[Unobtainable] Gainward GeForce RTX 3080 Phantom 10GB (Non LHR) $1698.60 + Delivery @ TechFast

Moved to Forum: Original Link

Same deal as https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/637731 but around $89.40 cheaper.

Don't forget to Apply the Discount code "MOARTECHFAST"

Reddit Reviews

Tech Fast aren't honouring the code, apparently it was only meant to be for PC purchases? Doesn't say that next to the code I got though

"This code won't be honoured for this deal, sorry to everyone. It was not intended for this product. Anyone who has paid will refunded as soon as possible in the working week. The code comes from the setup guide we ship with PCs and is intended for PCs only." - Luke Tech Fast

Mod: deal has been archived and moved to forums as unobtainable.

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  • +4

    Well its nice seeing things go back to RRP

    • +36

      Not there yet

    • +7

      Yes, I usually buy GPUs below RRP but these days RRP actually seems like a saving in comparison.

    • +2

      That is still a pretty decent hike away from RRP. right direction, but long way to go yet.

  • +43


    • +10

      It’s unhealthy how much I enjoyed this comment.

    • ref?

  • +1

    At 1500 I'll sell my PS5 and get it

    • +13

      At 1500, I'll keep my PS5 and buy it when the price is at PS5 RRP prices.

      • +1

        A 3080 wont cost $750 untill after the launch of the 4080, if that's what you mean.

        • +3


          • @ATangk: If (big if) GPU prices go back to normal, a 3080 will be $750 or below directly after the release of the 4080, but at that point you may as well just get a current card.

        • +1

          $100 on gumtree

    • -1

      I'd straight swap my 1060 3GB for one.

      • I'm so sick of my 1060

        • I only buy the bang for buck champs every 3 years or so, budget gaming. Got a 3GB SC little ripper, that exact model was a steal, any 6GB was a blow out. But for the first time, I'm having issues playing a game. Wolfenstein Youngblood chucks a wobbly, due to lack of RAM. I check my emails again… Jan 2017!!! Wow, time flies. No wonder. I'm due to buy again, at a terrible time.

          • @Ulysses31: Still rocking my 5 year old GTX 1070 here.

  • +14

    Always put a smile on my face when seeing those prices dropping

    • but puts a sad face whilst you stare at your aging GTX 480 card

  • +1

    Can only see $1,788.00

    • +5

      Hi, did you try using the discount code?

    • Apply coupon code 'MOARTECHFAST'

  • +11

    at $1000 I am getting one perhaps?

    not in a hurry obviously. recently got a $1100 17" laptop with 1660ti that will suffice for my gaming needs till a better value opportunity presents itself

    not a good time to build a system I reckon. when they roll out something like RTX 4060 I will be ready with some cash saved up, and some more games from epic store haha

    I strongly believe they are priced way above what they're really worth.

    but each to their own, I know a lot of me mates disagree. w/e

    • I'll get 10 if the non lhr version drops to $1000

    • Yeah, this isn't really cheap, even compared to the rest of the market. Every other card in nVidia's lineup has gotten to just over 50% over RRP, even the 3080ti has been there for a while. This is just the 3080 coming into line with that because the 3080 has always been the best value for money card (if you can call this value for money)

      That said, $1k is probably next year, assuming AMD sticks with rolling out RDNA3 this year as planned. Retail per nVidia is $1,139 but even from day one only nVidia sold it at that price, other vendors were $1,400 pretty much straight away.

      There's also crypto, especially with these non-LHR ones when they can still generate $150-200 mining eth a month, despite the recent falls. Even the LHR ones can make half that. To get to $1k those numbers need to fall more. Really this is a bargain because even if it drops to $1000 by year end who cares? Still made a profit. And people thinking like that will keep the price up.

      • 150-200 a month, with expenses, taxes and fees of 150-200 a month

        • +3

          Yes, but it's accumulation of the coin plus the future valuation which makes it extremely attractive.

        • Most people I know who mine have solar, some even have batteries.

      • I will wait. no rush at all.

        when rtx 4000 is released I am sure everyone mining will switch to that and I will pick 3080 up cheap.

        or it will go down some other way, who cares :) at any rate I am not dropping more than $1k for a graphics card

    • I also recently got a 1660ti laptop, with Ryzen 4800H (Asus TUF FA706IU for a price I couldn't refuse on FB marketplace). If your new laptop has at least a 6 core CPU then you might not even need a desktop if you could hook up a desktop GPU to it.

