and they have always seemed to be reluctant to do anything about it as well

  • +2

    Highly suggest trying out HC (hardcore) mode if you try the multiplayer in this. I hated standard BFV gameplay until tried it recently and have had a lot more fun.

  • +1

    anyone having issues with payment?
    the site keeps crashing :(

  • Awesome deal love this game but can it go any cheaper haha

  • Can it get any cheaper than this?

    Was free as already mentioned

  • My god. See this I went on a full CD Key rampage. Didn't buy this game as I am on MAC, so I bought all the other games I could. Mainly Tomb Raider. Looking forward to the new MacBook Pro M1X machines. Playing Tomb Raider on the iMacM1 and it is surprisingly holding up.

  • +1

    I used to love playing this but the reluctance to do anything about hackers - especially on Asian servers, lost me for good probably - also - not sure I'll bother with the new one either as that's likely to be the same

  • It's a good game for 99c — Paid $8ish bucks during the last Steam sale for the complete pack with all the shortcut DLC and it's been a nice timewaster.

  • 5$?

    • Showing $4.59 to me

    • +1

      I bought it off with paypal for A$1.25. Someone posted the link above

  • Its not $0.99 anymore :(
    Kinguin around $1.25

  • Hmm I bought it, got an email saying click here for key but it wouldn’t load. I wrote to them and they said they have no stock and will refund the $1. What a mess.

  • Back to $0.99 again

  • Now $0.79

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