- Secures Trailer when attached or unattached to vehicle
- Robust construction
- Quality Zinc coating for longer lasting finish
Thanks to Pricehipster
- Secures Trailer when attached or unattached to vehicle
- Robust construction
- Quality Zinc coating for longer lasting finish
Thanks to Pricehipster
The one you linked looks just as easy (if not easier) to cut and the top review on SCA says that the lock can be unlocked with just about any key
I think all of these types of locks are pretty much junk and easy to defeat if you have the desire.
This guy is obviously biased since he makes his own, but if the video is to be believed the type you linked are also pretty easily defeatable.
He has a bunch of videos breaking competitors locks.
Slight deterrent for casual thieves I guess.
Good enough to stop honest thieves.
These are okay but replace the padlock with a decent branded one. The one supplied is shit quality.
Locks only keep out honest people.
Coupling Lock
Isn’t that called a marriage?
Gives me the shivers…but yes.
wheel locks are way better and harder to tamper with
+1 i've got a hitch lock and a (relatively) cheap wheel lock on my trailers (https://www.bcf.com.au/p/haigh-adjustable-locking-heavy-duty…)
Cheap but terrible. Very clunky to use and easy to cut. Would recommend the hitch ball locks instead.
Example: https://www.supercheapauto.com.au/p/sca-sca-trailer-coupling…