[QLD, NSW] Dreamworld Locals Annual Pass Renewal $69 (QLD & Northern NSW Residents Only) @ Dreamworld


Dreamworld Annual Pass Renewal Offer for $69

I got the Summer Funds pass last year for $50, and didn’t renew - just got emailed a renewal offer for $69

Code appears generic so should work for everyone. Not sure if they will check whether you previously subscribed, but still shows the $69 price even if I browse incognito

Available to residents of Queensland (postcodes 4000-4999) and Northern New South Wales (postcodes 2450-2490)

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  • +1

    As the OP of the $50 deal - I'm really curious how much use people got out of their tickets?

    We went to Dreamworld once for the day and then stopped in at Whitewater World for a few hours one afternoon on the way back from the GC. Still hoping to get one more visit in by expiry at the end of the month.

    • +3

      Heaps of usage. I avoided Dreamworld for a long time because of the negative rep it had, and instead renewed a couple of times at the other parks. However after signing up last year and giving it a go, I think it's the best of them all, with White Water also being better than Wet n Wild in some ways (cleanliness and more accessible rides for younger kids). DW just has a great range of rides, with the new coasters particularly good. Nice animal section too. Staff are exceptional too. Absolute bargain at this price.

    • +1

      Went there about 6 times last year.

      • And how does it compare with Movie world if you've been to MW recently?

        I might be going to GC soon and wanna know which is better to spend a day at.

        • +1

          Depends what it is you hope to get out of them. For thrills, I would absolutely recommend Movie World. Dreamworld is better for families, though it seems Movie World is incorporating more family-friendly rides with their new Wizard of Oz precinct.

          • @bambadee: Thanks, I will be going with young kids.

    • We went 3 times - the 3rd being the Halloween event - was well worth the $50.

      • Did you have to pay extra ontop of the pass to attend the halloween event or was it completely free (with the pass)

        • +1

          It’s completely free for entry and participation in the basic inclusions (candy hunt) but they have some extras available for purchase.

    • +1

      Been every second weekend with my boy.
      Loves it.

      • Great to hear :)

    • Lol I tried a few months ago like you and it didn't work. Not sure why the hate though

    • +2

      This deal is explicitly for the renewal of an existing annual pass.

      • -1

        OP: "Not sure if they will check whether you previously subscribed"
        Me: confirms they do check
        Everyone: ZOMG UR A MORON

  • -5

    Lol this shit stain of a company getting more and more desperate with cheaper and cheaper prices.

    • That rapids ride deaths could have been avoided with a $20 water level sensor, or just by teaching the staff where the off button was and when they should press it.

      • -4

        $20 water level sensor

        BUt BuSinESS ProFiTs!!

        • I think it happened mainly due to negligence and incompetence rather than profits.

          • @OldSchoolHarry: So they would have been happy spending the money to hire someone to think of and implement all these things, like 120k a year maybe for someone good and devoted, but didn't do it because they didn't think of it?

            • @AustriaBargain: IMHO, they didn’t think there was a problem (incompetence) despite of previous report from few years ago about this potential issue (negligence). Cost could have been a driver but if you knew it could lead to loss of life, that issue gets shot up the risk register where it becomes a focus.

        • +2

          And in terms of training. Most staff new. The person on the ride was still undergoing training (from my understanding). Yes maybe she should have been accompanied.

          It was a case of the Swiss cheese model and all controls failing.

      • -1

        Tell me more about how you know nothing. It wasn't as simple as a $20 level sensor. The back end side of changing a original design is more involved.

        • +1

          Yes they removed some slats to lower maintenance costs which caused the problem of the float getting stuck int he first place, I read the reports and watched the YouTube videos like everyone else. But the water sensor still could have stopped the ride and saved their lives.

    • +4

      The issues are certainly worth remembering, but you're making it sound like a terrible place to visit by only focussing on them. I visited for the first time late last year and have taken my kids back several times since. The customer service is worth highlighting - I don't think I've come across more polite staff anywhere in Aus, and (perhaps partly to do with the funding issue you note), my kids think it's the best of all the theme parks. If people want to boycott it, that's fine, but it's a fun place to take kids and people rely on it for jobs.

      • -5

        you're making it sound like a terrible place to visit

        I'm guessing you never went in the 90s/late 00s when the place was much, much better than the shell of its former self it has become.

        • You wouldn't know if you never been to it originally. You got no clue man.

          • @Kritik:

            You wouldn't know if you never been to it originally. You got no clue man.

            I went all the time growing up.

        • When was your last experience there? I'm just wondering if what you're saying is recent.

          • -1

            @cloudy: Haven't been back since the "incident". But you just need to compare the park map and ride lists to see how far they have fallen.

            • +1

              @PainToad: You have the concept of an idea

              • @Hinee: Not really a concept when I'm comparing quantitative tangible things like maps and ride lists. But sure, whatever you say.

            • @PainToad: sounds like you probably haven't been in almost a decade….did they hurt you?

        • +2

          Maybe, but what wasn't better in the 90's? There used to be a Sega World in Sydney, and now what is it? A CBA building or something?

      • One of my friends died on the ride that day.

        If that theme park shuts down the customers will go elsewhere and the jobs will pop at at those places.

        • +4

          Sorry for your loss.

          • +2

            @PainToad: Oh that's ok, anyone who dies anywhere is someone's friend. I have no real desire to see Dreamworld shrug off the reputation it deserves to have, though.

  • -1

    I went onto the thunder river ride the same year when the accident happened.

    • have you been back since?

      • Why are you changing the topic?

    • +2

      Thanks for the info!

