Use code ALTAQWA15 to get $15 Off.
Use before it expires.
Use code ALTAQWA15 to get $15 Off.
Use before it expires.
Worked for me in Sydney, awesome. Dinner sorted
Worked - remember that you can pre-order deliveries. Better to use it now than wait for it to be disabled once some grunt at Deliveroo HQ notices thousands of people getting free food.
EDIT: I'm going to hell for this comment.
Worked perfect, although I got a pop up message saying there is a minimum spend, but didn't say what it is
Yay, worked for me. Dinner sorted!!!
Didn't work for me in WA :( I can apply the credit but it says my order doesn't meet the minimum requirements.
Minimum spend is $15
Worked for me, thanks OP!
Please do not use this. It is specially for the families who are in need at the school
Now I feel guilty, didn't see this before my order confirmed :(
Don't, it's a private school. Winners are grinners.
To be fair, it's a religious school at best judging by the fees:…
Hey? How did you learn that? Please … don't make me feel guilty as I'm eating my burger…
Oh too late.
They have only given 1400 to those families who are in isolation. I am not sure why this has been shared
Man… Deliveroo can go screw themselves, but that makes myself feel guilty.
dont feel guilty. It was for a private school.
Good thing I didn't click submit.
I'd have thought families who can afford to send their kids to a private school wouldn't need fifteen dollars off dinner.
In 2015, the school principal Omar Hallak was reported to have told students that the terrorist group ISIS was part of a Western plot
Huh. If true, it's a private school with interesting beliefs too…
Pretty sure that is the case. More believable than not. Ive always heard it was British intelligence that nurtured the terrorists.
@grasstown: Its leader was a member of al-Qaeda before he created ISIS, which is the only "western support" link you can draw. It was Iran that supported the organisation, and Syria who empowered it to become the beast it did - they released pretty much their entire leadership from prison because they were using them help inflict causalities on western backed regimes in the middle east. Funny how that worked out for Syria, though.
@mirz: I read Murdoch and independent news and this is the first time I’ve ever heard what Tyrx said
The same school that had a massive outbreak last year. Consistency is key.
Umm acktually, it was two
Then they got rewarded with early Pfizer shots while the rest of us wait. Nice.
@veetor: Couldnt be more true.. Cause an outbreak, dont get fined, get a free Pfizer shot and a $15 discount…
And from what I've read over 50% of the people offered the vaccine still did not accept.
Get ready for the West of Melbourne to be the cause of many future outbreaks and lockdowns.
@Iwantthebestprice: You would've thought that they'd learn after the school's first outbreak. They shouldn't be rewarded for their carelessness and inability to learn. I've been waiting 8+ months to be eligible for Pfizer but still no luck
@p1723: Everyone is in the same boat, I cannot believe it's being done, and they still have the audacity to refuse the vaccine… disgusting behaviour. People can downvote, cry racism, complain and moan but facts are facts, if any of these people downvoting owned a business or havnt seen their family in months im sure they would be of a different opinion about how unfair this is!
@Iwantthebestprice: Omg I’m learning tonight. Do people think this crap? They are using covid to bring division. It’s the government pushing lockdowns and isolation, not covid. People nowadays don’t even need proof of a death by covid. Believe everything channel 9 says.
@grasstown: I get my news from all streams, but I would not quote a Murdoch paper to prove anything on OzBargain. But I honestly don't believe the government gets anything from lockdowns and isolation. Unfortunately it seems to be a race of who is the most popular premier by "protecting" their citizens.. and this fascination to drive covid elimination, which anyone with half an education knows is not possible unless we cut off the rest the world for the next decade
@Iwantthebestprice: You have no clue . No brainer tactic is lockdown early or you will have a Syd .
And pls don't join protests to spread it more during this crucial stage .
Out of negs for yah sorry !
