The latest Hungry Jack's vouchers are out. Valid till 29/11/2021.
Almost identical to the current deal.
Shared from Best Aussie Markdowns.
Mod: Fixed missing start date, vouchers starts 14/9/21.
The latest Hungry Jack's vouchers are out. Valid till 29/11/2021.
Almost identical to the current deal.
Shared from Best Aussie Markdowns.
Mod: Fixed missing start date, vouchers starts 14/9/21.
They're redoing the chicken menu with JFC starting October 27th, it's being trialed in ACT right now.
Jacks Fried Chicken. New Promo, basically ripping off KFC. Honestly looks pretty good
@dilflover6969: It's great! Just had one this afternoon. I tried the Chik-fil-a and Popeyes chicken sandwiches in the State,s and I would say this one is closer Popeyes chicken sandwich — but tasted healthier!
Inb4 phone is fine
I think these days your voice is fine.. they don't need to see it.
they still asked to see mine
i told 'em phone is fine
The good ole days of phone is fine and bikes seems to be over
yeah as long as you ask for a known 'permanent' combo ie. 2 x bacon deluxe for $10. you can just flash your phone and they dont care
if the combo has been delete eg. tendercrisp, then their POS will not take it
I've never even needed to flash my phone.
@askvictor: Did you need to flash anything else ;)
But same I also always just mentioned the 2 for 10 coupon or whatever and never got asked. (This is through drive through).
if the combo has been delete eg. tendercrisp, then their POS will not take it
Shouldn't talk about staff like that
they removed the coffee from breakfast? what's the point?
what's the point?
They simply want you to pay for it as a extra hehe :)
More profit margin .
I know they're trying to increase their profits but would it have been too much to ask to add like an OJ if they're getting rid of the coffee?
I don't think they put much thought into these vouchers tbh :(
They seem to be revising them to favour their profit margins
I think cause most hungry jacks now getting ‘Jacks cafe’ where that voucher doesn’t work.
Eh, coffee was rubbish anyway.
Yup.. my nespresso or 7 11 coffee is so much better.
I did order the hot chocolate for the kids
7-11 coffee is the best $1 coffee. Just remember that 2 x $1 coffees is the same volume as a 1 x $3 coffee.
@ShipShapeRC: While I'm not a coffee snob it's half decent.
Yeah, I never understood why people buy the $3 one.
Anyway 1 x $1 coffee is plenty for me.
@JimB: Call me a spendthrift but I can see the value in copping $1 to avoid messing around with two cups. Especially if you’re in a single cab with another bloke and there’s only two cup holders.
Anyway 1 x $1 coffee is plenty for me.
@ShipShapeRC: Guide to making a decent long black at 7-11
$2 and a pretty good long black.
I would recommend doing this and it's even cheaper:
Burner emails - setup 8 or 9 of them. Create new accounts with every one and use whatever password storage you have in your phone to go in and out easy (I use Samsung pass).
in the morning run through the lot of them to try and win a coffee. If you win one, then just get the hashbrown for a dollar. Most of the time when you win one they still stamp your loyalty card (5th coffee free) if you're not a a55hole.
on the odd occasion you don't win a coffee, you will likely get the bacon and egg mcmuffin for $2. Get a hashbrown with it for 1 bucks and use your loyalty card for a free coffee - whole meal for 3 bucks.
if you don't care about the coffee then just get the hash brown separately and win the $2 muffin through the shake and win - bring the cost down to 3 bucks.
I have been using this system for ages and works a treat.
You can use one of several tricks to manipulate your Gmail address too
Are there more tricks?
Other than the
Or the fact you can put as many dots in your email address and it doesn't matter?
@rysk: Only other thing I can think of is using instead of
Allows my to send emails to my work address without getting filtered.
@rysk: Adding on to this, you can add dots too
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
All go to the same place
Thats a lot of effort every morning
for real, just for some crappy junk food lol
You get free entertainment and a cheap meal, all in one convenient HJ app.
It's probably not much of a hassle if you are commuting on a bus or train and have nothing else to do.
The whole country isn't in lockdown, there are still some bits left where life is normal.
True. Getting a job / affording real food may be a better alternative.
Every time I've used the Hungry Jacks app it's always incredibly slow. There's no way I could tolerate using it more than once.
For some reason it uses a lot of memory for what it is, around 400mb if I remember correctly.
It was incredibly hard to use on a phone with 3GB of ram.
@hamza23: Oh wow it does too. After being open for a two minutes I see 439MB used (max). I'm glad I have 4GB RAM.
My main issues with the app are everything takes so long to register a tap, no indication that something has been tapped, jerky movement when scrolling and images failing to load.
I would prefer to be a true Oz bargainer and buy the coffee for $1 at Coles Express and the breakfast at HJ
Or Caltex
True Ozbargainer would only benefit if they were very close to each other otherwise transport costs exceed worth, but probably the best deal if close yeh
I'm lucky in that respect as they're next door to eachother.
