Selling Disposable Face Masks to Customers Who Show up with No Mask

Just gauging everyones opinion on selling disposable face masks to customers who show up for an appointment and don’t have a mask with them. Now I’m only talking about $1 each, just to cover costs.

COVID has been around for long enough now with face mask rules constantly coming and going and even know face masks previously were not required to be worn at my business this time around it is required. Although masks on previous restrictions weren’t needed a lot of customer would show up thinking they needed to wear a mask but did not have one with them. Like COVID didn’t start yesterday.

So do I just give them a mask for no cost or sell them a disposable mask for $1?

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  • 69
    Sell them a mask
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    Give mask for free

closed Comments

  • +13

    think you might piss off some customers if you charge $1

    • -1

      Yeah i agree, its embarrassing enough for them to be forced to have to wear a mask when they should have been wearing one in the first place.
      I'd just shout them a mask, im assuming this is going to be a small number of people anyway.

    • +2

      Would be more pissed off if end up in lock down like Melbourne.

      • The lock down is going to happen. The case is not going down and the measure in place is not even slowing down the spread.

        Get your shit done now.

    • Now that we know what kind of business it is, pissing them off might actually be a smart business model.

  • +12

    I’m only talking about $1 each, just to cover costs.

    Considering that disposable face masks are currently selling for less than .18c each when buying a box of 50 you must have very high costs to cover.

    Give them one for free - good PR.

      • +36

        just to round up to the nearest dollar

        So $0.

      • +12

        Box of 50 would be 30c each. Plus the time to collect them and dispose of them so 35c each 😂 it’s greedier just to round up to the nearest dollar.


      • +3


        Box of 50 would be 30c each.

        I'd be shopping around more if I was you. Plenty available for about 1/2 that price.

        the time to collect them and dispose of them

        What? Do you confiscate them when the customer leaves?

        it’s easier just to round up to the nearest dollar.

        Only if you are seeking to profiteer from your customers.

        • +1

          The people that don't bother to bring a required mask are probably the same people who chuck the used masks on the ground in car parks, or just outside shops and venues, as they leave.

          Someone has to pick that sh#t up.

      • +19

        Pretty simple math here, the cost of 1 customer never returning because they were pissed off would be worth 100s of free masks.

        If the cost of goodwill is 35c, then you damn well take it, because goodwill is usually expensive.

      • -1

        No idea why you are negged so much here. COVID-19 has been around a while now. We all know at some point we might need a mask, and it’s the responsibility of individuals to have one and wear it.
        Having a mask available for a buck in the event someone takes no responsibility to have their own at this point in the pandemic is absolutely reasonable.

        • +1

          Given OP's business looks to be in Wollongong from other posts below, i'd be surprised if the majority of people outside of VIC (The lockdown state) would be carrying masks everyday unless they frequent PT or similar.
          Talking to friends in other states (NSW, QLD, WA, SA), having a mask with you everywhere you go still seems foreign to many and more likely that its whatever mask was left in the bottom of a bag or somewhere in the car from the last ramp up of warnings for covid if they really must.

          The price of some free masks for those with bookings surely far outweighs the negative reviews and bad word of mouth if OP was to charge $1 (who carries cash these days, also in VIC many places still refuse to accept cash) for a mask.
          Maybe update your email reminders for bookings to say that due to current covid situation masks are required and let people know when they book on the phone but for the ones without a mask just give out some free ones.
          Don't worry you're not gonna have all OZB turning up for free masks mate!

          I think posting the question without a burner account is already casting OP and their business in a light that is not so favourable and wasn't their best decision, much like charging for a mask ;)

  • +1

    I'd be doing neither unless you have individually wrapped masks. What sort of business are we talking about here?

    • Indoor recreation, so wearing a mask is a pain in the ass in the first place to do the activity. Appointments are pre booked and paid for so if they walk out they lose.

      • Can they reschedule to a different time?

        • With at least 24 hours notice, yes.

          • +4

            @Capo93: If that's the case, then you need to be contacting each person before the appointment that they are required to bring a mask.

            Probably easier to supply the disposable masks for free though.

            • +5

              @dizzle: Why is it a business's responsibility to remind customers that they need to comply with public health directives?

              Hairdressers may need to start reminding their customers not to kill someone on their way to their haircut…

              • +1

                @Chandler: Hey! My personal killing spree has nothing do do with my hair dresser!

      • +1

        so if they walk out they lose.

