Who Else Has Been Scammed by ShopBack, Where to, ACCC? COURT?

Same old story:
I see a great deal on OB, https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/638136
I then click on it, It tracks on my ShopBack click (as per their website) , I got called away on a meeting, come back 20 min later carry on and order the products $124 worth.
It doesn't track,
2 days later email ShopBack and get a generic response where they say the retailer will NOT pay them as it didn't track and they gave this generic rubbish:

There are quite a few reasons why these orders may not be attributed to ShopBack. This includes:

  1. If a user clicks on a Honey, Cashrewards, or another chrome extension after clicking from ShopBack
  2. If other web pages (including search sites, social media, store sites, promotional/discount sites) or web browsers are opened after clicking through ShopBack
  3. Clicking through to another page from a banner, pop-up, or advertisement on the store’s webpage whilst shopping
  4. Antivirus/Cleanup or Adblocker applications block or disrupt Cashback tracking (Tracking cookies are required to track transaction)
  5. When the order falls under the merchant’s exclusions, including the use of promo codes not listed on ShopBack.

Team ShopBack

I have proof of order
I have proof of click,
I also have proof of not randomly ordering lots of alcohol in the middle of the day.

Who can advise of the best steps forward,
I am happy to take it first thru a governmental agency and then to the small disputes trubuneral ,

Is it even worth going thru the ACCC:
apparently from their website: What we can’t help you with
We can't:

act on your behalf or provide you with legal advice on your rights and obligations under the law
make formal decisions on whether a person or business had breached the law as only the courts can do this
regulate or set the prices for goods or services such as groceries or fuel
provide dispute resolution services between consumers and businesses.


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ShopBack AU
ShopBack AU


  • +34

    That’s a bloody outrage it is - you should take it all the way to the prime minister.

    Oiiii scomoooo

    • +15

      Scomo will come back with that he isn't the one holding the mouse.

    • +6

      Nah, that's a matter for the states.

    • -3

      Wuddnt appen wiv laba!

    • +1

      Shake your fist at a cloud!!!! NOW!

    • +3

      How good is Cash Rewards

      • +1

        their customer service is actually legit tho

    • +1

      scomo will be too busy spending taxpayer money on eneloops

    • +2

      Love me a good Simpsons quote 🤣

      • +2

        Bloody thank god someone got the reference lmao. Sometimes I forget there is literally a generation who grew up outside season 4-12 simpsons…

  • +27

    The question here really is, after all the shit that gets posted about Shopback, why the hell are people still using this service? And why have they not been banned yet?

    Christ, they get complained about so much that it almost needs its own sub-forum.

    • +2

      definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.

      Famous last words, “I’ll change”. … blocked 🙅‍♂️.

    • I keep using, as it has always tracked for me.

    • because most people just winge and get over it , BUT the good deals bring them back!
      I on the other hand WILL be taking this further ,
      is anyone keen on a class action?

    • i must be an outlier i never have a problem with shopback, but cashrewards borks out on me

  • -4

    Hey pwildnz,
    If you send me a DM with your ShopBack email I'll have a look into it.

    • +4

      Can’t wait to see what excuse they come back with. Still pissed off about the Boxing Day Uniqlo cashback that was denied.

      • +3

        No excuses, we submitted a ticket to First Choice Liquor's Affiliate Network 3 weeks ago and are waiting for a reply.
        OP simply didn't read the email in full.

        • OP shopped @ LL, but the enquiry was sent to FCL.

          I know both are be under the same ABN, but still the answer was confusing.

          • +1

            @Neoika: My apologies, I did mean Liquorland.
            Was just in auto-pilot mode.

    • pm sent

  • +3

    I've had issues with cash rewards and shopback, but mostly with cashrewards. It's annoying, but it's not worth my time chasing it up. It's a bonus to me that I get anything.

    • +10

      Agreed: it needs to be added to the ozbargain golden rules and should be up there with ‘cash only on gumtree; and ‘over 50 upvotes in 5 minutes don’t ask, just buy.’

      If you need a cashback to seal the deal IMO it’s not a deal.

      • +1

        It's already in the Ferengi rules of acquisition.

      • i don't care if its $2 or $2000, this is Australia and companies cannot scam like this!

    • Yeah, cashback affiliates are either hit or miss. Both shopback and cashrewards have been flaky at times. Don't base your decision on cashback alone.

      • so who can we trust

        • +3


  • +1

    Call the Copper's !

  • +7

    I got called away on a meeting, come back 20 min later carry on

    This could be your problem. I make sure to do it in the same session even if I have to click again from Shopback. I don't trust how long the sessions last.

    • yea , may be the case, and in future YES i would refresh the link BUT it does NOT state this in any T&Cs and they can see i made the purchase…… its not like I'm gonna buy $120 of grog in the middle of the day otherwise

      • The way I see it, there's gotta be a reasonable limit to what they can account for when explaining what you need to do (or in this case, not do) to make it work.