    • were you on the accident ride

    • I went on it 2 weeks before. On a school trip.

  • -6

    "Don't lose your head over this amazing deal!"

  • Waiting for a village roadshow deal.

    • Can you explain their differences?

      • -8

        One has been responsible for killing people. The other hasn't it.

        Oh and Movie World has the best ride on the planet (Scooby Doo) but it's currently closed for renovations.

      • +1

        Village roadshow pass includes 4 theme parks on the Gold Coast: wet n wild, sea world, movie world and paradise country. Dreamworld pass is only for dreamworld and white water world.

        • +5

          Calling Paradise Country a theme park is a stretch.

          • @Hardicus: haha yeah, it's pretty basic. But for our family we actually got great use from Paradise Country, only Sea World was better. We'd often do a few hours at PC and then pop over to Movie World for the arvo and include the street parade.

  • Should be a deal given to other areas of the country too, get more people travelling there.

    • The reason the price is cheap for locals is because they know locals will go multiple times per year. Dreamworlds aim is:

      1) Make the park look busy (even though the vast majority of visitors are actually local bogans who paid next to nothing for the tickets).
      2) Hope people going multiple times per year will spend a shit load on food over the course of the year to help recover some of the costs of the discounted tickets.

      So no, opening to other areas wouldn't make sense.

      • Yeah true!

      • +3

        FYI the cafe at dreamworld (main one near that old-school swing ride) sells coffees for the same price as your local cafe. Decent ones too.

      • +2

        No one's forgetting the tragedy, and locals especially still talk about it whenever Dreamworld comes up and it's not something that gets brushed under the rug. It was a horrific failure that should never have happened. But recently, I've seen the major safety overhauls, for instance at white water world the Lifeguards are extremely diligent with scanning the wave pool (I know that should be minimum with getting your qualifications, but they don't have the same diligence at wet n wild's wave pool from what i've seen).

        The park has had to work to regain public trust, and I only just started returning in the past 6 months, starting with their Friday/Saturday night markets. I do understand your frustrations against them to comment on their ozb deals, but mistakes, even devastating ones, happen… personally I think what matters most is whether lessons are learned and improvements are made so that will never happen again. If we don’t allow places to change and do better, then we’re just holding onto the past without acknowledging progress.

        • -1

          Why should we move on when the company essentially was never punished.

          Sure they got a fine but tax payers' money that was given to them for koala research was instead used to fund a new roller coaster. This redirected tax payer money almost completely covered the fine the park received.

          I've seen the major safety overhauls,

          I have to wonder how long they'll be able to continue to fund these considering they're clearly struggling if they're constantly having to heavily discount yearly passes. I wouldn't trust them.

          • @PainToad: As you've already been told, the government approved the use of those funds be redirected for covid recovery. It's not likely DW did anything dodgy as you're implying.

            No need to worry about their financial position, it's largely public as a publicly traded company, see below. "Giving away the gate" is a strategy theme parks worldwide have used including VRTP in the past.


            • @JordanM: So you’re okay with the business walking away with basically no net impact or punishment for killing people?

              Just because a government allows something doesn’t mean it’s not dodgy. Especially when big businesses have to power to lobby politicians.

  • +7

    Fun fact - Melbourne is more 'local' to Dreamworld (1,350km) than Cairns (1,440km). Hobart and Adelaide are also closer than some parts of QLD :-)

    • Melbourne is more 'local' to Dreamworld (1,350km) than Cairns (1,440km)

      I just hope Hellbourne's bad weather isn't anywhere local to Dreamworld.

    • And Kiwis are more local than WA folk which I absolutely have no problem with.

  • In Northern NSW, water park comes to you!

  • anyone knows when it expires?

  • Sorry, we were unable to verify this passholder. Please try again with a different search.

    As as passholder from a couple of years ago.

    • Yeh I tried to using my passholder ID number from 2 years ago and got the same message.

  • RACQ new local pass is $143

  • My passes expired in Jan but this deal still worked for me.

    Thanks OP!

  • -1

    So to use this deal, you have to renew before your current pass expire right?

    • +1

      No, my pass expired 2 weeks ago, and I just renewed 5 passes. But I could not use the code above to renew, I had to find my old passes and copy and paste the serial number of the old code to renew.
      Hopefully this year I will go more then once lol.

      • Did you get the $69 for the renewal price?

  • I live just down the road - haven't ever been to DW (no desire to), been to MW twice - the second time was to see if they had updated it much - they hadn't. It's for the interstate rubes.

  • Just got an email extending my previous passes to the 19th, which is nice. Wanted to go one last time before all this cyclone stuff caused issues..

  • -2

    wouldnt let me renew with that generic code.
    Doesnt work OP.

    I have not had a DW pass before.

    • +4

      wouldnt let me renew

      I have not had a DW pass before

      Then you're not renewing are you.

  • -3

    is this pass can be used for unlimited entry to MW DW SW and WW? or just dreamworld

    • Yeah this pass can be used for any theme park in the world bro.. actually how about you don’t take my word for it and click the link posted on the deal for your convenience?

  • +2

    Thanks OP! Was thinking about whether I should renew at $99 a couple of weeks ago. Then got an email for $89 renew. At $69 it's great value.

  • Damn renewed my pass about 3 weeks ago for $99.

  • +1

    For clarification…

    This promo code will work for passes that have recently expired and those expiring within 30 days.

    • Associated hey?

  • -1

    Where's all the outraged neg posters, who were horrified recently at a certain cohort of people getting free admission to an EV Autoshow, or a different cohort getting free swimming lessons in Melbourne et al?

    Arise, all you RWSJWs!

    • Context?

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