      Due to how powerful the 4800H CPU is and that there's 2x m2 slots in my laptop- I'm considering not getting a desktop and using an R43SG m.2 eGPU adapter (more bandwidth than Thunderbolt 3) with a 3060ti. It is limited to PCI-E 3.0 4x, but even with a 1080ti it's only around a 5-10% performance loss. A bottom case can be purchased cheaply (so can keep original for warranty purposes) and I could route an m2 extension to the bottom. It would almost be hot swappable, and the cost of the R43SG + new bottom case is only around $100.

      Video of what I'm talking about (just pretend the miniPC is a laptop):

      • +1

        thanks for suggestion mate

        yeah mine is 6 core i7, has 2x m2 slots and a 2.5 sata

        but nah, not really keen to fumble with external enclosures and give up the flexibility of being able to take it places without sacrifice in performance

        also still I think even 3060ti is priced way above what it should be.

        1660ti is plenty for 1080p 144hz gaming and I am a happy jappy chappy for a couple of years

        unless someone drops an affordable full power 3050ti or 3060 laptop in similar configuration then I might consider switching gears sooner

        good luck with your build though! sounds exciting

  • +14

    By next month they will be bundling games with these cards just to offload them.

  • +29

    Hold Hold Hold Hold Hold Hold Hold Hold Hold Hold Hold Hold Hold Hold Hold Hold Hold Hold

    • Howdy fel-diddly-ellow neighboureeno! I be holding for the msrp! When the diddily ding dong do riddly-retailers ask what can i diddily ding dong did diddily ding dong do you for? Let me say loweroo prices for me and diddily ding dong you.

      • +1

        why downvote this gem

    • +5

      I am holding 100% - in China there are a lot of second hand 3080 for 900-1k and brand new 3080 for 1300AUD. Obviously this wave will come to us as well. Lets screw this retailers who were selling video cards for +100% price.

      • +1

        An interesting thing is I heard that many Chinese gamers launched a boycott against second hand mining card sellers still selling at a premium after the recent crypto ban…so basically a lot of gamers are holding and not buying from miners who were still selling these second hand mining cards, just to screw them.

  • +5

    Still waiting to bite the bullet but maybe not for the Gainward ones.

    • yes sure retaiers will drop the crappy ones first

      to be expected

      • That would be Zotac then

  • +20

    Don't catch the falling knife! Reports from China are that miners are offloading batches of hundreds of cards below rrp (and clearly not in the market buying new). This should flow through to better deals within weeks.

    • +3

      Yep Nvidia stock price is also dropping. Which means cards aren't moving as fast.

      • +1

        Thanks. I had not noticed that. Nvidia stock price down 10% this week. It looks like the great GPU bust of 2021 is gaining momentum.

    • Some are offloading, others are simply relocating.

  • +4

    What !! I just ordered one yesterday for 1788 :(

    • +1


    • +7


      • Yeah but they charge 25 percent restocking fees or store credit will try

        • +1

          damn 25% that's steep. sorry to hear. can u do credit card price protection?

          • @truebunny: Which credit card give you price protection?

            • @edfoo: Most of the premium ones for 21 days. Check your CC doco. If its not shipped you should be able to cancel it without any trouble with any reputable resellers who care about the customers. Not sure about TF.

              • +1

                @BargainBuddy: yup even if no credit card protection, u should be able to cancel without fee by revoking the charge and saying item not shipped yet since they haven't even started shipping even though they said they would.

    • +3

      At least you didn't buy for $2.8k. I cant believe that some people bought a 3080 over $2k, it's insane. The drop rate is crazy atm, so it's best to wait even with this deal.

      • Sold mine for $2200 recently after buying off another scalper almost 6mths ago for $1550 and mining on it in the down time. I've paid the card off and then some + taken profit from the purchase price. This has all been a nice wave to ride.

        • +1

          Nice, you could even use that to get another card when prices drop and after awhile, bam 2 cards for free.

          • @badjazy: Absolutely. I put the money into crypto at the time and turned a nice profit on it while waiting for GPU prices to drop. Being without a GPU for the time being hasn't been all that bad.

  • +15

    HOLD!!!! It’s getting better

  • +7

    Rather just wait until October to build a new rig for Battlefield/FC6.


    • time it for amd announcement and NVIDIA potential price drop afterwards

      or rtx 4000 announcement, whichever

      now is bad time to build. whatever you get will be cheaper the very next day, and with better things just around the corner you're going to regret being hasty a lot

      • now is bad time to build. whatever you get will be cheaper the very next day, and with better things just around the corner you're going to regret being hasty a lot

        Hahaha i remember people telling me exactly this right before the RTX 3090 / 3080 launch.

