What is the best NBN ISP that accepts payment by American Express Credit card? I use 100/20 or above speed.
Thank you
Best nbn ISP That Accepts AmEx Card for Payment

MATE Is good, the rest, not so much.
It seems Mates wants 3% surcharge for Amex, i.e. around $2.4 per month/
Do you know anyone do not charge a surcharge foe Amex?
thank youI believe all ISPs have a surcharge for AmEx.
Exetel (with fees) from memory
It has surcharge on AMEX.
Isn't the charge 1.5% regardless of CC on Sniip?
I use Superloop. It only accept visa/MC. I have read the message of the Link, and called Superloop. The answer is No.
I don't know understand what is Snip.and how to make them accept Snip. Could you give me the instructions?
Thank you
Sorry, what is linet? I cannot find the ISP. Please explain. Thank you.
If you are in a metro area, check if they have FTTB at your address. Much better product and cheaper.
iinet is now owned by TPG, but seems to be a little more customer focus and friendly (even if most of the people are working in the same call centre).
They have a surcharge too, but if you can save on the product, then no so bad. If you working from home, claim the charge back on tax! (Check with your accountant though).
How this helps!
I thought everyone charged surcharges for Amex… thus why so many stores/business refuse to accept it.
Telstra via paypal, no surcharge
We use a Melbourne based NBN ISP called Telnetworks.
I have always been paying invoices with my Amex and they don't charge any surcharges for using my Amex.
Belong via Paypal
Telstra, Optus, Mate, TPG, Tangerine.