$100 cheaper than the previous lowest price!
Yes, screen is 250nits, and battery at 45Wh could be bigger, but at this price point it's a lot of laptop for the money and hard to complain.
$100 cheaper than the previous lowest price!
Yes, screen is 250nits, and battery at 45Wh could be bigger, but at this price point it's a lot of laptop for the money and hard to complain.
Referrer and referee get $20 after referee's 1st purchase of $90+.
$0.62 would be better..
it's a lot of laptop for the money and hard to complain
Someone will.
Yeah it's a sad world when people expect to pay peanuts for top of the line specs. Then whinge that they can't get what they want for next to nothing.
They just want a misprice deal where the decimal move to the left.
And then they have the nerve to ask for their future neighbour in 3 years time to share half the cost.
Or ask the store for a new replacement after years of fault free use because they got supplied the wrong colour device. *Cough* not space grey macbook *cough*
$900 is not "peanuts" for a laptop
It is compared to laptops with 11th gen i9, i7 or Ryzen 7 and Ryzen 9, 32GB RAM, 1 or 2 TB NVME SSD.
144Hz QHD or 4k HDR screen and 30xx video cards. Priced in the $3xxx to $4xxx range.
Some expect to be able to get these kind of features for less than $1000.
Case in point. My colleague saw my new Sony zv-1 and commented that I paid too much. He was saying he was expecting it's only worth around $200. For what I paid for this camera he said I should have gotten a DSLR.
@xoom: While true that DSLR are better once you add a couple high quality lenses they are multi thousand dollars purchases and for video blogs you don't really need that until you are bringing in some revenue from your videos.
@Agret: well the aim was to get a portable/pocketable camera rig as i hate to bring around heavy camera gear when im out and about.
It would be for top of the line specs, as per the comment
they proudly called it 'bargain'
I'm not a gamer just a general browser.
Which one do I buy tonight? I'm a total noob. This or httpss://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/630123
IdeaPad 3 14", AMD Ryzen 7 5700U (8C/16T), FHD IPS, 12GB RAM, 512GB SSD $854.10
The Ryzen 7 is also HD 1920x1080
This E14 laptop appears to have a USB-C port and charger. The Ideapad 3 doesn't seem to have USB-C.
Nah it has USB C. Any new laptop that doesn't in 2021 probably belongs in the trash.
The Ideapad has a newer generation AMD Ryzen CPU 5000 vs 4000 series. Technically they are based on the same architecture but Lucinenne(5700u) is more refined, with more thread's than 4700u(Renoir) and up to 10% better performance. However, for your needs the Thinkpad could be a better option, because the build quality is better and targets business users.It also has a larger capacity battery then the Ideapad, which could yield better battery life.
with the above comparison,
I would opt for this thinkpad E14, with even 16Gb (same 8Gb mem sticks)
also it depends on your usage,
This is light, portable, long batt life, (being away from home for the day) this fits the bill,
obviously, this is not designed for heavy gaming, (no dedicated GPU), it may do low fps gaming,
YMMV, do your own research to satisfy yourself, before pulling the trigger as always.
Not worth gaming on a laptop
literally just walked out of officeworks with this https://www.officeworks.com.au/shop/officeworks/p/yoga-slim-… for $958 (after cashback)
Should i refund it and get this instead for larger HD?
How do the CPUs compare?
The i5 CPU on your laptop is only a quad-core and slower then the 8 core AMD Ryzen 4700u. However the rest of your components are a good, like the screen. So it depends on your needs.
Thanks for that. Was starting to regret a purchase I've been calling around to get all day.
Your model has a nicer screen and is more compact. Personally I would prefer that to faster multi core CPU performance.
Cheers. Nice is always good
No touch screen?
No. The CPU is plenty enough for almost any task. Intel xe graphics is also amazing with the mention of that 16:10 screen. This laptop is much better
Better battery & much lighter too.
Hey guys I'm deciding between this laptop and the 4650U, https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/631847 also https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/630123
Which one would be better I'm not familiar with laptops.
I'd like to do some light gaming and mainly used for work.
The 4650u is a slower CPU then the 5700u, however it's business focused with abilities such as RAM encryption in hardware. The Thinkpad also has a better quality chassis and higher capacity battery.
Honestly I wouldn't go for the ideapad.. it has a lower build quality, similar display and no substantial benefit in terms of weight… it is between the two thinkpads fr me… (I got the R7 model fr myself)… and yes.. thinkpad has usb c charging…. you could buy one of those lightweight GAN chargers for travel..
this was posted weeks ago
Would this support Win 11 ?
Dude there are ways to get W11 regardless
Just YouTube
This AMD Ryzen CPU is a powerhouse and was only launched in 2020. If Windows 11 didn't support it, that would be severely suspect.
Anyway if you look up the AMD Ryzen 4700U on the official Microsoft list, you can see its supported by Windows 11.
It has a security chip (dTPM 2.0 chip), and 4700U does support Windows 11. I don't see any issue there.
