EB has had a restock of instore Xbox series X. I just walked into the Brisbane DFO store and they had them available. Call around and check your local stores.
Xbox Series X 1TB Console $749 (In-Store) @ EB Games

Last edited 18/06/2021 - 10:34 by 1 other user
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It's a OzPublic Announcement.
I see no deal either but these posts are allowed it seems.
Mods make an exception it seems to PS5 and XBox Series X/S in stock posts.In two years time I will post the same, PS5 in stock at RRP and it will NOT get removed.
In store. Call your local and check
So this is definitely a PSA and not a bargain then.
I am sorry for the disservice I have caused you.. How long have you had a series X for? I am just trying to help out others who don't have one yet..
Mate +1 from me - Im in BNE and wishing/hoping for one - didn't have the $$ ATM but I need to know all the time when they are about just in case.
@Nananananana: You don’t like it then just ignore, seriously, it’s like you have unresolved anger issues
Price in title OP
Price has always been RRP which is really a good deal.
Hah true, hard to do better when they are sold at a loss to begin with
called eb Hurstville.They dont have
Gonna get one for FS2020. Much cheaper than building a PC for the same performance.
exact same. Have waited all this time for that reason! Top Gun expansion going to be so sweet too
The E3 show and the stupid value to be had with the game pass tipped me over
As a PS5 owner I can't get past the value of game pass…definitely buying series x.
Lack of included DLC on non complete/GOTY versions is still a drawback for the service.
With PC you could claim tax though (check with ATO/your consultant). Unless you work in gaming, gaming console is not eligible for deduction.
Yeah but that doesn't really make much of a difference in the end in taxable income. Also to get 4k 30fps on FS2020 I would be looking at minimum $2500.
Unless you work at home and use your gaming desktop for work purposes, you can't claim it either. Even if you do, you have to split work vs personal use and depreciate it over 4 years.
I actually use my gaming desktop for work, because the 3700X in it smashes my work laptop's power so sometimes I throw things on it to get done quickly, plus I did some contract work and used this machine. I'm claiming 20% of the cost of the machine, deducted over 4 years, which means I get about a $100 deduction a year. Good luck trying to tell the ATO why you needed a $2500 gaming machine for work if you get audited.
Considering a 3070 alone costs double what the Series X does, it makes zero sense to buy a PC just to claim it if all a person wants is a gaming machine, considering all the benefits a console has (nice controller, low power usage, small footprint)
I'm surprised you can still claim a deduction for a home desktop if your work provides you with a laptop.
@steelpanther: There's some good reasons in there, was booted off my work laptop during a ransomware attack on our company, I did contract work that I had no other machine for (the income will be taxable income) and I mine bitcoin on it. I get taxed on the revenue, I can offset that with costs (i.e. the computer).
Holey Moley!!
Just score the last one BNE city EB.
I wasnt ready for this!!!
Nice one!
I too had this exact feeling…until I later realised absolutely nothing felt next gen about this console and sold it to get a PS5 instead LOL.
Sorry to be that guy but someone's gotta say it.
Already got a ps5 and switch….I'll be ok ;)
I wouldn't bother calling anywhere but Brisbane as container ship seems to have just landed there .
It might not make sense to some of my friends here though .do you think that'd indicate stock appearing in more stores within the next week, as Brisbane is the HQ of EB, or would the shipment have just been for Brisbane?
I scored one yesterday from jb be, so worth calling jb hi-fi as well
Not at Miranda, although he said they got some in a couple of days ago…? I've been checking religiously and didn't see it online at all so that's incredibly frustrating haha I just wanna trade in my one X for one!!! Guess that means I call every day
I hit the refresh button at the perfect time on the MS site on Wednesday and scored one (inc the spend $400 get $80 back from AMEX)! Was going to post but as soon as I checked out it it went back to OOS.
DHL delivering today…. I'm so excited. Watching the front door like a hawk so I don't miss it.Happy gaming, mate! Enjoy :)
yeah already got a Xbox series X :D good luck everyone in getting stock.
Toowong had 1 left yesterday.
They had none today
I remember when I scored mine from Toowong back in December, called them to confirm stock while driving down Coro Drive. Had a stupid grin walking out of EB carrying the box. Good luck to everyone else still trying to get one!
Thanks OP, got one from Indooroopilly, they still had another in stock and apparently had them for a few days
Yeah. City EB mentioned they got stock last week
Got the last one from Docklands in Melbourne today
Does this have a cd and DVD drive?
Yes. It's the XsS (white one) that doesn't.
Thanks bro. I just picked up mine!
Great to hear!
As much as people complain about it being RRP, think of the happiness that posting this has brought to those that have been trying to get one who otherwise would not have known! That's a bargain in itself.
Thank you!! Just grabbed one.
There's a few left at Stockland, Point Cook VICGot one yesterday afternoon at my local. Seems like a lot of stores received a low single digit number of consoles.
Jb hifi Bankstown. I was ready to order, and they got one from the back.
I am not ready for this
Awesome man!
Found another for a mate at JBHiFi Mt Ommaney QLD. They had 1 more left this afternoon ;)
EB Games seem to be the best bet at the moment.
I was calling around for family and found 1 left at 2 locations.I've spent the last few weeks consistently calling them up but to no avail - you in Sydney by any chance? Because every time I call it's the same annoyed employees telling me no (I imagine they get it a lot so fair enough haha)
I'm in VIC.
Anyone has idea how often MS itself restock the X? Last time was 2 Jun and 16 June. Since then haven't heard anything. Got some gift card, so have to buy from MS.
Going to try and find one tomorrow in Brisbane and surrounds…any one willing to help, that'd be awesome :)
where is the deal?