• expired

50% off Coffee | Delayed Dispatch Available | Free Shipping AUS Wide @ Inglewood Coffee Roasters


50% OFF Coffee | Free shipping AUS wide | 48 Hours Only

Delayed dispatch available at checkout. Delayed dispatch orders freshly roasted and sent from 18th October.

Early access on Tuesday 21/09 for Inglewood subscribers (https://inglewoodcoffeeroasters.com.au/linea-mini-giveaway/)

  • 1kg Sunset BLVD
  • 1kg Single origin espresso
  • 500g Single origin filter
  • 1kg Decaf
  • 60pk Pods
  • Gazelle body scrub

Head to www.inglewoodcoffeeroasters.com.au and go to the sale page on Tuesday 21/09.

Referral Links

Referral: random (88)

Referees get $10 off 1st order of $60+. Referrers get 100 points.

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Inglewood Coffee Roasters
Inglewood Coffee Roasters

closed Comments

  • +9

    I ordered from these guys last time, incredible coffee at these prices.

    • Agreed! ☕

  • Not seeing the discount?

    • +2

      In 4 days time

    • +3

      Time travel machine error?

  • +8

    So many great coffee deals popping up….just after I'd already ordered a bunch!
    Was pretty impressed with Sunset BLVD for the price last time around.

    Rep- will you have a delayed dispatch option this time?

    • +1

      Also interested to know delayed dispatch option.

    • +4

      Would also love to see a delayed shipping option :)

    • +1

      yep also keen for a delayed dispatch option if available

    • +1

      Agree, the coffee is awesome but just bought a kg, will definitely buy more if delayed shipping is an option.

    • I’m on the same boat. Just bought a kilo and would love a delayed shipping option

    • +8

      Delayed dispatch available.

      Orders freshly roasted and shipped from 18th October.

  • +3

    Hi rep - any chance of another 30% off site-wide (including brewing equipment) anytime soon?

    • +2

      Would love a deal on an acaia scale

      • Exactly what I'm after! :)

  • +1

    How early is early access?

  • +4

    Does this come with religious propaganda?

    • Damn…you beat me.

      • @Banj0, i had to log in on my work laptop just to get that in :)

    • +1

      lol am i totally missing a joke here?

      • Mannabeans had a free coffee promotion and included a pamphlet about salvation through Jesus.

  • +2

    Do these beans come with bible stories?

    • +1

      Veggie BeanieTales?

  • Im registered. How do i get access to the sale now?

    • +3

      Set your time machine to +4 days.

    • +1

      It's available now, Tuesday 21st.

  • -5

    I much prefer Airjo unfortunately. Too bad because price is good.

  • Any chance of delayed shipping? I have just bought 2kg elsewhere whilst waiting for this…..

  • +2

    Does the coffee come with complimentary "you will burn in hell" pamphlets?

    Edit: Damn, everyone else beat me to it :(

    • what am i missing here? I did not get said pamphlets?

      • +2

        Another coffee roaster was sending religious material with the orders.

        • Mannabeans

  • +1

    I have too many pods at the moment, otherwise would go for another round :(

    • Same boat. Currently have 150 Nespresso pods and 100 pods from kogan…. Unless I up my daily dosage!

  • Matcha was excellent

  • Does it include DECAF 250g? would like to try it first

    • +1

      Can vouch for the decaf, it's very good!

  • I subscribed but didn't receive an email? When does early access start?

  • +1

    Hey OP, have you guys fixed your website yet?

    Won’t order from you (again) until you finally address the leak/bug that was discovered here by a user in recent past.

    VIC (ex) customer

    • +1

      Hi ahara,

      The issue you are referring to from last year was due to high volumes of traffic through our site which caused it to crash.

      Rest assured no personal information is ever stored on our website and therefore cannot be leaked.

      We hope to see you as a returning customer very soon.


  • I hope I win the Linea :)

  • +2

    I've ordered 3 kilos of various brands over the last few weeks.. no.. more.. 😂

  • Reminder set

  • Sunset BLVD is such a tasty drop! Running it in our Breville Barista pro at home and love the taste.

    I use the pods at work on the Nespresso machine and they are delicious! (& biodegradable!)

    • Good to know the pods are nice. Might try some when it goes on sale!

    • Which ones? "The six" or the other one?