  • getting closer

  • +6

    I brought mine on day one when the last deal was post and still not sent , can I cancel it and get this ? Thanks

    • +3

      Yeah this is a bit of a farce if you've ordered and it has not yet shipped, will they be applying this pricing to all of them?

      • +8

        It’s pretty shitty how they done this , took everyone’s money but yet sent them out and reduce price now , I am also not surprise if they going reduce further after this if doesn’t sold all .

        • Any word from luketechfast on this?

          • +1

            @houmousy: I sent email reflect on this and ask for full refund . We will see

        • Agree, although I think you mean not sent them out.

        • +1

          I also ordered in the last deal on the 13th, expecting it being in stock and shipping soon. Was advised by their support it was "likely to ship in late July". Kind of wonder if they had any in stock at all…

          • +6

            @jonske: They really seem to be screwing over their customers with this card, first the eBay deal which was $1980, then the reduced price of $1788 which made the 3080 PC build they were selling not great value, now this. Maybe they must have really over bought these cards

    • +2

      I'm gonna do the same if I can. Paid for express postage as was under the impression they had immediate stock. If i'm gonna have to wait, might as well save ~$90 using this deal.

      • +4

        When a company says they're shipping between now and the end of July, then disappear from the deal after making thousands, it usually means none of it was shipping until the end of July.

        • +1

          Looks like you're right.

      • +3

        That’s so annoying , what’s point paying for express postage and you still not get it by now ?

    • I dont think they will do it, because the price is reduced by using a vourcher which they can claim not open to general public, rather than drop in price on their website. I ordered one on 13/07, let us wait and see.

  • +2

    I wonder if Gainward (and other manufacturers) rather than shipping their cards just kept them onsite in a mining farm and now that they are not allowed to mine anymore - will sell those as new and give full warranty.

    I wonder how many new 3080 non-LHR cards that trickle out to us now have actually been mining the last year.

  • +3

    Sounds terrible from that reddit link.

  • +1

    Whoah. What a dog shot.

  • +1

    I wonder how the fan noise compares to the Evga FTW3, there’s plenty of people online saying it’s heaps loud too.

    • +1

      Doesn’t matter, just put it into garage.

  • gpu die should keep recording of its usage, like power on time, how many calculation has been done etc etc. like S.M.A.R.T and it has to be in the die so no hard mod can swap out the chip.

  • +2

    Could be possible used for mining and then refurbished, no one can tell

    • +5

      no one can tell

      Just for men gel.

    • I've seen a few unboxings of this card with the seal/sticker on the anti static bag broken… not sure if that means anything.

      • +1

        Non LHR 3060Ti/3070/3080 highly possible been used for mining.

        • How is it possible if these are sold as new?

          • +2

            @Ilikecars: It's easy to say anything is new.

          • +2

            @Ilikecars: Retailers or whoever else have been using them for mining. Simple.

  • Which full coverage waterblock suits this?

  • +2

    Almost pulled the trigger on this but will wait longer for price drops.

  • +2

    If everyone waited 1 month, these price will drop even faster.

    Hold the line

  • +1

    Prices getting better, but with the drop rates happening this fast it's best to wait still. It's gonna be hard resisting the $1400 prices. I don't think I have patience to wait for msrp, so probably $1400 will be my point.

    • +1

      Price drops are happening faster than the cards could recover the difference by mining. That is, this deal was originally posted on the 13th for $100 more. However in 4 days this card could only get $40 max in mining (at current rates) and cost around $4 of electricity.

      That's a massive cross over point.

      • Yeah, the drops are far more than can be earnt with mining. I saw a guy buy 6 of these exact cards for $2100 each. Imagine if he just waited longer, he would get a return much faster. It's why I will still wait.

        • While I can't speak for him, as someone who has a bit of confidence in crypto maybe he isn't viewing that example I gave as a $60 overall loss, but views that $40 of crypto as being worth 10x that in a few years time and is better off mining as much as he can now.

          • +1

            @studentl0an: As much as people hate it, I recommend using your GPU to mine at least with idle times. I am not against mining, but I think everyone should wait for the correction. He could have gotten almost 7 cards at this price for that amount. Maybe even 9 in a few months.

  • Sorry might be slightly off-topic, but what are you guys' opinion on waiting for 3080 price to continue to drop or to get something like a second hand 6800 at about 1300 or 1400?

    • Wait for all prices to drop a bit more yet. I'm holding out for a 6800 / 6800 XT because it outshines the 3080 in raw rasterization generally and at a cheaper price.

    • -1

      6800 XT brand new can be bought for $1699 right now so why buy 6800 used for $1400?

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