Kambrook Essentials Blender KBL100 - $29.99
Save $20
1.6L 500w Blender.
Just bought one myself
Kambrook Essentials Blender KBL100 - $29.99
Save $20
1.6L 500w Blender.
Just bought one myself
I was just looking at blenders this is excellent for the price!
Thanks mate!
Will It Blend?
Cheap supermarket blenders have a tendency to burn out real fast
I don't consider Woolworths a cheap supermarket :)
12 month warranty. I'm going to get my monies worth, no doubt.
blades are removable and it's glass. Good deal for me!
If you read the reviews on the productreview link, they say that the blades are NOT removable from the jug and it is very difficult to clean properly because of this.
I did read the review and I've actually bought one and they are removable. So that review is defunked.
Used it twice already, and it's very easy to clean!
Sounds like the perfect Valentine's Day gift.