Village Roadshow Annual Adventure Pass $199 @ Village Roadshow Theme Parks, QLD


Give yourself vertigo and sunburn year-round for the low price of $199. For a limited time, Village is opening up its annual pass to non-locals, valid for unlimited entries at its four Gold Coast theme parks: Movie World, Sea World, Wet’n’ Wild and Paradise Country. (Blackout dates apply between 26 December and 15 January.)

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Village Roadshow Theme Parks
Village Roadshow Theme Parks
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  • +1

    Thats just the lite version isnt it?

  • +5

    Isn't this the standard price?
    Remember when it was half this?

  • +1

    "Blackout dates apply 26 Dec – 15 Jan inclusive."

    • +1

      Thanks - that’s important information.

    • For Paradise Country only ?

  • +1

    How much is it usually?

    • +2

      I don’t think it normally exists for non-locals.

  • +2

    On the weekends the waiting time for new rides is 90 minutes with no shade, actual ride 90 seconds. To make money, they sell Fast passes (up to $35 per ride), so the staff is incentivized to work slowly on new rides.

    • It's like that at Disney Land. (The only difference being that the rides at Disney Land are actually worth it,)

    • +1

      Can confirm ride time is long but disagree with your staff incentivised to work slowly comment. The young kids have a tough gig out there and I've always found them working hard. Unless you have a source that has told you this?

      • +1

        I always felt sorry for the kids working the rides at Movie World, sandwiched as they are between a horde of shrieking Karens on one side and penny-pinching managers on the other.

      • +1

        Source is my personal observation. During my visit to a flight of the wicked witch ride on 8/2 staff worked extra slow and kept running rollercoaster with few empty seats each time. Hopefully it was just a training phase..

        Compared to that DC rival indeed had a very rapid working staff

        From business perspective making money is an obvious objective, and fast passes allow them to make a very nice profit of tens of thousands per day with zero costs to them

        • +1

          Yeah I lined up for flight of the wicked witch, took forever, and the ride is so short it's not worth it. Agreed the staff seemed to be going slow, and ride was sitting there not running for more than necessary between each ride. I also assumed it was training.

          My locals pass has expired, not planning to renew in a hurry.

    • One time I went and the joker ride was 1.5h wait and the staff said 'mate don't bother, come back another day' so we didn't do it

    • Are the fast passes actually worth it? We are going in April school holidays for the first time. Whats the usual wait on a fast pass?

      • +1

        It depends :) wait is probably less than 10min with a fast pass

      • +1

        Maybe if you're only going for the one day and want to make the most of your one day entry. Not if you're going to have an annual pass like this and can go as often as you want.

        Last time I looked at fastpass it cost as much as the day's entry and was limited in it's own ways so didn't seem worth it to me. YMMV.

        • +1

          We always go midweek during school term. It’s just not worth it otherwise.

  • Went over xmas… never again during this time… if your waiting 60 to 90 minutes per ride it opens at like 10 and closes at 4-5 depending when you go… thats like 6 rides and 6 hours of waiting…(generally speaking though some lines will have less people after a break down… so you should be able to get more)

    Let alone rhe rides breaking down…

    So many breaking down per day… do not recomend…

    • +1

      I never understood the lack of shelter. We bring our own umbrellas. It looks weird but at least we’re spared sunstroke.

  • Oh no I just bought our tickets before the last price rise :/ I would buy again but they only last 12 months from purchase date

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