A 1080P webcam for only the cost of a lunch, can you really go wrong?
Campark USB Webcam 1080P $13.51 ($13.20 with eBay Plus) Delivered @ myzone_cam eBay

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good find! updated the link to that one.
Great advertisement, I like your description, how it compares to the cost of lunch. I really think many deal posters here do a good job of marketing. Some of the humour they put in their post is amazing.
thx, ordered to give try making it work for due call on google chromecast
Bought thnx
showing $19.99?
any other link?
refer to first comment
must have been cached since OP already updated link
waiting for a mod to change the link. I can't do it myself
Been looking for a cam recently… I know its cheap and all but is it any good in terms of quality?
Thinking of using it for WFH on teams…
I would hate to get this and its super zoomed in by default
Would like to know this too. I got a really cheap webcam last year and it was super zoomed in.
Will this one be super zoomed in too?
This was my alternative choice: https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/334040847811
Noting that it suggests it has a "wide angle lens" but not sure how good that is… have the same concern about it being super zoomed in
appears to be a 1:1 rip off of https://www.jbhifi.com.au/products/hyperdrive-hypercam-hd-10…
Used these before, video quality wasn't good so returned them.
Thanks but someone said below the alternative is not great.
Hi, don't skimp on webcams especially for work/business - these are work tools. The better the quality, the better the call. OP asks "how could you go wrong?" Picture quality might be poor, audio quality might be poor, worse -bot may be shite - plug n play might be anything but.
Do you have any recommendation for a decent one on eBay?
Go for a branded one and check a review for confirmation: logitech, Microsoft, Sony, etc
Nulaxy c900 on amazon.
About $30.
Lots of reviews on youtube; exposure needs a manaul tweak, but the sharpness is better than the c920 logitechs.
Its quite impressive.
Counter argument, quality shouldn’t make any difference for work/business. So long as you can see me so we’re not constantly talking over each like on audio only, what difference does it make? It’s not a glamour show, it’s a meeting.
This might sound harsh but I think what s/he mean is to have your standards set higher (dressing sharp, better camera quality etc.)
Often the Europeans (especially the English) say the Aussies have low standards.
It's more if you're in a presentation role and client facing. "Hi can we have your $100k business…that we'll complete with $20 tools". It's just an appearance thing.
In terms of internal roles, I personally don't like having a video call with 20 pixels and 3 bits of colour depth (and exaggeration) but I know I like pretty haha, other people I expect are different.
@incipient: Still better than doing a video call on your 2k XPS and having the 480p camera stare at your chin.
@ATangk: Haha yeah for sure. I have no clue why HD cameras are not the standard on laptops! It's something I always check before recommending laptops.
I agree, I would absolutely rather have lunch than a cheap webcam.
Ive been using my Sony A6500 as a webcam for lockdown drinks with mates and everyone comments that its a much better experience (a few of us are doing it) than looking up everyones noses on 480p cams. most camera manufacturers have software for this now I believe, after last year.
human interaction is hard enough without the subtle body language and visual cues that get lost when you arent face to face. every step you can take to bridge that gap makes the calls easier to deal with.
The killer of things like this is not quality but the software. I've bought a few things that were basically unusable because the software didn't work, wouldn't give me enough options to make it useful, was designed terribly or full of bloat making it trash (looking at you Xiaomei).
hopefully this works with octopi for a cheap monitoring setup
Let us know :)
will do
My current cam works but would prefer one with the privacy cover
Maximum video output 640x480 so not 1080p for video? (i understand $13 is not going to buy you everything but a bit misleading)
the link posted by Skido states "Video : 1920*1080P @ 30fps". Not too sure who to believe.
yea it does say in the description though (Video : 1920*1080P @ 30fps) so which on is it do you guys think?
for $13 i would bet 640x480, the other link says max photo 1920x1080 max video 640x480.
they removed the part where it says 640*480
oh that aint right
It's highly likely it's a low res sensor that they just upscale to FHD. So technically it outputs FHD. It just doesn't record FHD…
Is that good or bad?
Don't go the cheap webcams. Been through two and they died within a couple months. I think the internal wires shorted out. Luckily didn't kill my USB port.
Now using a HDMI capture dongle and my Sony A7 with a 50mm f1.8 manual focus prime lens. For webcams you actually want them zoomed in. The wide angle lenses are crap as you don't really want to show your whole room most of the time. Exception would be if you had a whiteboard that you wanted to draw on.If you want a good webcam then the Logitech series are pretty good but expect to pay around $250. The image quality is superb.
