This was posted 3 years 7 months 9 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

4x Kumho Car Tyre 245/45R18 + Fitting and Delivery for $709.13 / $692.45 (with eBay Plus) @ Rolan eBay


Quite surprised at finding a deal as good as this on eBay.

I usually buy through Tyroola as they are cheaper, but this deal works out significantly cheaper.

You can purchase tyres, including delivery to a fitting station, fitting and balancing for 15% off what are already competitive prices.

For example, I was looking at Kumho Ecsta P71 in a 245/45/18. On Tryoola, they are $880 for 4, plus $120 fitting, for a grand total of $1,000.

Tyresales want $930 including shipping and fitting.

Using this deal I paid $692.45, including fitting nearby, which is (I think) a very decent saving.

No cashback when using a promo code on EBay but if you have access to discount gift cards or the Afterpay deal you can potentially save more.

Hope this helps someone.

Original Coupon Deal

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closed Comments

  • +7

    Can you please elaborate on the fitting station? Is it a professional tyre shop or a backyard job?

    • Keen to know to, if OP can share more about how to book the fitting?

      • Answered below

        • +2

          What would you recommend for Hyundai SantaFe
          245/55R19? Need four tyres.

          • @RGauba: i would like to know also how you can find individual tyre size

    • +5

      You can trial select them in the listing via “select a store”. Mine is an actual tyre shop but can’t speak for all of them

      • Interesting - didn't see that for any of the tyres I was looking at. Only options were "shipping" or "local pickup" (the latter of which was Seven Hills, NSW).

      • Where do you choose the fitting service in ebay?

        Can't find the option

    • +1

      Oops disregard response, read tyroola in the description thought it was tyroola deal.

      You get to choose, I picked a mechanic shop close by with a rating of about 4.6 on Google.

      I've used the same shop on all my fitments only once I had an issue where his worker scratched one of my rims, he told me straight away and offered to fix it free of charge. I told him don't worry as the rim already had scratches but if it happens again he'll be fixing the rim.

  • +6

    Sometimes discount tyres can mean old tyres nearing drying out and cracking. I’d check the tyres before fitting. But their feedback seems impeccable.

    • +4

      These guys actually sell aged stock but clearly list it on their ad. Inclined to trust them but agree generally

      • Oh wow. I didn’t see that. At least they’re honest!

        • I had ordered from tyre sales previously and they sent me old stock but didnt mention it specifically as these guys do.

    • Have purchased two sets from them. Both sets were fresh stock, 10 & 11 months old. Great prices and service with quick delivery.

        • +3

          Was always told within the year of manufacture is fine.

          • +21

            @adr8: Karen says 3 months max tho…

        • +22

          Tyres wouldn't even make it to Australia within 2 months of manufacture usually. Under 2 years i'd be happy with

          • @WhatWouldBiggieDo: Funnily enough, the Bridgestones I installed last year at BobJane were a month old. Freshest ever.

            • +3

              @Weshouldgetsushi: 1 month is too young. Rubber hasn't cuffed properly or of the moulding process yet. Prepare to slide off the edge of a cliff

              • @KLoNe: Nah they seemed OK. Wore the top layer off them quickly having fun.
                They're a year old now.

            • @Weshouldgetsushi: Hardly matters, as they may last 5 years on your car.

      • Did you have one of their installers mount/balance, or did you take them to your own place?

        • It's included in the price so would be a bit silly to take them elsewhere. Unless you have expensive alloys or something i dont get it.

          • @WhatWouldBiggieDo: Some of the tyres I'm looking at don't list "Click and Collect" local installers for some reason. I've messaged them to ask what the deal is.

        • +1

          Had a mate fit them for me.

      • My bad, not sure how I got 10 months old as I just went and checked and they were 3 months old when I purchased. Manufactured in May 2020, purchased August 2020, delivered in 7 days.

    • I've bought from them before and received a date code within the recent calendar year. I was surprised and have used them since.

      That being said I've collected mine and they could be cherry picking.

      (I also fit my own tyres).

  • Odd, they no longer have any in my tyre size. Have had for months previously

  • +7

    looking at Kumho Ecsta P71 in a 245/45/18.( On Tryoola, they are $880 for 4, plus $120 fitting, for a grand total of $1,000

    $1000 for Kumho ?!

    You you can pickup a set of Pilot Sport 4 for way less in that size @ $800 fitted -…

    • -7

      Kumho Ecsta shit all over Pilot Sports IMO. But each to their own

      • +15

        I'm not familiar with Khumo pricing, so this particular pricing could be great.

        But Pilot Sport are generally considered the gold standard - I wouldn't be looking at any other brand unless they were significantly cheaper (I recently put Bridgestones on my GTI because the same sized Pilot Sport was way more expensive).

        • +5

          Pilot Sport 4S, I’d agree. These are the just the Pilot Sport 4 though. The PS4 is the updated nomenclature of the PS range. The PS4S are the updated MPSS

          • +3

            @WhatWouldBiggieDo: PS4S on my MK7 stage 2 Golf R. Amazing tyres. Can’t get them to lose grip!

