Was checking out my super when I went into my rewards and spotted they now have access to GG commercial
Access to The GoodGuys Commercial Shopping Portal @ Rest Super Rewards

Last edited 07/07/2021 - 06:51 by 1 other user
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Not quite, I don't have it through any of my associations :(
Sign up for Sunsuper
Does Sunsuper give you access to GGc??
Edit: Thanks for the downvote LOL.Im already a sunsuper member and had no idea it gave you access to GGc - and now I have access haha yes!!
Do you need to actively use SunSuper, or just sign up and leave it empty?
@NigelTufnel: Mine is empty as I moved all my super to another fund, so while they probably want you to use it, I don't believe they check for active super accounts (I could be wrong though as I only recently switched funds).
@SomeoneFromSomewhere: Yeah I had to sign up again as I didn't realise they close your account completely when you switch. So I signed up without setting up a new super account and requested access to TGGC and received a confirmation email from them a few hours later. Whether they shut it down after X period time for inactivity is the question.
Let me know your associations and I can help you find it if possible
Is Aware Super eligible for GGc?
@VerticallyIntegrated: Doesn't look like it (unless that's not updated): https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/437362
It's just getting the "haggle price" without having to initiate that conversation. Helpful when you're lazy.
Work smarter, not harder
Found it except the code doesn’t work for me to register.
I'm having the same issue
Rest isn’t doing very well, might save more money switching
Thanks. I'm taking this as a personal advice.
Care to elaborate?
Don't listen, he wants to put you in predsuper!!!
But we offer the best predurns!
If you follow The performance if industry super fund. Rest was up there in top 2 spots but in recent years it’s return dropped significantly. - from a former member of Rest.
Where do we see the ranking of all the super funds? I really have no idea how well my current Au super performs
@fan8956: Have a look at the ATO Yoursuper Comparison tool, I think it only shows basic information though.
@fan8956: Aussie super is what I switched to. They did just report a record high rate of return two days ago. Money magazine normally compares performances of the funds and covers this topic on regular basis.
@Ahan: I switched from Rest to Aus Super too. Here is an article from ABC published a couple of days ago: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-07-05/superannuation-funds-…
And for those interested, this is an interesting Podcast on Super: https://anchor.fm/dev-raga---personal-finan/episodes/Episode…
@itzwazza: I am on AusSuper, but partner is on REST.
Looks like need to move away from Rest as it has not performed well.. but since I am already on AusSuper, I am thinking to ask my partner to switch to another fund to "diversify" the risk/performance.Any suggestions which one is the "second best" after AusSuper?
From quick glance via ATO Comparison Tool, UniSuper looks decent performance/fees-wise. Anyone with them?@OzFrugie: I am, but only switched from REST a few days ago. Friend's been with them for a while now and is happy with how their super's performing
Yes I'm in the process of switching
Compared to Hostplus?
Plenty of super not doing well. The more important info is which super is performing with average/low fees.
I’ve been with rest since I started my retail job like 14 years ago. Maybe I will switch as well thanks
It's worth checking every few years. Good work mate!
Agreed, switched out of them 2 years ago into Aussuper.
Best call i've made.
Greater returns and lower fees.Rest was giving me pretty average returns and high fees
Also in the recently switched camp (two days ago); switched to Unisuper since they're now open to everyone and I work in higher education
Most union members get this too.
Sunsuper members too
Oh wow. Didnt realise this! Just registered on their portal. Thanks a lot!
It’s a commiracle!
I don't see the goodguys under rewards in the app, anyone else?
It’s there In my app
I cant see in mine either
Nope, I can't see it either.
For me only booktopia is listed as rewards
Thx OP, I’m keen to try it if anyone has a spare code they can PM. Thanks
They generally validate that you're a member of the fund, so a code on it's own won't do you much good
Even then, would anyone feel that "nice and generous" enough to give away their code that could help them potentially save hundreds or thousands of dollars in purchases?
REST is the retail and fast food industry super fund run by the SDA or "shoppies union" who are notorious for cutting underhanded deals with employers, in exchange for the facilitation of recruitment by the employers themselves. In the political sphere, they belong to the ALP right faction, and were responsible for preventing marriage equality during the Rudd/Gillard years.
Don't give these scoundrels your money.
The SDA is one of the best and most effective unions in the country.
Christian Porter, is that you?
Attorney-General Christian Porter has left workers sceptical of his promise to lift wages and tackle exploitation after praising a union that stripped workers of more than $1 billion worth of wages as the "gold standard" of "cooperative" workplace relations.
Never in my life did I think I would see anyone of any political persuasion defend shoppies,
2021: Hold my beer,
"responsible for preventing marriage equality during the Rudd/Gillard years."
The opinions or directives for expressing support of marriage 'equality' do not equate to preventing the change of law.
Yes, it's Wikipedia, but further reading on the 22 attempts over 13 years to legalise same sex marriage extend well beyond those two clowns: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Same-sex_marriage_in_Australia
My son worked for Target when he was 15. At the group induction, the union rep attended and signed up all the new employees. My son was given the impression, with the approval of the employer, that joining the union was part of being employed there. As soon as he told me about it I told him it was not and he canceled it. As an HR practitioner, I knew any employer that allowed attendance by a Union had to be in cahoots with them. My son ended up having some super in REST as Target only allowed that fund, his balance was going backward because of the fees and it took months to get it out to another fund as they made him jump through the hoops.
I’m been out of retail for ages, but still use rest. What’s ozbargain using these days?
anything but rest
We still use Eneloop.
Interested to know this too. Hope someone actually gives a serious response.
Hostplus has good returns - equal to AustralianSuper - but their fees are higher.
@Almost Banned: Thanks for the link to the above article.
The article is comparing fees for the Balanced investment option only.
