'Last chance to buy'
These white LADDA batteries are being phased out for new green ones (which are the same price). I don't know what the difference is but I've ordered myself some anyway.
Stock is limited and delivery could take a while (my estimate is Sept 15th and I'm about 14 mins away from the Tempe store)
This code still works for 'Ikea Family' (sounds like a cult)
'QREW3Pe79' - gives you $10 off.
Q. When I clicked pay by Paypal it didn't ask me for a password to into Paypal. After I checked my account and 'Ikea' isn't listed as an automatic payment setup in Paypal ? ? ?
Thanks for the code, it worked for my IKEA family membership as well. Takes care of the shipping cost, which blunts the annoyance that all the Victorian stores sold out of the white AAA batteries ages ago.
thanks for the code
Paypal doesn't require a password if you're using a device that it recognises.
How do you use the code on the online store?
You probably set paypal to "remember me on this device" or "one click signin"; these settings are independant of IKEA.
The code still work, thanks. 2450mAh ones are gone (Rhodes), bought some 1900mAh ones and 900mAh AAA along with bigger chairs for kids, ended up discounted the shipping fee from 20 to 10 lol