        So they really should've remembered to bring their mandated mask shouldn't they. Really, if you have individually wrapped masks then I could go either way on giving vs selling. I'd probably consider how much repeat business I get, profit margin, customer attitude and a whole lot of other things but I wouldn't give out unwrapped masks nor would I be happy accepting one (but then I also wouldn't forget to take one). If it's a group activity then it's likely that the whole group won't have one in which case you'll be giving out a lot or someone will have extras anyway.

        What are you going to do about those that refuse to wear them or take them off once they're out of sight anyway? Personally I'm a big fan of people taking responsibility for themselves so would likely be happy to ask them to come back when they have their mask.

      • +6

        Appointments are pre booked and paid for so if they walk out they lose.

        That's wonderful, until you choose to "make an issue" out of what would be a cost of (by your numbers) about 35 cents and it results in negative PR, becoming known as the business whose attitude to customers is "too bad, I've already got your money", drop off in future bookings, etc., etc.

        Sometimes you need to look to the other side and wear these costs (or find other ways to recover them) rather than nickel and diming customers.

      • If its already paid for then just chalk it up as a 30c (or whatever) discount. You can let them know that masks are required and then just give them one if they don't have one with them. Most people will appreciate it.

  • What’s your business?

    I think you can try, but if people walk right out then that’s their prerogative.

    If you’re in the health sector - just give it to them for free.

    • Indoor recreation.

      • +13


        • +5

          I find the disposable mask gets in the way of my gimp mask

        • CIM hahaha

    • +2

      What’s your business?

  • +5

    do you charge the customer for the appointment? If so, give free face mask.

      • +1

        ~18c face mask versus cost of appointment (I'm guessing the cost is not trivial)
        I'm sure you would offer them a glass of water if they asked. You don't charge for water or the washing up service.

        • +1

          Free drinking water is offered, part of liquor license condition which is absorbed in the cost of the liquor.

          • @Capo93: so are they making an appointment, or a booking (restaurant/pub)?
            you should provide everyone an indication of your business type - would really help with the responses offered.

            • @battler: Neither restaurant or pub, it is indoor recreation.

              • +1

                @Capo93: Indoor recreation with alcohol, now that's my kind of venue!
                Please send address!

                • -1

                  @battler: Kinda sounds like an escape room or break room

                  • +19


                    Member Since
                    Last Seen
                    50 min ago
                    12 posts / 364 comments
                    Wollongong, NSW

                    $50 for 15mins

                    At that hourly rate, OP can hand out a $0.35 mask for free…

                • @battler: Just make sure you bring your mask with you…

                  • @someone else: Lol. Easy to jump to conclusions on the price but insurance and waste disposal isn’t cheap.

                    • +2

                      @Capo93: Whatever OP.

                      You clearly have it in your head that charging $1 for a mask is a good idea.

                      Why bother asking OzB if you are just going to have petty squabbles with anyone who disagrees?

                      • -3

                        @parsimonious one: No I don’t have it my head that it’s a good idea, I’m old school, I was taught the principle of the point. You don’t keep sticking your hand on a hot stove repeatedly, you learn your lesson and stop so I apply the same principle to having a mask. Yes people forget them or have other reasons but I feel now COVID has been around long enough there isn’t many valid excuses. Is it worth losing a customer over $1? Not it’s not but this is why this world and the younger generation is lazy. Someone else will pick up the slack for them.

                        Why bother asking OzB……. Because it’s a community forum, that’s the point of it.

                        It’s not a pretty squabble, people who are just an employee are quick to jump and at oh that’s expensive but have no idea or the slightest of costs to run a business, pay wages, taxes and expenses

      • +4

        You’ve made up your mind. Run your business however you want.

        • Exactly. And hopefully ppl vote with their feet (and wallet) over the sheer pettiness

  • +5

    I would walk out, but try it and see how you go.

    • It’s $1. If you didn’t bring a mandated mask and live under a rock in regards to the international pandemic that’s been happening for the last 18 months, $1 is not that much. If I’m paying for my masks and someone else gets handed free ones wherever they go because they are anti mask or ignorant, how is that fair to me? As a healthcare worker who got told under emergency management they could put me into the total frontline if everyone else is unable to work, I don’t appreciate people who are ignorant or deniers being enabled. Sell them a $1 mask and offer up whole boxes to buy too. Financial penalties for those who choose the selfish way out is entirely appropriate - no jab, no pay. No mask, you pay.

      • It's not the price. Triple up on those masks friend, and you'll be ok.

