This was posted 3 years 5 months 18 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • out of stock

[QLD] $50 off $100+ Spend with Destination Gold Coast Play Money Rewards (e.g. $50 for Dreamworld 12 Month Locals Pass)


If you're a Gold Coast local, you've come to the right place to score yourself fifty bucks on us, to spend in your own backyard! Choose a tour, attraction, restaurant, retail or accommodation from the categories below and at checkout, add the code PLAYMONEYREWARDS to get $50 off, min spend $100.*

Where will you play?

Only 60,000 discounts available.

The best deal I could see is the Dreamworld locals pass for for $50 after discount applied.

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Experience Oz
Experience Oz

closed Comments

  • +1

    Looks like it's just a postcode check, so anyone could use 4215 and get $50 off?

    • You need ID when go on the day(s). If you don't have a valid photo ID with the correct address you can't use the discount.

      Local Annual Passes price and usage applies to QLD and Northern NSW (post codes 2450-2490) residents only. Proof of residency required upon entry

      • +1

        You are buying the Dreamworld Local Pass which is available for QLD and Nth NSW.
        The $50 off is supposed to be for GC residents only but anyone in QLD and Nth NSW can enter GC postcode and get the localpass for $50.

        • +2

          Since the local annual pass is cheaper than even a normal non-local day pass ticket, I was just pointing out that they check your ID every time you visit the attactactions. Didn't want someone from say Sydney using a Gold Coast postcode to buy the pass, then getting to the park and being refused entry due to their IDs not matching.

          • +1

            @Chris McMahon: how about if i was a GC resident today when i purchased it but I move homes to sydney.. not that sydney people will ever be able to visit QLD again anyway :)

      • Any idea if they would accept rates notice and passport? Or does address need to be on the ID?

        • +1

          Your best bet would be to phone them and ask. (07) 5588 1111

        • +1

          Rates notice should suffice.

        • All that to get a $50 discount haha

          • @doubleplatinum: Usually these kind of deals are purchased by each family member so that $50 can easily become a few $hundred

      • +1

        If you purchase via this deal - it gives you a voucher to redeem on Dreamworld's web site - the page makes no mention of Gold Coast residents only it simply says "DREAMWORLD DEAL QLD & NTH NSW (2450-2490) RESIDENTS ONLY (ID REQUIRED)".

        Same goes for the voucher itself.

  • +3

    Some cracking deals to be had in here - hopefully I don't miss out due to analysis paralysis

  • +1

    Not open to the rest of SE Qld, guess i just saved myself $50 🙃

    • Ahh no love for SEQ

  • If you want to get 4 annual passes 1 for each family member just use different email addresses? Anyone know?

  • +9

    Brb buying a house in GC for this deal.

  • thanks OP got 1 dreamworld pass and 1 village one pass

    access to every park on the gc for $169 is absolutely insane

    • access to every park on the gc for $169 is absolutely insane

      $119 after discount code. Hope you didn't forget to enter the code.

      • +1

        It's $169 for village + dreamworld after 2x use of the code…

  • If you bought the Village annual pass for Movie World etc, used the voucher but live in Brisbane or elsewhere in qld, how would the parks know that you’ve used the $50 voucher when you attend? You’re still eligible for this annual pass if you reside in qld and could just say you’ve changed address since the date of purchase?

    • +2

      On the ticket it actually says "DreamworldLocals AnnualPass Play Money Rewards". The "Play Money Rewards" means you used the GC $50 voucher. But you can redeem your ticket online and it will just be a normal Local Annual Pass!

      Edit, looks like you can redeem ticket online for dreamworld. For seaworld you need to do it in person.

      • Do you have to be 18 years and above to use Play Money Rewards?

  • $50 play money at the casino

    • +1

      I call him Gamblor!

  • Bought both Village and DW last time and think I’ve used them once each with all the COVID stuff going on :(

  • How does the dine in and accommodation works? They are all $100, are they only available to be used at that one place that you choose?

    • Clearly not the sharpest tool in the shed are you?

  • +3

    Thanks OP, 50% discount at Bam Bam Bakehouse

    • Ripper. Now you have to wait 30 minutes to get a table

  • Honestly for GC residents this is one of the deals of the year, half price pretty much everywhere - thanks Op for the reminder!

  • So if you buy a Wet'n'Wild Single Day Pass with the discount but aren't in GC it shouldn't matter since you aren't buying the Local Pass correct? But you still get the $50 discount?

    • +1

      Yea that should work fine.

      • Cheers mate.

    • the village local pass says:
      Valid for residents of Qld & Northern NSW only (postcodes 2450-2490)

      • I was talking about the Wet N Wild Day Pass not the Annual Village Pass.

  • Thanks, OP! Took advantage of the Dreamworld Passes - 5 for the family makes perfect Family Christmas presents!