6% cash back on cashback. Wish it was yesterday, they had 14% :(
Where is this 6% cashback? It is 3.5% on cashrewards for "ThinkPad A, E, L" and 2.5% on ShopBack for "Thinkpad A, E & L Series".
no sdcard slot, a feature I want on any bargain laptops.
Are you sure? My E495 (previous model) has a Micro SD slot.
I have the predecessor of this model (E495) and they are such great laptops. It is solid build quality, looks great in both the office and on the couch, and has the best keyboard I ever had on a laptop. And you can't fault the Ryzens for performance.
I really don't want to hate on MacBooks (we have two) but their keyboards are awful compared to this one.
I have spoken to Lenovo chat and the lead time for Australia on this model is 8 weeks plus up to 10 days for delivery.
Sounds about right. They told me estimated delivery mid August.
Yes, discovered that too, especially for modified builds. Lucky I don't need it in a hurry.
Wow yet again thanks to covid. I won't bother with it thats 2.5 months. F that
I ordered 2 during Prime day from Amazon (sold by Lenovo). They were delivered in less than a week.
I purchased a Flex 5 14 in early July last year. It is a fantastic little laptop, but the keyboard is playing up and Lenovo will not honour any local warranty as it was purchased via Amazon AU from Amazon US. I rang Amazon and they offered me a full refund with postage, which I am now going through.
^ this may not apply in your circumstance
only 6000 nits useless for use in space ship 100km from surface of the sun
Hahaha this kills me. Like are people laptopping at the beach?
Only at kaby lake
250nit is problematic near a window on a sunny day. also colour space coverage sucks
yes, people say "waddaya expect at this price" but this situation is rather stinky, and is created artificially by laptop manufacturers, and this is exactly what they want you to think.
good gold standard panels (300nit, full HD, no flicker, close to full sRGB coverage) are around $1 more per unit compared to inferior dim panels with crappy coverage like we see here. and making a good panel costs the same as making a crappy panel. so what is stopping Lenovo from installing a good panel here for a $1 more?
the only reason these crappy panels exist is to make laptops feel cheap, to create tiers of hardware. that's why it's installed here, no other reason.
so here's Lenovo spitting in our face and we just wipe it off and say yeah what do you expect at this price point
no, you can actually find laptops with good screens for a reasonable price, just need to shop around. I used to post laptop deals here, and all my deals had good screens. I don't want my fellow ozbargainers to buy crap products
but unfortunately I don't have time to monitor market anymore - blame epic store! too many games to play on my laptop.
Do you have any quick recommendation or good websites you used to use to compare?
at the moment, and in Australian market, Dell and various Clevo resellers like Metabox and Aftershock are your primary suspects.
Dell often has something good on sale, or for solid price in Outlet, I get their outlet listings so I can tell if it's refurbished or brand new (it will say refurbished in both cases on the website)
another source of good panel laptops is eBay, often big companies buy laptops in bundles and Dell gives them a deal (buy more, pay less per unit) as they make money on corporate warranty not the units themselves as a rule. so extra units may just end up on eBay, at cost, brand new, with business warranty attached. Dell Latitude is their business grade hardware line, and usually Latitude 7000 and often 5000 come with exceptional panels, but get the service tag before purchasing to validate configuration and warranty.
this is the model that I recommend these days. there's a chance to find it cheaper if you wait and shop around. built like tank, solid keyboard (backlit), large battery, 300nit full sRGB coverage 300nit panel, but we're talking Intel instead of Ryzen. Dell still hasn't put Ryzen into their business laptops - and for a good reason too. I have a huge pile of failed Ryzen based Lenovo's in the corner. A475, then A485, then T495, now T14 and still they are crap. getting better, but still long way to go to be called reliable.
"and I don't wanna say I told you so, but I told you so" as Offspring song goes. but no one listens. in my world reliability means more than sheer power. who cares if I can save the document in 1 second instead of 1.5. I want to make sure the laptop will still work after I wake it from sleep, and sometimes it's a lot to ask it seems haha
@shadowfangz: https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/114862139719
and here's an example of what I am talking about. $1k, 4 years warranty attached.
this is not the right config though, inferior panel. but they show up in a variety of configurations. some IT sickos still configure their laptops with HD TN panels, go figure. they are saving like $5 on each.
Purchased the AMD Ryzen 5 PRO 4650U from the last deal for around $745, received it in 2 days, unbelievable!
It's a fast laptop which comes with super comfortable keyboard which is very important for those who spend hours on typing.It's a solid build unit, good looking, great battery life, no problem with the screen - believe me! I am using it right now, and it's better laptop than Dell's inspiron in my experience.
If you need a new notebook or has extra money and you want to get tax reducation, buy THIS, because you can't get a better deal than this I don't think! By the way, this is "Ryzen 7 4700U" not Ryzen 5 4500U. It's a lot faster, get it now before it's out of stock!!!
Note: I am starting my new job in Lenovo on Monday :)
did you get the cash back? I ordered as well but no sign of shipping
Congrats on your new job! Wouldn’t they give you an employee discount for a laptop for your own personal use?