For the Indexed Balanced option, the fees are significantly lower.
(Search for Indexed Balanced)@DoctorCalculon: Yes - but all indexed funds would/should be low fee.
So you would need to compare Hostplus' indexed balanced fee rate against other funds' indexed balanced option. Equally you would need to compare the returns of the same type of fund.
Is Spaceship Super good?
High-ish on the fees an shunting their costs around to make it look like they're cheaper than they really are apparently. They're also pretty heavily invested in the tech industry with nowhere for you to go if you want to cool down your investments.
By all accounts you'd be better off looking at an Industry Superfund like Australian Super or Hostplus.They started out on the floor below us in the Sydney CBD and now manage $250 million+ for 125,000 customers.
Their super platform is great, returns spectacular and growth easy to track. However, your mileage may vary. They certainly are not an Industry Fund and are open in how risky some of their portfolios are, but leave it to the individual to choose their own strategy. Soon they will allow you to split your investments across their various strategies as you see fit.
Only minor problem is that they don't bundle life insurance with it like many other super funds do, but the returns far outweigh this additional cost, if indeed you need life insurance at your age.
Same, thought I'd switch and realised back when I was looking they had similar fees to the rest 😀 (pun intended)
HostPlus and AustralianSuper are consistently high performing funds with low fees.
Australian Super has been performing great for me, this and ethical super seems to be doing alright.
Same deal with SunSuper
Rest super awlful. Using hostplus
Just logged in and compared a few products that I've been looking at buying and while they are discounted prices with this, I've still managed to find a lot of items cheaper elsewhere.
Bloody AIA vitality was so much better used to get $5 Woolies voucher every week bring that back REST the only reason i switched over to you was that
That's a pretty awful reason to switch your super.
It was the best. I used to get $400 a year cashback on anytime fitness
PSA: the ATO has launched a new tool for comparing super products: https://www.ato.gov.au/YourSuper-Comparison-Tool/
Generally speaking, you can't go wrong with an industry superfund
Thanks for that. Australian Super (who my work uses by default), seems to be the best option for return/fee at a glance, followed by hostplus.
But Rest is an industry super fund…
I meant Industry Super Funds are profit-to-members so in terms of fees, they'll generally be a lot lower compared to retail/non-industry super funds. The performance will of course vary between different funds
Is Rest not what you just said? Only reason I ask is because I'm with Rest.
@Fuzor: Rest is an Industry super fund, but in terms of performance, they're not doing that well. There are other industry super funds that have posted better returns than Rest.
Consider switching to another industry super fund based on performance. Check out the comparison tool I posted above for the best return or the best fund that works for you.
Edit: There are also new legislations coming into effect that will make super more transparent for members. Under-performing funds will be flagged by APRA and will need to inform members of the underperformance.
@d3al: Can you backup these claims that REST is not performing well? So far I've seen this claimed more than once here and appears to be purely anecdotal at best, maybe it's factual but I haven't seen any facts.
@Nebargains: Check out the ATO tool I posted above. You can compare up to 4 different funds.
This is Rest vs. AusSuper (largest fund used as an example)
Rest Australian Super
Past 6 year net return 6.08% 8.1%
Past 5 year net return 7.64% 9.58%
Past 3 year net return 6.16% 8.67%
Total annual fee $443 $387Edit: sorry for the shit formatting. Can't figure it out
@Nebargains: I'm with rest and have made my investment strategy 70% international index and 30% Australian index so I pay zero management fees and am very happy with the returns. Now name another super fund which charges zero dollars for their index funds. I think I'll stick to these guys for now.
@Rimas: ???how do you get zero fees ?? Interested in knowing because i myself am with rest super and want to know about it
@panacheski: Thanks will change my future investments to Australian and overseas indexed shares later, anyone know if changing future investments will cost me (only future not current investments)
By cost me, i mean they reduce my no. Of shares or dollar value for changing my investment options?
Good advice BUT I have to say having just tried it quickly it's pretty crap. Just as an example the only HostPlus example it gives is their Balanced option - whereas there's around 15+ or so other options via them. So it's excluding a lot of info which when you're only comparing fees and returns (very limited info!) not sure really how meaningful it is.
So your advice is good but ATO look to have put about 15mins work in on it.
IMHO the super manager is far less important than the holder understanding the best options for them given the risk & expected investment time frame - otherwise you'll just be going into the default options, which are better than they used to be but still lack lustre for most folks needs.
Agree. But comparing the Balanced option (MySuper) is the only reliable(-ish) apples for apples comparison as it's a legislative requirement for benchmarking super funds against. Also, APRA will only be flagging underperforming funds based on MySuper returns. Most people would just stick to the default, balanced option without making many changes so I guess it makes sense for the ATO tool to be comparing this product. Generally speaking, it's still a good yardstick to measure by.
For people asking about which super fund. I'm with Australian super.
Here is a great article comparing them.
https://amp-abc-net-au.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/amp.abc.net.au…Some time ago someone here posted about a great deal on the GG commercial site. The deal was for something I wanted.
I didn't have an account and the hoops to jump thru to get one seemed a PITA for an old fart like me.
So I called a local betta store (40K away) and asked could they price match. They got close.
I called the GG (about 135k away) and said blah blah, can you price match the commercial portal price? After some strange noises they did.
I did go local in the end. It cost a few dollars more on an $800 purchase. Not very Ozbarganie, I know, but there it is.
Just saying…..
I have the Rest app. I do not see the GG Commercial in my rewards?
Yeah same. I just tried creating an account with Rest as I was hoping to get access to GG Commercial but can't see it in the rewards. Perhaps only visible to existing users?
Same here. I've been with Rest for 18 years and just installed the app. No tgg under benefits
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I feel like it's nearly common place to have access to ggc . No longer privileged