Going from a 20 dollar webcam to a $1k plus full frame for zoom calls isn't typically the upgrade path that people will go down xD
Haha yes but some people may have a separate digital camera they don't realise can be used as a webcam. My camera is rarely used these days but now gets several hours use due to WFH
Extremely true. But canon EOS now have official software.
So old dslr's with huge sensors (by comparison) are available for around $100
Adding software isn't enough though, the latency and fps directly over USB is not great. If you have a camera laying around a $20 hdmi to usb is a better solution. The cheap nonames have been working great with my a7iii.
@Dubious speculation: What is the limitation on the EOS software? (I personally dont own it, a close mate does)
My friend is managing 720p60, which is crystal clear, considering most chats you're 1/4 of a 1080p screen at most. Haha.
I didnt notice any significant lag when chatting with him.
@MasterScythe: To be fair I haven't used the canon implementation, I've only used the Sony version which is not great. If the canon's useable and lag free then that's great, saves you 20 bucks ;)
i want a camera with BeautyCam function, can anyone recommend one?
Zoom will do that for you automatically.
I use EpocCam app where you can use your phone camera as webcam and phone mic for audio , Its free if you are okay with 640 x 480 pixels but if you pay $7.99 you get wide variety options including Up to 1920 x 1080 pixels resolution
You can use your spare or discarded phone as webcam permanently , TIP : you can use your mobile flash for putting a glow on your face :-)
Nice , but this app says $39 annual fee to use all the features :-(
And no Android App for Camo.DroidCam seems to be the go: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.dev47apps.…
Had a few jobs interview online with a no brand camera = all unsuccessful :(
Bought a new Logitech Brio 4K for the last interview with a hardware company = got a new job as a sale in Logitech! Hey~!
congrats dude, looks like you got selected by showing your deep skin pores in 4k :)
Beware: they do not cancel orders as they will just send the webcam without replying to any requests. So think twice, of course, it is only 13 bucks so….
Sure looks like it, the box shown in the video says the model is PC02, which matches the Ebay listing.
From about half-way through the Youtube clip, it appears the clip is taken through the webcam. I set Youtube to display 1080p and took a screen capture at the time when the reviewer showed the back of the box, enlarged the screen capture, and one of the lines in the barcode is a single pixel wide (although blurred across three pixels). But the blurring was not the sort of blurring you would expect from the video output being upscaled, so it does look like the camera is capable of 1080p video.
Is youtube blocked at your work or something?
If not, plenty of examples. Why let strangers decide for you?Isn't that what YouTube does? One person's opinion? I wanted the community's opinion on this before pulling the trigger. With IT, more cooks the better, imo. Different view points are always good. Cheers for the link.
No, thats not what youtube samples do.
In the case of a webcam, youtube offers the ability for you to make your own opinion, based on sample footage.
Things like speakers and such, cant be judged, because they're flavoured by your speakers.
But watching footage over the internet is exactly what you intend to use it for; so its a like for like scenario.
@MasterScythe: Yea, good point. Decent video, I think I'll plump for the Nulaxy, $30 should last us awhile.
So busy received the cam. Build quality is great. Works great for duo calls on my google chromecast TV. Picture is decent and far better compared to logitech one for duo calls. Thnaks op.
For $13 this is a steal.
Microphone is not working with duo yet. Will update once I test it with other apps
Just unboxed mine that arrived today. Must say build quality is pretty good. The video quality is noticeably better than the inbuilt camera on my Razer Blade 15 Advanced. For the price, definitely a winner.
Can you please reflect on how "zoomed in" this is? Is it as natural as the laptop camera or did you feel you it was closer to your face?
To be honest from the same distance close to each other, they are very similar, except that this camera is much clearer being 1080 compared to my laptops 720 res. Hope this helps.
Just got the camera yesterday and tested today in a meeting for work (with Microsoft teams). The quality is pretty good and clear, no blurry or lags, and not noticing any "zoomed in" effect too. Well worth the $13.51 in my opinion.
(Haven't test on the built-in microphone tho as I always use bluetooth headset for meetings)
Build quality is great and zoom wise its fine and MUCH better quality than the inbuilt cam, however white balancing is off so you look pretty white even in low light.
Also noticed that if you use the Camera app in Windows 10 it is not mirrored like the inbuilt.
Haven’t looked at solving the issues above but easily worth the $13.21 I paid.
I have a question, When I open the camera app in Windows 10 and use this camera, when I bump the camera cable or nudge the USB port connection the slightest, the camera just goes black, cuts off and goes to my laptop inbuilt camera. Anyone else having this issue? Thanks
Nope. Try another USB port but if it does the same thing send it back?
Tried it with 2 USB ports… still does it when I nudge the USB port connection… Will message the seller for a warranty claim… Thanks!
$13.20 w/ eBay Plus here