I switched to Alinta and it should have been changed by now, but i have heard nothing or received a finall bill from the old company. Today I saw on another energy site that the NSW Govr considers meter reading a non essential service so we are stuck with the old energy company. I guess that solves that mystery.
Unable to Switch Energy Companies Due to Lockdown

which suburb
Where did you read meter read is non essential?
Yes I was able to change, but the final bill for the old company is well overdue.
Don't worry, they are more worry that you are not going to pay up. Has the new company start charging?
This is from Energy Australia
The NSW Government has determined that meter reads are non-essential. Meter readers in the impacted areas are under the same lockdown rules as the rest of the community so once lockdown is lifted, meter reads should start happening again. You’ll be contacted again once this occurs.Exemptions apply if you have life support equipment at your home or premises. Please visit our life support information page.
If you recently requested to switch to us, due to restrictions, your local electricity or gas distributor (the company that owns the poles, pipes and wires in your area and is responsible for meter readers) may not be able to conduct a meter read until further notice. An on-site meter read is a standard part of the process for a change of retailer request. You’ll stay with your current retailer during the lockdown period. Your distributor is typically listed on your electricity and gas bills.
Take a photo of your meter yourself and send them? Origin allows that.
So if the lock down persist, you ever need to pay bill? Olive in area of concern still have people come and read bill.
I just got them to install a smart meter last week, I am with EA.
So NSW still reads meters? Who knew…. In VIC its all done remotely!
Not Everyone has smart meter
In VIC they do.
Nah nah nananah. No smart meter here. Live on Mornington Peninsula, VIC. Yes, I am connected to the mains.
@BobD: Smart meters are now in place in all Victorian homes. So please forgive me that I don't believe you.
@JimmyF: You are forgiven and you are wrong. If I can get around to it I will take a photo.
Just to help you out, I am on a private distribution network and locked in to ONE provider.
The meters are physically read every month.
I might be locked in but the rates are very good so no complaints here.I am on a private distribution network
and there you go….. So not on the public grid like everyone else in VIC.
Most utility companies now allows you to submit your own meter readings at any time for billing estimation. And some of those are accepting self meter reading for their billing for special circumstances like unable to visit the property due to restrictions.
All electricity companies in NSW must allow this by regulation, I would assume the same elsewhere too.
So NSW still reads meters? Who knew…. In VIC its all done remotely!
Not for gas and water. And, in some areas (outer east suburbs, lots of hills and trees = no communications), the smart meters for electricity don't work, so they still have to send out people to read our meters.
I think it will depend upon the meter type. If you have smart meter, everything is done remotely.
I do have a smart meter, but it looks like it still has to be read.
You must live in a low vaccination area! Everyone who got the vaccine is now a 5G hotspot.
My vaccine is obviously faulty. Still no 5G after my jabs. Maybe I'll need to wait for a booster shot :P
but it looks like it still has to be read.
Then you don't have a smart meter.
Like @JimmyF pointed out above, the reads are all done remotely.
Its definately a smart meter, so must not be being utilised correctly by the utility ccmpany
@screensaver: Then post a photo of your meter to support your claim.
When on earth would your distributor waste money to pay their contractors to do physical (on site) reads after having installed a smart meter?
@DoctorCalculon: they do estimated readings then every few months, an actual reading. My last bill was an actual reading, then there should have been a final bill,
they do estimated readings then every few months, an actual reading
By this admission alone, you do not have a smart meter, Pam.
NSW needs to catch up with VIC.
When on earth would your distributor waste money to pay their contractors to do physical (on site) reads after having installed a smart meter
The smart meters in my area are supposed to connect to a (WiMax?) tower about 3km away (from my house) as the crow flies. Unfortunately, there are a lot of very tall trees and hills in the way, and the meters cannot connect. The distributors even removed the antennas from all of the smart meters around here.
