Brand New Apple iPhone 12 64G (A2403) Australian Stock $999 save $350
Apple Warranty 2 Years @MyMobile limited stock
white and red in stock
Free express shipping
pick up welcome 69 Adelaide st Brisbane city 07 30127977
Brand New Apple iPhone 12 64G (A2403) Australian Stock $999 save $350
Apple Warranty 2 Years @MyMobile limited stock
white and red in stock
Free express shipping
pick up welcome 69 Adelaide st Brisbane city 07 30127977
Great time to buy if you're wanting a '12 now, and '13 prices may be through the roof with the current chip shortage.
…and these will drop further.
If the '13 costs big bucks and buyers are hesitant, there's little incentive to sell the '12s off too cheaply.
@chrism238: It's the latest iPhone. Launch stock will sell out regardless of what cost. Anyway, either way, it's a week away. Worth waiting. Or, don't. Your choice.
@Hybroid: Hybroid is 100% on the money. Foolish for anyone that thinks otherwise. Plenty of precedents to back this up - who could forget the dear iPhone X (2017 release) which introduced a crazily high price for a phone yet stock sold incredibly quickly. Apple could literally start a religion…probably more a cult though.
I think some of you are misunderstanding Hybroid's key point which I completely agree with - it doesn't matter what it costs (less or more) than the 12 - people will still go nuts and buy it regardless.
I think this year it is not a given prices will drop, the chip shortage and potential price increase has been widely documented. Combine this with a slight fall in the AUD and I would be extremely surprised if a 13 retails for the same as the 12 launched at.
Apple is known to reprice their products only a couple of times a year and always when they introduce new products. Say they increase the iPhone 13 by $100-200 USD ($150-300 AUD) then the price of a base model 13 becomes $1500-1650 AUD. The older model has been priced $100 USD less than the latest one so that leaves the iPhone 12 priced exactly the same or higher than it is today. Combine this with retailers needing to order new stock as they sell out of iPhone 12s purchased in 2020 and have to buy at the new standard price and it's entirely possible to see the price of 12s increase a fair bit…
Doesn’t hurt to wait. The prices are not going to go up, only down. This 999 price is close to historical low but it’s not going to be a rare price going forward.
Also, it doesn’t really matter how the 13 is priced or performs imo. There will always be a large amount of people looking for the latest & greatest and the supply for used 12’s (and retailers offloading 12’s) will 100% be larger than what it is today. Plus (don’t quote me on this), I hear that 12 may be dropped from the lineup, with the 11 replacing the XR.
And Apple itself is predicting a pretty large demand for the 13 even more so than the 12, and they typically overperform.
My advice is to wait and see - unless you absolutely need a phone TODAY then maybe you can jump on this deal. But what’s the rush?
Fake news on the 12 being dropped and 11 replacing the XR.
@PlushToys: That's why I said don't quote me on it. I'm thinking it was 12 or 12 mini that will be discontinued. Maybe the mini.
Everything else I say still stands though.
Dear OP, how long do Express Direct Import Stock usually take to get delivered? I am looking at an Xperia phone on your site.
Hello PlushToys
There is little delay at the moment about 10 business days it would take
My Mobile
"10 days it would take"… Yoda fan, Shane? 😏
Do or do not. There is no try.
Should be good to price match this at Officeworks for 5% off bringing it down to $949.05, making it (potentially) the cheapest iPhone 12 64GB deal ever?
You should wait right after iPhone 13 is announced. It will be cheaper by then or perhaps the new norm?
$949 on Telstra day last month.
Apple only have 1 yr manufacture warranty.
They do have 2 years consumer guarantee under ACL, if you buy from Apple Store.
You can buy from anywhere, as long as it is Australian stock, it has ACL.
No. Under ACL, the retailer is responsible for Customer Guarantee. Not the manufacturer. Imagine you bought from MyMobile and had the phone malfunctioning after 1 year, Apple won’t provide manufacture warranty. And you can’t claim rights against Apple under ACL. You have to deal the hassle with MyMobile.
apple will 100% help you with any warranty issues even if you bought elsewhere, I have had plenty of things exchanged at the apple store no problems.
@asafasr: Yea, they offer one-year warranty. Not two years.
However they offer two years consumer law guarantee if you buy from them directly.
Two different things.
@catbin: Not really, last time I went to Apple store after the initial 1-year warranty, they still gave me a replacement under ACL. Didn't ask anything about original purchase.
@hawkeye93: that's my experience as well. Apple stores tend not to fiddle around with when and where u purchase, they tend to value customer experience above all else
@catbin: Depending on who you speak to at the store, they don't really don't bother with the timeframe of purchase unless is over 5yrs old. All my dealings at apple store I have never been asked to see the receipt
Bad time to buy, iPhone 13 being announced on Tuesday and these will drop further.