            • +3

              @Pollywaffle: All wheel drive certainly helps though, am I right? :)

            • +4


              Can’t get them to lose grip!

              LOL.its a golf… LMAO

              • +1

                @pharkurnell: curious, and what do you drive that's faster than a mk7 with a stage 2 tune?

                • -5

                  @zeomega: if I wanna go fast, was on a bike… sold my nice old GSXR1100 with fair wack of work done :) was about 1195…

                  Drive Pontiac G8 with bitta work, but one day we'll get to it :)

                  fart cars make me laugh :)

                • +1

                  @zeomega: What is a stage 2 tune exactly? pops and bangs?

              • +3

                @pharkurnell: Considering a Stage 2 7R usually makes in the vicinity of 275kw/370HP and will do a high 11 second quarter mile.. don't embarrass yourself..

                • -4

                  @Matt P: Yawn, have a Tesla…. take your poverty Dino juice powered car elsewhere.

                  • +9

                    @Sirocco: Someone boasting about owning a Telsa is like someone boasting about being gender fluid.

                  • @Sirocco: LoL. With the build quality of tesls not even up to the likes of a kia. I'll pass ty. No doubt tech wise it's great. But man, driving in such a clinically boring car will shit me to death.

          • +1

            @WhatWouldBiggieDo: See below, I thought I was linking the S 😂

          • +1

            @WhatWouldBiggieDo: PS4S was the only street tyre that'd hold my C63 traction. Get them over everything else.

      • +8

        Come on mate. You seem to know your stuff, generally speaking. But Kumho Ecsta are most definitely nowhere near the quality nor performance of Michelin PS4

        • +4

          I think tyres are pretty subjective. The reason I know a bit is that i buy, tidy up and sell cars as a bit of a hobby/side-business. As such I have driven 100s of cars with 100s of different tyre brands and models. For me, the Kumho Ecsta P71 and PA71 are the go-to for a reasonably priced semi-performance tyre. Remember that these are $670 fitted for a set of 18s.

          Of course, on my own performance-orientated cars I would go a PS4S, or PZero Corsa if the PS4S arent available in the size i need, but they would be 2-3x the price of these.

          • +2

            @WhatWouldBiggieDo: IMHO (and a lot of experience) the Kumhos are above average in the dry. But no, they don't rate alongside PS4s.

            In the wet, you very quickly realise they have nothing like the engineering in any non-economy oriented Michelin, let alone any Pilot branded tyre

            • +2

              @resisting the urge: We can agree to disagree. If you’re based in Brisbane I’d be happy to show you how these go in the wet on a relatively high-powered FWD car

              • @WhatWouldBiggieDo: OK, so a hardened old PS4 will not match a soft new Kumho. That I would agree with.

                I've had a lot of fast cars over a few decades. On all, comparing new to new, nothing comes close to the PS4s. I'd agree to disagree about performance Pirellis, Contis, Good Years, Bridgestones, Toyos, even Hankooks in the dry… but all round- not a chance.

                No experience with front drive though.

                Problem with subjectiveness is mostly that people have old semi-worn tyres, replace them with soft, new performance ones and go… "wowwwwwww" (Not that I'm accusing you of that at all, but its hard for owners to be objective- only regular track drivers can get anywhere near close, and even then… so many variables, track temp, ambient, humidity, pressures, etc.)

          • +4

            @WhatWouldBiggieDo: Tyres are not subjective. They can be objectively tested:


            PS4 consistently scores significantly higher in all performance tests, as well as comfort, noise, and wear. PS4 is objectively better in every way.

            • +3

              @Keplaffintech: They absolutely are subjective. Braking, resistance, noise and wear can be objectively measured. 'Handling' can't. What If i like tyres that break loose slowly so i know when I am losing traction at the track? Rather than a tyre that stick and stick until it doesnt resulting in uncontrollable oversteer. If tyres were 100% objective, there would only be one brand, as they would be the best.

              Just like cars - the C63 is 'faster' than the M3, but I prefer the M3, i like the way it handles better, which is subjective.

      • +1

        I was a big KU31 fan back in the day, but other tyres have come down in price since then, and have now switched to Hankook as my go-to brand. Falken Azenis are also pretty good for their price (NOT Ziex, they are trash).…

        How does PS71 shit over the PS4? I avoided PS4 as they are so expensive or sold out.

        For context: RE003 that came on my current hatch were so noisy I binned them immediately for Hankook S1 evo3. I had Hankook V12 evo2 on my previous car, much quieter and just as much grip as RE003. I buy what's good and not heaps expensive (hence no Pirelli in my history). I also went from Hankook RS-3 to Advan AD08 on my other car so I don't cheap out on tyres.

    • -3

      The PS4S is the one you want. The non S model is pretty average

      $1360 for a set

      • Noted 👍 I didn't notice the S was missing 😁

      • +5

        PS4 are "pretty average"? For a road tyre these are still right up there with the best. Noted, they have been out for a while and yes, the PS4S is a model up. But the reviews on the PS4 are glowing and value for money they are a better proposition as a road tyre to the PS4S - a tyre that takes longer to warm up and get traction (of particular note to those on RWD).