    • But you’ll lose out on a few months of membership if you wait til Christmas, no?

      • No - Pass doesn't become valid until you activate it/go for the first time. That's when your 12months annual pass starts. It just has to be activated before the 31/12/21.

        • God damnit. I thought it was activated straight away so I told the kids that it was an early Xmas present. I wish I had known that lol

  • Just a heads up - you have to use the whole $100 voucher in one go and no refunds or credit will be given. Sucks if you bought a voucher to a little cafe or ice cream place etc as you'll need to order about 15 different things at once! (They even have kebab joints/newsagents/$2 dollar shops) I've given them some feedback about this and burying this away in the fine, fine print….

    • Its a great point but then I find most credits/vouchers etc are built this way, thats how they make their money back.

    • +1

      Depends on the merchant apparently, Dreamworld have replied on Facebook you can do multiple purchases for theirs.

      • Oh ok. Interesting… When I contacted Experience Oz they said all $100 must be used at once for all vouchers as per the T&Cs

  • Anyone else getting an error trying to place multiple orders? Even after chaning email/mobile/name/credit card/browser/computer/IP with VPN I'm still getting an error.

    • Worked okay for me. After doing two though (and using the +@email address) it asked me to put in a code that was sent to my mobile. That was instant and worked no problem.

      • Do you need multiple phone numbers?

        • +1

          Nope - just used the same mobile number. I only changed the email addresses (and first name for each family member) which was 5 in total.

  • if you buy the village roadshow one… are the extra tickets like the white xmas, carnivale etc sent as a separate barcode or they tied to your pass? Can you sell the extra tickets and keep the annual pass?

    • I dont know, but I think it's most likely that they will be saved on your annual pass, rather than separate tickets

    • They are saved to your pass and you use the pass barcode to redeem for a seperate other ticket.

      Technically this ticket must be presented with the pass for admission but I have found generally just the event ticket is enough.

      • Oh thanks, how do you get the separate other ticket? is it in person at the ticket booth when showing your pass?

    • What do you think?

  • Dreamworld sold out

  • -3

    A late word of warning. Dreamworld passes aren’t worth it, even for $50. The park has been run into the ground, many of the rides frequently out of action. It’s a disaster. Might be worth getting the passes just for white water world.

    • As a regular visitor I call complete bullshit on rides frequently out of action. Currently have 1 ride closed and when rides are closed they are disclosed.…

      They also have a massive brand new rollercoaster opening in a few months.

      Normal Locals Pass prices are good value, $50/$69 is a steal.

      • Just had a look and most of the big attractions have been closed permanently ie tower of terror, buzzsaw etc.

        • Wipeout too. But to be fair, they have added Sky Voyager and Steel Tapian is nearly finished.

    • It's great as a half day weekend activity if you have young kids - recommend it thoroughly for anyone in this group in GC, Brisbane, etc

      Can't comment on it's value to childless 18-29 year olds who probably used to be the main crowd

      • Yeah I have two young kids. We live 5 minutes away and went often- it just gets boring after a visit or two. Thankfully we were compensated for visiting during a lot of the ride closures.

  • They didn't check my ID on entry to movieworld. Only a postcode check

    • Did they take photo and gave you annual pass?

      • I used the app and the tickets r all on it. Took my own photos

        • Was this a village roadshow season pass, or just movieworld?

        • thanks for confirming.

          I tried the app yesterday, and thought it didn't work as it didn't load/show the pass straight away.
          And it mentions somewhere that third party tickets can't be scanned/added via app.

          I just checked the app now, the scanned pass is there now.
          Appears as standard local pass, so still needs to be QLD postcode (and select NSW codes)

          Also scanned the rest of the passes, it takes about 30sec to 2mins for it to appear/refresh.

          • @crazym0nkey: Does that mean you have activated them? I want to wait as long as possible to activate

            • @isthisreallife22: Not sure.

              It doesn’t say activation date.

              Only purchase date.

              I haven’t added photos yet either.

              I plan on going in a couple of weeks anyway, so not losing much if it did activate.

    • Was the postcode check to confirm eligibility for the locals pass or for the GC voucher? Thanks.

  • I bought 6 different ones using the +gmail trick. Same mobile number though. But now for some reason it is not working even when I change the number and use a virtual credit card. Keep getting an error message saying call them directly.

    • Same for me - trying to change name/number/email/card/device…still can't work out how they are detecting!?!

  • Has anyone located in a brisbane postcode been successful in obtaining vouchers and redeeming them?

    • You run the risk of your voucher being declined at the point of sale (e.g., at a restaurant or cafe) when they ask for your ID

    • Ive redeemed three in the past 3 days. No problem. The operator doesn't care. They get their money and a customer.

    • -1

      How pathetic

  • GC Mayor posted that 65% of the voucher allocation has been used so far…

    No more Dreamword or VRTP annual passes left however.

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