Its my first time situation where tenant lost the key. It is those restricted keys where people have access to build and limited number made. In summary, there is no option but to change the locks (~$300).
Tenant argument that if they known it was that expensive they be careful or if there was any formal wording in the standard lease contract.
- Anyone know if there is formal legal documentation around who is liable to pay for change of locks?
- Is this the things which you take to Bond tribunal for dispute?
Update: Thanks for everyone's interest. Got the answer. It is high security system. So, if you loose key there is obligation to replace locks. Otherwise, future tenants can claim for loss of robbery. That in general is true for all cases. So, if tenant loose case, as landlord you are best to get locks replaced . Obviously, it is is common key, you wouldn't know and tenant would just replace it. However, as landlord if you know that keys are lost, you need to proceed with locks replaced. This is to cover yourself for future tenants.
Then in terms of cost, tenants are obligated to cover the cost. It is in Section 33.3 of contract. Going foward, i just created new welcome doc, so that they are aware on how it works.
My rental contract clearly outlines a charge for lost keys or access card. Is there nothing in the agreement you have?