Is this good for gaming?
Sounds like you are in sales for lenovo
The cashback has shown in my account within hours. Please call them if you have not reiceved it as I have recieved mine in 2 days.
I haven't started yet, I assume a laptop to bring home if I need to work from home :)
Can't do nothing else but sales.
Looks like the R5 model(lenovo.com) is better with more threads given the core speed is pretty much the same.
Just caved in as I have been looking at a reasonably priced laptop for everyday use. Fingers crosssd
This one or Lenovo Flex 5 14.0" 2-in-1 Laptop w/ Ryzen 5 5500U - $912.84?
waiting for Amazon US shipping for Flex 5. Thinking if any of these Lenovo deals are better than the above one?
I just canceled the order and ordered this.
Local Lenovo warrant support and business laptop (and more ssd capacity and cpu performance) make me decide to cancel it.
I am still missing the touch screen and pen though.
Thanks. Thats what I am thinking now as it is for High school student and if definately needs touch screen.
hmm asset needs to be in use and installed by 30 June.. no go here?
Hello everyone, should I choose the E14 with Intel CPU or the AMD one? Any performance or compatibility issue with AMD cpu? for general office use. I am not a tech so seeking for some suggestion with AMD CPU laptop. Thanks in advance.
AFAIK AMD is the better value for money pick.
google CPU benchmark or use this direct link(cpubenchmark.net) then search for the CPU model, you will be surprised by the result.
Both Intel and AMD are American companies that are over 50 years old. The x86 architecture is basically a two horse race between them, so compatibility issues in major applications are rare or resolved quite quickly. Intel used to be dominant in performance, but AMD has caught up and exceeded Intel since 2017 in a lot of workloads. People are just more aware of the Intel brand because they do more consumer marketing. However if you own a Playstation or Xbox console since 2013, the processor and graphics unit of these systems are developed by AMD for example.
This exactly but there are some brand loyalty tards out there that will fight you…
Correct most people are dumb and just follow what's on TV or what the salesman say
Just like Apple cult
In computers AMD ahead rescused and led by a Chinese
Phones most Chinese manufacturers are ahead of apple. Samsung is slightly coz their panels and 5 Nm capability
Even if you don't take TSMc which at the end the day Chinese
I missed the one 10 days ago. https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/631847 Grabbing one before It goes OOS again!
That is still available now.
Also i feel this is better.
Yap. Not much price difference but I choose R7
I bought this one - https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/631847 but its not shipped yet. Estimated time 3rd week of July.
Should i cancel that and buy this one instead ?? Any suggestions please
Depend on your needs.
4700u has 8 cores
4650u has 6 cores and 12 threads.
If an application uses 8 cores or less, the 4700u will be faster. If it uses more the 4650u should be faster due to supporting 12 threads.
4650u is also business grade with support for features such as hardware RAM encryption, which the 4700u doesn't support.
Thx. Am just using fro wfh setup. Nothing too crazy.
I wouldn't cancel, performance difference in real world usage would not be noticeable. If you ordered the RPro 4650u then that model will like you mentioned - ship earlier, on site warranty as compared to this plus if your cash back tracked it would be at 14%.
Cheers mate
Bought this(ebay.com.au) Lenovo IdeaPad 3 (15) - AMD Ryzen 5 5500U 8GB RAM 512GB SSD for $750 last week.
The screen is incredibly warm compared to any device I've previously used (and no, night mode/power saving mode/eyecare mode & whatnot is not on, drivers all updated, and tried literally every fix on the internet). Apart from this bummer, working fantastically and fits my needs well.
Currently using a calibrated ICC profile which helps a tad, but not entirely, as whites still appear yellow. It's at the point where I can't tell whether the display is intended to be warm or if it's a hardware fault. If anyone has any fixes I'm all ears :(
Since you have an AMD model, have you tried disabling AMD's Vari-Bright? That may help.
Tried that too, yellow still persistent :( Thanks for the suggestion tho!
Is there a warm/cool colour profile hidden somewhere in the settings?
@ChickenDinner123: Tried the Radeon graphics adjustments, moving the colour temp cooler helps make most colours more acceptable, but white is still yellow, as is the overall tint :( Thnx for the advice tho!
Here's a look at the graphics performance in a number of games - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DQOxreCR7Z0
thanks op, ordered one…
Good value here. Got one
this was a great deal which I put an order through for a few days ago but I just got off the phone with Lenovo as the order hadnt updated at all online and they said they expected to fulfil it in 7-8 weeks! So i cancelled.
Yeah mine hasn't been shipped yet either.
I have spoken to Lenovo today, and the guy said it would be shipped on October from China plant.
dayyymmm…that long. booo.
Still waiting to be shipped.
I received shipping confirmation today with a dispatch date of 10th August and arrival date of 13th August. Hopefully means most people that ordered this deal will be on a similar timeline.
Same here, got an email this morning, shipped today and expected to arrive Aug 10.
Got it just now. Yay!
Waiting for the price to drop another $1.50. Then I'll get lucky…