Some super funds allow you to choose your own asset allocation. After providing your desired allocation when you sign up, do they automatically rebalance it for you in the future or are you expected to rebalance it yourself to maintain the desired allocation?
EDIT: ok I confirmed with my super fund that I have to manually rebalance to maintain allocations. What is the best practice when it comes to rebalancing? Is there as an optimal way to determine how much to increase/decrease the under/overweight asset? Is there a tool somewhere?
Likely you rebalance yourself.
The super I've been with asks the % allocation for each pay (some for aust shares and some for intl shares). It also asks of I want to rebalance on existing balance.
There are indirect costs involved with rebalancing, as they need to do buy/sell of units.
We don't rebalance % allocation within the investment thou. They do that