        Technology is insanely complex. You were at work, possibly a shared connection, on a computer that you may not actually have control over, with who the hell knows what extensions installed… There are so many variables that shopback/CR can't be expected to finely detail (or really, that the average user would bother reading through).

        I'm usually on the side of the individual over business, but this seems like a situation where you just need to let it go…

  • +1

    Seems like one for the Feds

    • +1

      I hit up old scomo and he didn't seem to care………….. apparently if I'm a small dude i am not worth his time

  • +5

    My advice; you lost all respect by typing in CAPS.

    • +2


    • Any1 want TO JoiN ThE CoTTonball CLub ?

      • ? whats the cottonball club?

  • +2

    Boy it's s going to be a long lock down.

    • lets hope not

  • +3

    Waiting for the last of my tracked orders to be cleared then I'm dumping shopback.
    It's not a good platform if your 'expecting' it to work and in a sense, get yourself free money.
    They are always making excuses.

    I went through a period where i was recording my click through from shopback's site, then placing the order and only pausing the record for the payment section, later confirming the order via the invoice/order confirmation email.

    They still used the excuse that they couldn't provide cash back due to the seller not providing the commission. I call BS!
    They did give me a few, so called, 'concession' payments, but i've given up using it.

    $900 in one year and I'm out. Should have been plenty more though…

    • +1

      I will not allow them to get away with this bull………. i don't care if its $2 or $2000, this is Australia and companies cannot scam like this!

      • Chill bro, you just won the rugby. Why are most of your posts about seeking revenge?

        • Revenge or justice?

        • Cos were Australian, and most people that are likely to be active on this forum at present (aged) grew up understanding they were part of the 'lucky' country.

          Therefore, we/they feel previlaged.

          Just a guess…

          I do think shopback is some BS though…

  • Lmao I made a $550 purchase which tracked by CR, but I cancelled it because SB had upsized cashback. I cant wait to see what Jasmine (where did Debra go?) comes back with. Took a whole screen recording of it, done in under a minute.

    • +1

      wait so u cancelled?

      • I placed the order initially with CR, then I saw a deal on upsized cashback with SB that was 3% more so I cancelled and reordered with SB.

    • +1

      Keep us updated.

      • +1

        Ah yes, just got the standard 'the merchant has deemed your transaction was not eligible "email. Although it wasn't a direct rejection as they said they will appeal it from Amazon. I sent them my screen recording and my cr email, hopefully they sort their shit out

        • Not surprised the was trouble, there's always something with Shopback.

          It'll be interesting to see what the outcome will be. The top chief's at Shopback are no doubt watching this forum post.
          Hopefully it'll be sorted out and you'll get your cashback. Please post back your outcome :)

          • +1

            @Wystri Warrick: They replied back after I sent the stuff saying
            "While rejected missing cashback is not ideal, I’d thought I share that for all rejected missing cashback cases, ShopBack will not receive any commission from [Amazon Australia] because the orders are not tracked and therefore deemed as not attributed to ShopBack"

            Why should that be my problem? There's proof I did all the right things so regardless of what Amazon says, I should get the cashback and they should take it up on their end with Amazon as there is clearly issues with their tracking system. As it is now, I've literally lost money by going with ShopBack. The bare minimum should be they give me what I would have received from CR. What an embarrassment of a company.

            • @MeesusEff: Really not surprised.

              Either Shopback is completely useless at their own business, their own market or there's malice, personally I think it's both.

              Class action anyone?

              In all honesty though I feel a little sorry for the rep on OzBargain. The sh*t f**kery is happening on the other side of the fence and he's coping the heat on our side of the fence.

              • +1

                @Wystri Warrick: Got the stock standard rejected email today, wi see if gotyourback can do anything about it.

                • @MeesusEff: Thanks for the update. What with all the alcohol cashbacks I was really considering using Shopback again, but not after this forum post. Thanks for the update
                  :). Hopefully @gotyourback can help

                  • +2

                    @Wystri Warrick: Just replied to his DM, we'll have to continue on Monday as the majority of our team are off over the weekends.

                    • @gotyourback: Hopefully things get sorted out and fixed at Shopback. Don't want Cashrewards to have a monopoly

                      • @Wystri Warrick: @gotyourback did help me get the cashback, although earlier today I got another reply again stating the whole "sale attributed elsewhere" spiel despite linking my YouTube video again. Nonetheless, I got the cashback so this ordeal is thankfully over for me. While gotyourback gets top marks for his help, the tracking issue really needs to get looked at.

                        • @MeesusEff: Hey MeesusEff,

                          Thanks for the reply, I really wanted to know the outcome, it restores some hope in Shopback.

                          It's great to know that @gotyourback is proactive, and fixes things when they go wrong, and the regular normal avenues of raising a issue on Shopback have gone to a dead end. I'm still sore and very distrustful about having so many cashbacks denied and not tracked after using the Shopback app, I must have had nearly $100 in loss cashback from using the Shopback app.

                          Good on @gotyourback though, he may turn out to be another TA on OzBargain!