@popsiee: I dont protest, so nothing to worry, and I guess I should count myself lucky you out of negs :P
I'm not a covid denier, or an anti Vax at all, but I do think at some point in time it will come where we decide to either stay closed or open up and decide, the people who are un vax will get sick and let everyone else get on with their lives. Would you not agree?
Very true
Oh crap I only saw this comment now.
Isn't it a private school?
If they can afford private school fees, I'm sure they won't miss $15.
We wouldn't be in this crap if it wasn't for this school…….again!
Yep true, by the way how did u predict Covid since u joined 2015 :-)
Would be great if there were ANY places that use Deliveroo near my house. Only 30 minutes north of Brisbane, but I must be the equivalent of Charters Towers or something.
EDIT: Have read the comments about the code being for the school. Nevermind, glad I didn't use it.
All the places near me were so overpriced. I ended up just ordering a special fried rice for $4 delivered. I'll wait and see if it's even worth that lol
Welp. I ordered. Dinner for 2 for $8.
Someone is getting fired…
I have heard from staffs affected at the Victoria outbreak school that this code is for the those families of students and staffs affected. Please do not use this if u can afford a standard meal.
Was about to place order and saw this. I will stop my order
They patched it. Code no longer works.
Nvm it still works. I'm just stupid
Thanks OP!
Legend. Paired with one of the few places with free delivery (Subway) and dinner is free.
EDIT: Oh, I see the comments now. Dang. Looks like it's not taking my payment anyway, so it's fine.
Ohhhhhhhhhh no! I submitted my order and then clicked back into this tab to see what people had mentioned about the code being for specific students & staff! Why was this posted?!? I feel horrible. I tried to call and cancel just then, but the order was already in progress!
Cancelling doesn't make the code valid again
I know but I don't want to benefit from it
Sorry that code couldn't be applied to your account.
Mods please take this down?
Network busy now
Doesnt work anymore….
Doesn't work?
not workin
Or so many people have used this and they caught on?
Probably the allocated redemption got filled already. Someone mention a cap of 1400 above.
gone aghhhhhhh
Good on you
Diarrhea Karma on the way…
I would say food poisoning
Wouldn't expect anything less with the joys of a cheap curry
just managed to order. Was almost defeated by my indecision
Neg for deliveroo
edit: gone through
Not ducing working
Well, I wouldn’t have ordered if I knew it was to help someone, I guess I need to donate to charity today ( tax deductible)
Hand in your OzBargain membership
A code is a code until there's context.
At the end of the day, Deliveroo should be taking action to prevent abuse. Even locking down the postcodes where the code is accepted would be better than nothing.
Good point..
I made use of the free meals and got negged as well. Tough crowd hey…
Who cares if it's posh private school twats?
We are one of the only OECD countries who puts billions into private school.
Typical leaches. 'Private' yet rely on the public purse.
Not working + abusing good cause
Sorry all. But getting neg'd for stating the (hurtful) facts.
To be clear, this was intended for the Islamic Education Institution.
Right, this is quite a different comment to the one calling people who used the code, many without knowledge of its intended purpose, " the dregs of society."
It seems there are quite a few people (myself included) who used the code before knowing it was for a specific purpose, so perhaps 'dregs of society' is a pretty rude and unfair thing to generalise people as
The big four had been really stingy on discount code lately….
Having said that it has been proved that constant discounting will only lead to closure (Any one miss Deliver Hero?)
Isn't it the name of the school?
Racist and stereotypical? How?
We remember what happened last year there. Now the stereotype is that people who go to this school are have caused this lockdown. This business is implying this indirectly and is unconsciously using the name of this school as a marketing tactic.
I've nothing to do with this school just bring your attention to think
Did you misread it as Al Qaeda or something? 🥴
Maybe the code is for the folks in the school only, so named after the school.
Neg Massacre. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.
A lot of disgusting comments here. What a disgrace.
Facts make you sick? I guess you should go hide under a rock until this all blows over then..
Missed this by that much.
Should've known to check ozb before making dinner
Poor form
Free food, thanks OP