A good price for one the webcams from Razor
eBay Plus 17% $115.37
Thanks !
A good price for one the webcams from Razor
eBay Plus 17% $115.37
Thanks !
Bought one of these in June 2018 for work and can honestly say I don't recall having a driver crash one single time across either my desktop or Surface Pro (and it gets many hours of use a day for work). Only niggle I have is Razer Synapse doesn't seem to remember which colour setting upon a restart, but otherwise, get comments all the time on how crisp this is with Teams calls. The light ring is useless however.
You're very lucky.
The amount of conflicts you can find between the drivers and streamdeck commands, obs, elgato hardware, you name it.
It doesnt play nicely with much at all, other than its own software, which is sorta useless for anything but the most basic of IP calls, or so is my, and many others experience.
Well sounds like you're running a complex set-up and might want to invest in some less-than-commodity hardware for the outcome you're trying to achieve. For $118, this is a steal if you're going to use in the way I would guess most people would.
And on the mic, I use a Jabra speakerphone so can't honestly say I've used the mic on this and can't comment.
How does it compare to Streamcam?
get the streamcam is more comparable to the Kiyo Pro than this
Risky click
Looks very much like a rebadged/recased version of this one which is half the price: https://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B07RXYG295/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt…
Wouldn't buy it personally given the lack of lens cover.
At least the Amazon one is 1080… The Razer is only 720 by the looks of it
Razer is 1080p 30 fps too.
You know you can just unplug the camera…
I'd be plugging it in and out like 10 times a day with Zoom meetings. No thanks - easier just to flip a cover.
Not quite as easy as a cover, but the hinge allows you to point it upwards without moving the webcam. I keep mine pointed at the ceiling whenever I'm not actively using it.
main difference is there isn't a light button on the razer, you rotate the bezel/outer ring/cover thingy.
Is this the pro version?
Many of these things on Aliexpress $20-$60, take your pick.
FYi, anyone interested in buying this, i did a bit of research into this as i nearly bought it:
Pros: great video quality, the ring light does work but only makes a difference in darker rooms… dont expect tiktokers ring light quality…
Cons: mic is terrible, like really really terrible as the volume is low… check out the various youtube reviews and you'll know that it is even worse than some laptops.
It's made for streamers and content creators, so it's expected that they'd have an external mic.
fair point… but external streamers will have their own powerful ring light…
it is still not an excuse to put terrible mic on it…
Oh the driver crashes, so many of them! WONT SOMEBODY PLEASE THINK OF THE CHILDREN