The whole idea was not very well thought out, and was very costly for all the home owners around here who had to pay for the smart meters for no benefit.
So, the answer to your "why on earth" question is because the chosen communications method simply does not work here.
Had my electricity switched over, just waiting for gas confirmation, I did have a missed call from current provider though
Negotiate a new contract with your current provider so you aren't paying full retail for your electricity. When things change in a month or so you can still change over to Alinta.
You answered your own query in the original post Pam.
What is the actual question?
“To be or not to be” -
HamletPamletIt is called a Discussion Forum, so if it doesnt involve you then why are you here? Just to impose your own rules?
I'm happy to discuss electricity, energy providers and even Benjamin Franklin. Where shall we start?
If you have the patience, you should also explain how smart meters work.
This isn't really a post that is inviting discussion - it reads more like a personal blog.
There is nothing inviting people's opinion or feedback.
It really boils down to - this happened to me.
well it has generated discussion, my point is that every post does not have to be a question. Sounds llike you are on the put people down band wagon. Must make you feel good eh? Cant resist taking pot shots. Thats all you have to contribute.
If you are not interested in the topic then scroll on, its not that hard. Your only interest appears to be in putting others down.
smart meter, no meter readings required
NSW Govr considers meter reading a non essential service
Explains the trouble the state is in.
I saw the meter reader for my apartment block last week (or at least he had high viz that said 'meter reader'), and we're in an area of concern LGA. Electricity service workers are considered an authorised worker under NSW rules https://www.nsw.gov.au/covid-19/rules/authorised-workers .
not according to energy australia. I may have to call my old company. Ask them why I havent received a final bill,
Yeah, because if your new retailer has start charging you, then your old one would have got a reading from the distributor like ausgrid.
You can also ask your current electricity retailer what's the initial meter reading.
Did you call your new provider or old provider for status and update on change over and final bill. That's what normal ppl do Pam
Pam is raising the bar for “social distancing”. Contactless living is the new normal. Recall supermarket/security incident…
Pam changed her name?
ahem look around you here…
I am just advising others that there is apparently a problem in the system. You dont have to twist it into something else. Thats not normal.
Could the outcome be that if you call the provider they just say send us a meter picture. There is no problem here. Only twist is that you hadn't made or asked that question of your provider.
I will never settle for nastiness to be allowed to be okay, unlike some, who normalize it. It should not be normal. It is not okay.
Or you could, you know, call them and ask what's happening?
Crazy idea, but it just may work.
This post is about advising others there may be a problem with lockdown. But thats too hard to comprehend apparently.
No, you made an assumption rather than talking to your energy provider to find out exactly what's going on and potential ways to resolve it.
Also, you tell me that your post is to advise other people, but in another reply you say this is a discussion forum to discuss.
Which one is it?
I was reporting what Energy Australia posted on their site, which would be news to some people, and surprised me when I read it. And the answer to your question is, both. But that doesnt fit your pigeon hole apparently. So it doesnt fit your narrative. And what is your motive and agenda? Tell people what they can and cannot post about? Twist things when they do? As I said, scroll on, its not that hard. Rather than try and force your unwanted bile down peoples throats
@screensaver: You might want to take a look in the mirror there, since you're the one trying to tell people what they can and can't post.
You're right - this is a discussion forum, so if you post on here, people are going to respond, which we are free to do.
You don't have to like the responses either, but you can't dictate to us when we can and can't post just because it doesn't fit what you want to hear.From where I'm sitting, you're the one with the "pigeon hole" and doesn't fit your narrative.
Instead of wasting your time on here, you could have easily made a couple of phone calls, which several of us pointed out to you.
But just keep sitting there and wondering why stuff hasn't happened.Like you said yourself, it's not hard ;)
Call Alinta. They accept pictures of meters, I just done it to correct my last bill. They've set the amount based on estimations, but suggested to provide a picture of the reading to correct it.
Hi Pam, I was able to changed my electricity company last week.