      • +1

        The Six is what I got, tastes great

    • Could you please tell me the grind settings you use for this blend ? I've struggled to get the timing right and end up pouring coffee for anywhere between 40 to 50 seconds rather than the recommended 24-30 seconds

      • I'm on 12 second grind atm I think and I pour on the slower side

  • I've ordered from these guys before and although the coffee was good, shipping was really slow (took 10 days from order to being delivered).

    • +2

      I’ve had pretty good experiences with shipping speed in past (as a counter argument) - not dismissing your feedback of course!

  • Would single origin filter be ok to use for espresso machine? thanks

    • +1

      Why wouldn't you just get the SO espresso instead?

      • preparing coffee using both espresso and filter method and wonders if filter blend will taste odd making espresso?

        • Pretty cheap sale, just get one of each 🙂

  • +1

    Is there a reason why Roosevelt isn't part of the promo?

    • Awww darn, that was very nice

    • The email doesn't say Roosevelt isn't included. I would also buy that. Here is the email -

      50% OFF COFFEE
      48 HOURS ONLY
      STARTS 5PM TUESDAY 21/09

      Inglewood subscribers receive early access from 3pm 21/09.

      Keep an eye on your emails over the weekend for more details.

  • +2

    50% off site wide would be great again, I'd like some more frothing jugs and your drinking chocolate is absolutely fantastic.

    Anyone buying from these guys I recommend trying their single origin, it's brilliant!

    • I’d buy some more almond milk too.

  • Damn i bought 4kg over the last couple days already and this would go stale before i got to it. Highly recommend roosevelt and sunset blvd. Loved both and would happily order again.

  • Last time I bought on a 50% deal coffee from these guys was two weeks past roast date by time it arrived. Didn’t se to be auspost either as came pretty quickly after shipped notification came through. Have to say was a belting coffee though. OP is that likely to happen again?

    • I would suggest this is Auspost and it is also impossible to make guarantees around delivery time frames right now.

      I've ordered stuff that is shipped and delivered within the same suburb and it has taken up to two weeks lately.

      • Don’t think it was as auspost delivery being prepared notification not even received for 2 weeks

        • I've had this issue with several parcels of late.

  • recommendation for espresso milk based drink?

    • I like darker roast and strong kick from my morning lattes and enjoyed roosevelt and sunset blvd blends.

      • yeeee mane love my coffee strong and dark too. ill just grab one of each then. What about the single origins lineup?

  • I love strong expresso. I like wide awake of st ali. I also tried campos superior ( not strong as wide awake but it is nice). Are there strong cafe from inglewood that i can try thank?

    • Highly recommend roosevelt. That woke me up!

    • We are on the wide awake too 👍🏻 Going to give this a try for a change

  • Can't say I'm a fan from the Colombian decaf I ordered last time. Received it 2 weeks post roast and although decaf is known not to last as long as caffeinated, this was DOA. Fortunately was half price so only wasted $82.

    • +1

      I think where you went wrong was that you ordered decaf…

  • Any recommendations for coffee to try for a first timer, for use with an Aeropress for milk coffees?

  • one thing I didn't like about these roasters are that bags weren't resealable. I know a lot of ppl got wrong orders last time too (mine was correct)

  • Noob question on their single origins - I use an aeropress, should I get the filter or espresso range? Or does it matter?

    • +1

      Filter would be the better choice for aeropress.

  • waiting on 2kg from another supplier so will miss this time, great beans though.

    • +1

      Hey hornethomer,

      We will have a delayed dispatch option available. Orders freshly roasted and shipped from the 18th of October.

  • How do we get early access?

    • Follow the link in the description and keep an eye on your emails.

      • +1

        thanks! really good deals.
        any chance you can extend it to include your Roosevelt blend?

        • +1

          That's the first thing I looked for too

  • +1

    And early access is up!

  • Just got mine!

  • Hosting Server Connect Timeout
    HTTP 502 — Unable to Connect to the Origin Server

    Site is Ozbargained

  • The site is extremely slow now.

  • Check out with payment was a bit slow for me.

  • site appears to be getting DDoS guys. just so slow. Hey google, autoscale website =P.

  • Lucky they opened earlier today, I got one order in. Want to do another with the delayed shipping but the website is shot now

  • +1

    sites broken, so much for "early access"

    • Yup its Ozbargained! thought they learned from all those glitches from last year. Invest in your systems guys!

  • No Roosevelt :(

  • OP, please move your site to a decent server, and perhaps run it through Cloudflare. Feel free to get in touch if you'd like a hand. Cheers.

  • How do I get delayed shipping?

    • Yeah, weird. The option was there 20 minutes ago, now it's gone

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