        Watch on youtube and you'll find the PS4 tyres are no slouch. Also, factoring that you can't get the PS4S in 18" in Australia they definitely should not be ruled out as a great option still.

    • Is it me or is everything on jax $25 more, per tyre, in QLD? This is showing $900 to me and $1460 for the PS4S whitelie linked below.

    • Any thoughts on the PS4 (not S) vs the Bridgestone RE003? priced about the same currently.

      • +1

        I got the RE003 cos they were quite a bit cheaper in my size. They're fine.
        But I would have gone for PS4 if the price had been the same 👍

        • Thanks! Probably in one of those rare times where the RE003 is NOT having a 4 for 3 deal….

          Let's say if a set of RE003 was $800, how much would you be willing to stretch for a set of PS4? $200? $400? More/Less?

          • +1

            @xrailgun: I can't remember exactly, but I'm pretty sure they were $200 for the Bridgestone - but one free made the whole set $600.
            And PS4 were $250 so the set was $1000 minus $100 if you bought 4.
            So $600 vs $900.
            Not sure where my threshold would be but $300 was 50% more !

  • +3

    I used a similar deal with Rolan on eBay last month. I got 4 X Kumho 215/60/16 fitted for $236. Paid an additional $75 for wheel alignment directly to the fitment centre.

    I was very sceptical about the deal as I had never bought tyres online previously and whilst it worked out really cheap, it did cause me to question my decision after the 3 trips to the fitment centre to have my tyres fitted.

    • Can you elaborate mate? Sounds like it was a fitting station issue rather than Rolan but would be good to understand more

      • +1

        Certainly more of a fitment issue, although the tyres took almost 3 weeks to get to the fitment centre and took several emails and phone calls to follow up.

        Issues 1 - called fitment centre who confirmed date and time of fitment. Car goes up on the lift and the manager comes out to say he can't find the tyres… He orders a new set and books me in for the next day

        Issue 2- tyres are fitted but he can't get the alignment done properly… Had to use their car to get back home whilst they book my car in at Bob Jane to have the alignment done properly.

        Issue 3 - collect my car the following day and drive off and the VSC (that car sliding light) comes on… Drive back to them and they reset something…

        So was painful but fresh tyres and learnt something new… Didn't know what a catch can was until then…

        • Oh that's annoying. 3 weeks postage isn't great and that is Rolan's issue. Mine said guaranteed by 4 August but not sure what happens if that 'guarantee' isnt met.

          4 Kumho tyres for $236 is a cracking deal though - how are you finding the tyres so far?

          • +1

            @WhatWouldBiggieDo: Barely done 50km with restrictions and kids homeschooling. No audible difference to me, but haven't been on the freeway yet to really tell I guess. Decent grip in the rain but it's been mainly driving in the burbs.

    • +1

      Sounds like they were trying to do one tyre at a time but then you caught onto their little game.
      Close one.

  • Any good ones for 2015 madza 3? Sorry i’m a newbie…

    • +1

      Go out and get the numbers of the side of your tyres and we can help. Should say something like 245/45/18 or 245/50/17.

      • Hi,
        It says 205/60/16.

        Thanks in advance!! Cheers!!!

        • +2

          The Ecowing at $420 fitted and balanced is a pretty good deal Link

          I'd be happy to put them on my friend/family member's car. There are a few other non-chinese options around that price point - let me know if you want some others.

          • @WhatWouldBiggieDo: Please give the list whenever you are available. I’ll have a look.

            But thank you heaps for your help!

      • mine one Elantra 2015 205/55R16 can you me give suggestions
        Thanks in advance

  • +2

    Just be careful buying any of their listings where they've included "Old Production Date" in the title. It's a bit silly that they then omit the manufacturing date in the listing and when I asked them for the date code/manufacturing date for the Conti tyres I was interested in, they were nearly 7 years old…

    • +2

      Agree that's far too old. They really should be thrown out before they are 8-10 years old. I would be avoiding the old stock altogether personally.

    • where do they normally list manufacturing dates on their ebay listing? i don't seem to find it. thanks

      • That's what I'm saying - they don't. You have to message them to find out.

    • Mine was 8 years old. Mfd 2013. That's way too old

      • 1213 was the code. 12th week of 2013. That's like March 2013. More than 8 years old.
        Stay right away .

  • I couldn't find the right tyres (215/45 R18) for my Mazda BM 3 SP25 4D Sedan :(

  • +3

    I'm not sure why but I've never thought to buy tyres on ebay oO

  • +1

    Any recommendations for a Mazda 3 please? Current Bridgestone tyres say 195/65R15 91V.

  • Recommendations for 215/40/17?

  • How old should tyres be when we first purchase

  • These tyres read like they are parallel imported. If so, no local warranty from the local dist. Unlikely to need it, but if you do, would be good to know how Rolan stands behind their imported product.

    • How does one claim warranty on tyres? I think warranty on tyres is unrealistic due to many factors that cause tyres to wear etc.

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