Genuine question, which one is better for $1 coffee coles express or 7/11? Thanks
coles express do not live near any 7/11
7/11 easily.
Although I will admit since Coles Express started using locally sourced beans (from a roaster in Melbourne) rather than some generic crap it's become very drinkable too.
While we're on it, BP has a $1 mocha which is okay but don't expect anything from the others.
The coffee at 711 is the best. Far better than maccas.
Their coffee was pretty gross before they added in the new barista machines and had mandated training requirements.
Sad to see it go as the local cafes aren't great in my area
Anyone got pdf version?
Do you actually have to print this out? Surely not
Probably will be out on hj website tomorrow
Apps have deals too. Same
Ahh, memories of when the two whopper juniors and two small chips deal was under $5…
The 1.95 cheeseburger and chips definitely contributed a bit to my weight in my days as a youngin'
Replaced bacon deluxes with whoppers in the $6 meals :'(
oh damn.
Didn't notice that. I'm a bacon deluxe and tender crisp fanboi lol
Wish they kept both :(
It was good while it lasted. Looks like whopper meals know minus pickle and onion.
I haven't eaten Hungry Jacks in ages as the burgers are getting smaller and smaller all the time so you need 2 of them to get a decent size burger
I prefer my own home made burgers and so does my son and wife
Yep, I used to be a huge fan of the old whopper. But a few years back I noticed they smashed the beef patties to a paper thin level, so it ended up being like a salad roll.
agree… i thought it was just me that noticed. same as the "big mac" at the other local artificial foods joint is nearly see through
🎶 The burgers are better smaller at Hungry Jacks 🎶
Honestly though, McD is just as bad. Oporto and KFC are the only two places I can still get a decent burger.
Well you should scratch KFC off that list too lol because they're halved. I used to get an original burger, regular chips, can of drink. If I added bacon and cheese to that I'd feel full. And it was just better all-round. Juicy/succulent. Now it's thin, dry, less surface area so there's mostly bare bread showing if you lift the bun and a sorry sprinkle of lettuce. About a week ago I got that $21 for 4x burgers, 2x large chips, 1.25L drink. At home I added sliced tomato, bacon, and tasty cheese on the top bun melted in the microwave… and it reminded me of the size/quality they used to be. So I basically had to double the contents to make it like it used to be.
Admittedly haven't had KFC in about 2 months but last time I had it, there was still reasonable size chicken, the lettuce has always been a few measly shreds. The main annoyance is the chicken, much like the chips are inconsistent. Sometimes great, sometimes dry af.
If only the kfc original chicken filter was a reasonable size,.. …..
Price has gone up heaps
Jack didn't get his name without a good reason!
No double tender crisp no HJ for me!
see this
its on the app. They also have 2xmeals
Many people don't like the app but i find it good
I'm assuming they've gotten rid of the Tendercrisp from these vouchers as they're redoing the chicken menu with JFC (Jack's Fried Chicken).
as they're redoing the chicken menu with JFC (Jack's Fried Chicken).
I just want the chicken crunch
The PDFs are better at Hungry Jack's
Good deal for all the fatties out there
I'm pretty sure its great value regardless of fatmass
I'm pretty sure you have that sentence fatass backwards.
It should be:
"I'm pretty sure it's great fatness regardless of value."
I only see the $6 Bacon delux meal, can’t see the $6 whopper meal?
Maybe you need to look at a different link. I only see the whoppe instead of bacon deluxe.
I think he means on the app; I still only have the $6 bacon deluxe meal too.
Same, still only have the $6 bacon deluxe meal on my app. I think it may start on the 14th to replace the bacon deluxe meal (or maybe just an addition).
yep Australia + tasmania but not new zealand
The coupons get released and are always nationwide.
Still on old ones which expires tomorrow. I expect it will be upgraded once expired.
Wow the coffees gone well atleast it's cheaper now with 7-11 coffee
So is the $1 chips & $2 sundae available all the time & without a voucher?
$2 Sundae hotfudge! How good is that??
can't we just buy a 2L tub of vanilla ice for $3 and spray some chocsauce?
you may. but there's something with the soft serves and the sundaes from Maccas and HJ that really stands out. Maybe just a fastfood thing but it really ticks the box for me :)
im pretty sure in the app the $6 bacon deluxe meal included a chips …. actually its changed they removed the chips and you get a medium coke instead
boring - i rather want the chips then a bigger coke size dammit lol
Best advice for the coffee deal:
1 buy with a voucher and go to 7/11 for $1 coffee
2 Use two accounts, shake the shit outta the app for free coffee, buy four small Chips and check out and pick it up, same deal but with coffee and hot chips, smash on some hot source from home and have chilly coffee.
$6 small whopper deal hasn't applied for me at 2 stores. How do we know which stores are participating?
They removed the tendercrisp! :o