    • And you would lose your prepaid appointment. While you are wallowing in your own self pitty as a result you might want to remind yourself of public health directives.

      • Just as OP is allowed to run his business exactly how he wants to (so long as not against law) a customer has the choice whether to frequent that business or not.

      • If I didn't get a refund, op would lose any future business. I would never go back there, anyone I spoke to would never go back there. $50 won't kill a single person, but bad reviews and word of mouth will kill a business.

  • +8

    Where I work, we give out face masks if customers ask/need one. No payment needed.

  • So do I just give them a mask for no cost or sell them a disposable mask for $1?

    Make it free, it shows good well from your business.

    • +1

      *good well

      • *gooder well

        • I will need to learn how to spell.

  • -5

    Ask them if they would like a free mask and if they decline your offer then leave it at that. Unless they are visibly sick of course.

    • +4

      Unless they have a medical exemption, I'd ask them to leave; private business after all. Current rules in Sydney stipulate face mask wearing in indoor venues except eating or drinking.

      • I’m Wollongong area but still covered by the same restrictions as Sydney

  • +1

    There have been several times over the past year when I have called in at Coles/Woolies as I was passing by and only realised as I entered the store that I wasn't carrying a mask.

    Each time I have gone straight to the service desk and asked if I could have one to continue my shop and there has never been any issues as they happily provided me with one.

    I think everyone feels more comfortable if everyone is doing the right thing and sometimes you do accidently forget to carry one with you especially when the rules keep changing for different businesses and in different locations.

  • Depends on the location and circumstances

    A doctors office or a shop: free of charge, if you can't supply a mask for free then no mask no entry

    A sports stadium or a concert hall: $10 a mask (but I would expect them to be better than the standard mask used by cosmeticians - Maybe themed for the event)

  • +4

    Indoor recreation venue

    Incredibly vague… but assuming you're providing booked services that cost >$20 a session or so? IMO give the masks for free with a smile - your customers will feel like you're looking after them and be more positive towards your business. Plus considering they're prepaid, going "oh sorry pay an extra $1 or lose your appointment" is going to look incredibly hostile and stingy - is that loss of goodwill really worth 35c?

    Walk in cafe/restaurant/etc where your items cost $5? Nah.

  • +1

    The medical practice I attend did this during mask mandates. Charged $1 for a disposable mask if you arrived without one. I didn't see anyone complain, most looked embarrassed for turning up without one.

    • If this was during the first time when masks were mandated last year that's understandable as even wholesale prices from distributors reached $50+ a box of 50 and that was if you could get some. Prices have dropped back down to almost pre-covid and supply is steady and plenty now so charging is a bit rich. If the cost of a mask is going to break your bank then you need to see if you're charging appropriately for your service(s), just increase your appointment price by a $1 to account for extra labour/materials. A slightly more expensive service price with free masks is a lot more understandable and palatable than keeping your price the same then charging them fees for ancillary items.

  • +3

    If your business is doing well, just give a free mask. It's good PR.

    If you are struggling, charging $1 will not help much and might leave your customers unhappy which equals less profit later.

    Only thing I can come up with is that you can ask for a gold coin donation towards the masks of they are in the position to pay for it.

    • +2

      Profits goto a charity when this is all done and dusted.

      • +2

        great idea, safe guards against complaint, plus you get your cost recovered.

        • And there will be people like me that don't carry coins with them usually, or some people that just don't have the cash to spare. Several years ago, I was staying in a motel, and I thought it was tough. One of the fellow 'tenants' would buy a few loaves of $1 bread and freeze them. Then come 6 o'clock, He'd defrost a loaf, put peanut butter on it, and eat it. That is all he had for the day. Mind you come 'Payday', He'd stock up on Cigs, and a few long necks.

  • ive been charged 50 cents for a spoon before,

  • +3

    I think you have every right to charge for them.
    It's not on you to make sure someone else has a mask.

  • It depends on what the timing of the mask charge begins. I went out after work on Tuesday 22/06, entered Officeworks at about 6:30pm and was asked to put a mask on, they had the NSW Health restrictions open and the mask mandate from 4pm up. They were handing out masks for nought, which I appreciated cause the restriction came in after I logged off work but before I entered the store.
    Having said that, if I had to buy one today because i missed 2 days worth of news and notifications then I could cop the charge. Last lockdown Bunnings were selling the masks if you didn't have one, and there were lots of people without one weeks into the campaign.
    Maybe put a sign that masks will be provided but from Saturday morning onwards there will be a charge (20c, 50c whatever it costs) if you turn up without one. this way you've given people 3 days to get their stuff together and get masks.

