This was posted 3 years 5 months 25 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PC, Origin] Battlefield V $1.19 @ CDKeys

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Battlefield V is a first-person shooter video game developed by DICE and published by Electronic Arts. Battlefield V is the sixteenth installment in the Battlefield series and the successor to 2016's Battlefield 1. The game is based on World War II and is a thematic continuation of its World War I based precursor Battlefield 1.

Codes purchased must be redeemed before the 30th September 2021

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closed Comments

  • +2

    Damn, good price

    • +1

      Considering it was free not too long ago, not that great. It's also the reason so many are being dumped at this price.

      • How many PC games have you developed and released for free?

  • +2

    Is it really as bad as the reviews?

    • +12

      I've picked it up recently from the steam sale in wait for 2042 and I've been having a great time. :)

      • +1

        Thanks, i'll give it a go at this price

      • How much was it on steam?

    • +6

      I think most of the bad reviews were about the non-stop hacking on the servers when the game first came out. I've been playing for a month or so since the game came out for free on Prime and can't say I've run into hacking on a scale that would make the game unplayable. I've run into a couple of blatant hackers but just changed servers and it all went away.

      Then there were the historical society nerds who had issues with females portrayed in front line roles. Didn't really bother me and for the record there were plenty of females who fought on the front lines but the political and historical correctness of it all must have really got to them.

      The game is definitely worth a download and plenty of people still play it including me. It's a great gap filler until 2042 comes out ;)

    • +5

      BF4 is still GOAT but BFV is pretty fun. They are quite different experiences.

      My fav thing to do is farm infantry with a MG42 with the increased fire rate.

      • +5

        BAD COMPANY 2 is the GOAT.

        • I disagree. It's a very good game but I think BF4 is the best game ever.

          • @ozbargainer88: i enjoyed BF2, BF3, BF4 BC & BC2.. all were great.
            after that i cannot say i enjoy the series as much, here is to hoping the new 2042 can be good.

        • oh man!! some wild times! Shotgun + slugs, SV98 no scopes, knife only, instakill with smoke nades on the face….too many to list, too many that'll make me nostalgic!

          • @alterego13: AT4 wire guided missile. Once you got good with that thing it could turn the whole tide of battle.

            • @cannedhams: Oh yesss the AT4s wreaking havoc on blackhawks and MiGs… I've had some sick unscoped AT4 chopper kills on Atacama!
              Oh maan..stop it!!

        • This man speaks the truth.

    • It's the most fun I've had in a Battlefield game since Battlefield 3

    • +2

      The game is fine. There was a significant shit fight between the community and EA. I admit EA has not done this setting justice when they could have hit it out of the park. But they cut their losses early to work on 2042.

      If you'd pick this game up for $2 with no prior knowledge I think you would enjoy the hell out of it. The frostbite engine is incredible the technology of battlefield has come a long way.

    • It's worse. It's the hardest single player campaign I've ever played. Couldn't get past 5 minutes into any of them without giving up, and that's even on the easiest setting. YMMV.

  • +8

    Screw the reviews, this price its great.

    TBH not as good as BF1.

    Highly recommend this game.

  • ooft

  • +2

    Codes must be redeemed prior to Sept 30 - probably as they expire then with the new BF coming soon.

    Otherwise, good deal. Cannot complain at the price.

  • +3

    Successor? Successful? No. Complete flop. The only reason for its hype or spike in players and servers are these ridiculous sales to keep numbers up and also was free on psn.

    • +1

      Lol calm down matey. People just getting keen for battlefield 2042, been like that for a few months now.

      • +2

        Yeah I've been smashing BF4 for the past couple of months. Still suck 🤣

  • +4

    They are probaly Twitch Prime Gaming codes if there is an expiry on the key.

  • Watch those sites. Remember g2a had lots of keys that were bought with stolen credit cards, ultimately the charges are reversed but the developer misses out (although EA who worries? ) but steam keys could be cancelled at any time

    • +9

      I havnt had any drama with cdkeys in particular used them for many years

    • If anything that's a bonus in this situation. Screw EA. Just pay with PayPal and if it gets cancelled, submit a dispute. Cdkeys is grey market so they can't really claim you bought knowing that there was a risk it was a stolen key.

  • +8

    If you have Amazon Prime, it is free :

    • +3

      Says no longer available

      • +4

        oops! sorry, missed the description. I thought you can claim until October 1st, 2021

        Amazon Prime members have the ability to claim one game code for Battlefield V Standard Edition until September 1st, 2021. The code will be eligible to redeem on Origin until October 1st, 2021.

  • +3

    Bought it for $9 from the last steam sale, currently playing the single player (war stories), it's pretty good so far, don't expect any long campaign though

    • How are you finding the campaign? I gave up on it, way too hard even on the easiest setting.

      • I'm enjoying it! I've completed 2 of the war stories so far, I'm playing on Hard difficulty on PC but I have a fair bit of mouse & keyboard experience 😅

  • +4

    It's an ok game, but the last couple of BF games just seem to be missing the element of fun.

    BF4 was more sandbox-y and you could be a little creative with all the vehicles and weapons.

    I'm hoping BF6 brings back the fun.

    • +1

      That's a good criticism. I put on BF1 a couple weeks back and was blown away by the polish again. But it did lack that fun factor. Went back to BF4

  • Site keeps telling me to increase the cart amount everytime I checkout. Even tried two browsers.

    Ah well, not particularly interested in the game anyway.

    • This happened to me also, I ended up checking out with paypal and worked fine. Downloading now.

  • was included for in PSN recently.

  • +1

    Great Game

  • -4

    Boring game with killing, warmonger

    • +4

      welcome to earth, you haven't studied human history at all right?

  • +1

    Platform: Origin

  • +1

    Ahhh BF1942 was my favorite with all of the user made mods

  • got it,. thanks OP.

  • Thanks OP I got it and works!

  • Damn great price.

    If you haven’t played it. Please check it out.

  • Cant seem to buy it for some reason

    • paid with paypal and it worked.

    • paypal worked

  • Thx, downloading.

  • It's a fun tech demo, menus are a little buggy at times but the game itself is casual fun.
    Love the quick loading times.

  • Great price.

    BFV is a beautiful looking game, but if you find it a little too run and gun and deathmatchish, as I eventually did, Hell Let Loose is worth a look.

    Slower paced. Strategic, squad based based combat with comms. But not hardcore mil sim. Also, about 50x the current price of BFV via cd keys tho….

    Of course, if you're happy with BFV, as you were.

    Edit. Actually that review I linked to is prior to the game's release from Early Access. It's been released since.

  • is this for pc? a origin key?

    • +1

      Yes and yes.

  • Thanks OP

  • +1

    Thanks OP.
    90Gb download….!

  • I'd Buy that for a dollar! … and 19c
    thanks, great find.

    .. guess i need to reinstall Origin 0.o

  • It was free from Amazon Prime before?

  • Cheers OP!

  • -1

    I would need to deal with Origin launcher


    no, I have enough launchers between Epic, Steam, and Uplay

  • Anddd delayed to November 19

    • +1

      BFV released in 2018

      • might be talking about 2042. so in theory this game will continue to be pretty popular until at least then?

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