  • +3

    This guy uses shopback??

    Lol..I can never work out why so many ppl on ozbargin are so gulible??

  • +2

    I stopped using Shopback ages ago, don't know why people continue to use them.

    Everytime I made a big purchase it would never track, or a smaller sale was 'tracked'…. I'd tell them I used their app, I didn't cycle any apps and made the purchase in a few minutes, but they would just give me a BS generic response. IMO Shopback is malicious.

    Good luck OP. Please keep us updated.

    • +2

      Everytime I made a big purchase it would never track, or a smaller sale was 'tracked'

      How do you think they are funding the "7-Day Check In" competitions to hand out free 5c to all participants? ;-)

    • +1

      My next post will be either the court date or the resolution they pay me !

    • +1

      Sadly we are ozBARGAIN and often they make the good deals GREAT,
      What they need is people like myself who will not back down when they sight rubbish excuses to not pay

      I WILL take them to court

  • How much are you actually saving, $2, $5…. is it really worth your effort, to then placed on some "marketing list" and forever inundated with intrusive advertising, or people ringing you day and night. Is it?

    • +1

      Or data leaked…

    • Mad respect to you OzHunterNSW!
      In some ways i agree with you here, kinda waste of my brain usage

  • Thanks for posting this. I almost bought some gift cards yesterday through shop back expecting 10% cash back. I had second thoughts and you guys have just confirmed them.

    • sometimes they pay and sometimes not
      i generally have a good run with them to be fair

  • I'm up to $350 on shopback every single promo and sale has gone through except once at the start when adblocker turned on as the page changed to the payment screen not i turn it off completely when purchasing

    • sometimes they pay and sometimes not,
      I have over a grand in payouts over the past few years, The system is decent , just not always

  • -1

    I just came for the comments.

    You're a waste of time though.

    • +1

      thanks bro , my life is now complete

  • I haven't had any problems with Shopback.

    • Lucky man

  • Awaiting the next Shopback forum post on OzBargain, class action lawsuit anyone?

    Alternatively we could all just go on the cyber attack full ret**d, I mean we've got enough eneloops and other shit!

    • +1

      class action lawsuit anyone

      Do you realise that the fees that will be charged by the lawyers will far outweigh all the money that ShopBack allegedly scammed customers through rejection of tracked purchases?

      Regardless of who wins or loses, lawyers get paid first.

      • +1

        I know that dude, just a bit of humour :)

  • +1

    I do have to admit that I was highly tempted to take on Shopback booze store cashbacks, but I've just been stung so many times by them I just don't trust them anymore

    • +1

      apparently you are not the only one

  • You go to Consumer Affairs if you want to complain about a business and have some sort of mediation process.

    ACCC is more for reporting stuff and they MIGHT take action if enough complaints are received.

    That being said, I'm not sure how you would have proof of click if it didn't track. Could it be your work network blocking the click? I now mine hates that sort of thing. I can't even click on a Google ad.

    Can you go to court? Yes you can but for the small amount you'd get back, it certainly wouldn't be the time and effort.

  • make a report, i did. im over them pulling this shit multiple times to me and everyone else.
    ive been allocated an investigation officer and all that.

    beyond that, i'm waiting for the rest of my cash back to clear then i'm closing the account.

    • Hey @falkor25,
      Sorry I didn't see this comment earlier - I don't get notifications when I'm not tagged in a comments.

      Could you send me a DM with your ShopBack Account Email so I can take a look at this for you?

  • well I had read the bad reviews but still thought I'd give SB a go as CR has always been good. Wasn't a good start 2 days passed and nothing showed up for purchases in my cashback so I completed the 'report a missing cashback, both were showing in my click history (I also took screenshots & no ad blocking was active). Today first one has been rejected with SB suggesting further investigation. How hard can it be there is a time recoded for my clickthrough, there is a time for the transaction completed (within minutes).

    Should I be sending further proof (screenshots? have already sent copy invoices) I'm not holding my breath & I will close my account if these aren't honoured, report to Consumer Affairs if needs be. So far what a waste of time

    • +1

      if the amount is small like a couple bucks they'll probably give it to you but also make it sound like they did you a favour.

      • to be honest it's not the money it's the principle of it all, so many others stating they have followed everything exactly and been denied the money, I'll see what happens

    • Contact @gotyourback, he's the Shopback rep on OzBargain. MeesusEff successfully got his cashback through the rep.

    • +2

      Hey @Irishness,
      Sorry I didn't see this comment earlier - I don't get notifications when I'm not tagged in a comment :/
      Could you kindly send me a DM with your ShopBack Account Email so I can investigate this with our team?

      Thanks for the tag @Wystri Warrick :)

      • No problem. Hope you personally aren't copping the heat, you do a good job here 👍

      • sorry @gotyourback I didn't get a notification either will send you a DM as I've just had it rejected but no email

        • No problem at all, reach out any time :)

  • Having had a second email stating another cashback has been rejected but they will investigate further I'm beginning to wonder if this is an automated email to buy them more time

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