• expired

$20 off nbn Plan for 1st Month (on Top of 6 Month Discounted Rates) @ Tangerine via One Big Switch


Saw this as an ad and seems good value. Even the pricing on Tangerine NBN seems quite good and reviews as well.

Unclear if you can directly use the code OBS20 or have to go through the above link

edit: Rates are discounted for 6 months and hence look cheaper, but cheap is cheap!

edit 2: Manual copy paste of NBN Speeds and rates . You will get $20 on top for 1st month:

NBN - 25/5 - $44.90 for 6 months, then $59.90
NBN - 50/20 - $54.90 for 6 months, then $69.90
NBN - 100/20 - $74.90 for 6 months, then $89.90
NBN - 250/25 - $94.90 for 6 months, then 109.90 (unclear if this gets $20 off as the One Big Switch ad doesn't show this although it says on all plans you get $20 off)

To the comment that says why don't you get the referral here, I wasn't aware that you could get a referral from OZB member for $25, so yes you can do that as well I suppose

Referral Links

Referral: random (118)

Both referrer and referee receive $25 for signing up to NBN offer.

Related Stores

One Big Switch
One Big Switch

closed Comments

  • What are the effective rates for the nbn plans?

  • Damn, i signed up for mate yesterday!

    • I am with my MATE and they are great.

      • Yeah i looked at tangerine but ended up not going with them because they didnt have 40 upload

        • How do you tell upload on the Soul Mate plan?

          • @Nalar: Cis underneath the plan probably

          • @Nalar: Soul Mates nbn Home Fast = 100/20.
            Soul Mates nbn Home Fast+ = 100/40.

            • +1

              @Twix: Cheers

              Couldn't work out the diff between Fast and Fast+

              • @Nalar: Upload and price is the only difference.

  • +6

    why don't you get the referral for here to get a $25 discount?

    Instead, you are giving $30 to one big switch as a referral?

    • +1

      Plus the referral also helps out a fellow Ozbargainer.

    • +3

      No decent deal has ever come out of OBS.

      • This one is decent, no?

        • +1

          You can get referral credit for $25 from ozbargainer

  • Just signed up with a referral code that gives $25. Stacked with ShopBack, which seemed to have been tracked - should be able to confirm in a couple of months? But this code is good if you cannot find a referral code

    • Damn, I forgot to check shopback. This post is a spam from these clown onebigswitch

  • Tangerine has been hit and miss for me, but great price

    • pls share your experience…
      superloop was hit n miss for me

      • What happened with Superloop?

        • within my 1st 2 months with them, i had 4 or 5 separate days of downtime with no notifications..
          i was wfh n i had to call them, waited for hours for some1 to pick up
          when i got through, they were all not scheduled disruptions but hardware failures…
          i'm in metro melb… not rural area.

          • @squidz: Fair enough. I was knocked offline for 12 hours due to something similar when I was with them too. When they are online they are pretty good, which is the large majority of the time.

    • +1

      For something that's so critical these days, cheap != bargain. ABB/Mate which aren't always the cheapest, are super rock solid in performance, and easily the best bargain out there.

    • +2

      this is clearly sockpuppetting

  • -6

    They don't tell you but prices are excluding GST. Add $4 on top of advertised price.

    • Not sure what you are talking about, the advertised price is including GST. No one can advertise ex-GST price to consumer in Australia. It is the LAW

      • No one can advertise ex-GST price to consumer in Australia.

        Not entirely correct. They can state a ex-GST price, however must indicate very clearly that the value is ex-GST.

        • -1

          Not for consumer, price has to be including GST. Anyway the price advertised with Tangerine is including GST, not sure what this poster talking nonsense about.

          Our consumer law even go further than that, Jetstar, TigerAir used to cope fine for not showing the total final cost that including ridiculous surcharge for credit card payment. That's why you don't see the kind of rubbish advertising like in other country for only the air fare cost but the final cost is significant more which include airport tax and even carrier surcharge. The same airline still run this kind of advertising on their other country version of the website but NOT on Australia website.

  • Does codes stack with Cashrewards or Shopback? Looking at both terms and condition, both sites says cashback may not be valid if used with codes not authorised by them?

  • Thanks, I used this to move from superloop to tangerine due to price increase. $20 off is a good score.

  • Not as good as 10.5% Cashback and $25 off with your first bill with tangerine


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