    • +3

      You'd think people would have masks on standby considering we're like 15 months into a pandemic …

      • This is exactly my point. I have masks living in my car.

        • +2

          And most people do too. I think you are fretting over a very small number of masks you might give out for free.

      • Right? I'm in QLD and still keep a mask in my car and one in my bag, as I go everywhere with one or the other.

      • +1

        I didn't have any masks in my car, but do have them at home. Hence my predicament (and officeworks) of ejecting a customer or coping a 20c cost for whatever potential sale will happen. As I said, on the day of the mandate it is quite welcome for them to accommodate me, but on the weekend 2-3 days later then you should have the masks back in your car/handbag/etc.

      • I got caught out yesterday because I was in my new car which I hadn’t put any masks into yet

  • +3

    So you're going to turn away paying customers (most likely forever) because you're too cheap to provide a mask? Then you plan to make money out of it? Yeah go ahead and charge a buck per mask and see where that gets you.

    • Not sure where you read that I wanted to or was going to. I simply asked a question to gauge people’s opinion.

  • Just increase your prices, nobody will then notice the mask premium. It is like Woolworths / Coles not having a credit card surcharge.

  • +1

    For this weekend I will give masks to customer. I will see how many show up without masks to see what we do next week.

    I never said I wanted to charge but as someone said we are 15 months into a pandemic and my point is COVID didn’t start yesterday. I was just getting everyone’s opinion, I find it funny how people have voted to charge for masks but I think only one person commented for in favour of charging.

    • -1

      Supplying masks that are not individually wrapped also can be a topic as someone else mentioned.

  • I wouldn't charge for a mask but if you do charge them, maybe try to put a percentage of that profit to charity.

    • …but if you do charge them, maybe try to put a percentage of that profit to charity.

      Then it wouldn't be $1 because OP will need to factor in additional costs for time and transaction fees to donate that money to charity!

  • I was pissed when Officeworks demand I pay their over price mask to enter their premises. I am not anti mask but Officeworks was charging like $20 for 15 mask.

    I was ready to leave but thankfully some kind man offer me a mask.

    So expect to lose customer overprice $1 mask.

    Before anyone say I should have a mask in the beginning. The incident was May 2020 at the beginning of mandatory mask. Days earlier Officework were handing out free mask. Also I was bike riding so do not have a compartment to store mask like my car.

  • I would be perfectly ok with it at $1, maybe consider donating the profits (negligible as they may be) to a good cause.

    You would have to accept tap payment though because I don't carry anything but my phone.

  • You have a dilemma on several levels it seems. Good business would dictate that if you are looking after good or prospective customers you would provide a mask at least once and inform there will be a charge in future which would take care of the majority of your regulars. You should have signage outside stating that a mask is compulsory inside and if that is the health mandate they should have one with them anyway so a small charge to cover costs which includes administration would seem fair. If pushed you would be better to waive the fee if it was a negative to your business which is of course why you are in business to begin with. At the end of the day you need to do what is best for your business AND comply with the law. Once you lose a customer it’s too late to do anything about it so tread carefully.

    On another front many people use masks that are basically useless because they are home made or old and past their best so giving out new masks could be a good PR exercise. I see a lot of people constantly touching their masks that are not disposable because the elastic has stretched. They are next to useless.

  • I am no fan of conspiracy theories but I think this whole post is an advertisement (a very smart one).
    Someone running such a business should be able to make their own informed decision regarding such a trivial matter.

    • +3

      Not a advertising stunt in anyway, I don’t see how a post like this would be advertising besides someone leaving a stupid Google review(which someone has done). I’ve posted a deal on ozbargain before and it gained minimal bookings but I attribute that to my location being not in Sydney.

      I was not looking for Ozbargain to give me answers on how to run my business, i was merely getting everyone’s opinion on the situation and I clearly stated that in my post.

      As I’ve previously mentioned masks will be supplied this weekend at no cost if needed.

      • Ok then.. I was wrong. Apologies.
        And sorry for the idiot leaving a bad review.

    • Pretty poor advert

      Most people disagree with the OPs idea and his antagonistic squabbling would put more ppl off I reckon

  • +2

    I remember every place I've been to that's given me a free mask. The gesture alone sets you apart and gives something customers to remember you by

  • I would be more than happy to pay $1 if I forgot a mask. Trouble is, nobody seems to do this.

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