• expired

BTS Meal (10 Pcs McNuggets, Sweet Chilli Sauce, Cajun Sauce, Large Fries, Large Drink) ~$13.10 @ McDonald's


Saw BTS meal on my app and its $11.80 for me when i check out.

Did some searching and found


BTS x Maccas merch also available.

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closed Comments

  • Do you get BTS inside the meal?

    • +12

      Nope just IBS

  • +2

    For anybody confused (like me) it's
    10 piece Nuggets, Sweet Chilli Sauce, Cajun Sauce
    Large Fries
    Large Drink

    • You missed the special BTS fries shaker

      • Cheers, I didn't see that on the article I was reading (the one linked to didn't load on my work PC for some reason)

      • +1

        Doesn't mention anything about shaker when I view in app. Just has normal salt when I customise the fries

  • +19

    Why is this a bargain?

    • +19

      Because koreaboos

    • +1

      Sauces picked by the band yo

      • +3

        unless they were made by the band, i couldn't care less.

  • Prices vary from store to store, prices for my local;

    • Small meal $11.60
    • Medium meal $12.40
    • Large meal $13.20
    • Yeah for me in WA it’s:

      Small meal $11.25
      Medium meal $12.05
      Large meal $12.85

  • +1

    Is it just a large nuggets meal?

    • +11

      But with 2 new limited edition sauces. It's the new Szechuan, Morty!

      • +4

        Can't wait for the kpop fans to start jumping counters and dancing when they run out of stock.

      • And special BTS fries shaker

      • +1

        If it takes nine seasons, I want my McNugget dipping sauce, Szechuan sauce, Morty.

        • "Eat some f*** s*** you stupid f***** b*****. Haha just kidding"

          Little bits.

      • +1

        never tried it in mcdonalds, but followed some recipe for it that I found and it was actually a really fkn good sauce.

  • +6

    Does it come with butter?

  • Back To School? kids still in school

    • not starting tmoz for victorians

  • Isn't this rrp

    • RRP deals are constantly posted in ozbargain. I'm not a bts fan but no difference to a limited edition console or whatever.

      • +8

        The consoles are actually saught after though, nobody is struggling to find a nugget meal

        • +3

          Somalia entered the chat

  • +7

    Had an offer for 6 nuggets for $4. Got the sauces for .50 each. Told the Mrs that i got her the bts meal = savings

    • +1

      Wont your misses ask what you do with the 4 nuggets?

      • She didn't ask. She was feeling unwell so she didn't want the coke anyway.

  • +8

    Not a deal. You're just getting a different sauce.

    • -8

      Limited edition how not a deal? Go neg all the ps5/xbox rrp deals then.

      • +9

        You're really comparing a mcd nuggets meal to ps5/xbox lmfao.. Oh boy

        • -7

          Im comparing validity for deals

      • +10

        Tell me how often bts nuggets are selling out then it'll be a deal.

        • +8

          we should post deals for when soft serve is available at maccas then. rarer than 3060ti's

          • +1

            @Aequitas: OP proceeds to buy Australia's supply of BTS meals. That'll teach you haters.

  • +4

    If someone - like me - needed to look it up, that BTS here is a Korean pop band and this is a "collab" between Maccas and them.

    • -1

      Finish your sentence…

      • +1

        Finish yours…

      • +1

        It's a finished sentence. My "that" is a pronoun ("that BTS here is"), not a conjunction between clauses. You can consider the three words "that BTS here" as the subject of the part after the comma.

  • Am I too old to know what is BTS?

    • +11

      “I used to be with ‘it’, but then they changed what ‘it’ was. Now what I’m with isn’t ‘it’ anymore and what’s ‘it’ seems weird and scary. It’ll happen to you!”

      • +1

        No way man, we're gonna keep on rockin' forever

      • +3

        So I tied an onion to my belt, which was the style at the time.

    • +4

      Blend Two Sauces.

    • not what… who

      • +3

        I have no idea what is or who is BTS 🤣

        • that's ok… it's all fake love,

  • +3

    The people must be crazy to buy it just because it says BTS's chosen sauce.

    • +2

      Thanks bought it!

  • +4

    Literally the same RRP. This isn’t a bargain, it’s just some sauces.

  • +9

    waiting for the BTS stan's to make ozb accounts and upvote this despite the lack of a bargain

    • +2

      They're already here negging the truth.. tell me something new lol

  • BTS = Behind the scenes?

  • -3

    Wait…do they interview the porn star afterwards with this meal?

  • -4

    Upon googling BTS i was disappointed to find it was asian pop music

    • -4


      • +6

        My guess is not racist. My guess is probably not intolerant either.

        Factually, K-pop is South Korean music, which, at least geographically, is Asian music. Expressing an opinion that s/he doesn't like it is an expression of personal taste and not necessarily an expression that a genre of music has less intrinsic value based on it's geographic or ethnic origin.

        • unfair to bundle cultures based on a region, they have their own languages and cultures, french people probably like to be regarded as french rather than European otherwise you are bundling then with some cultures from countries in europe they don’t regard as reflecting theirs.

          how do you think koreans like to be addressed

          “ oh, so are asian”
          “ oh so you are korean”.

    • +1

      What's that supposed to mean?

  • +3

    Bypass The Salad

    • +3

      Buy the salad?

      • you don't make friends with salad

  • where is purple package??

  • +1

    Has 24 nugs for $10 $12 conveniently become unavailable on anyone elses app?

    • +1

      I had a look and it wasn't under "Chicken & Fish", but it was under "Family & Sharing". I just searched for "24" and it came up. YMMV.

  • +1

    Seen that doco on SBS a few times about the creeps behind the K-POP, hard to support when they have clubs in Korea in which K-Pop male stars purposly drug and rape girls.

    • +3

      and you think american rap music, heavy metal bands and/or hill song are any different?

  • +3

    Not a deal…

  • How do I score that hot McDonald's robe

  • +3

    this isn't even a deal.

  • +1

    anyone watch Beyond The Summit?

    • I watched games that Ld and Godz commented on they were quite entertaining.

  • I want some Maccas robes. They're sexy.

  • I can't find merch on app, how do I buy?

  • Weverse Shop app

    • So not from Maccas?

      • The merch is made by weeb universe so you need the weverse app. Its separate.

    • and almost everything is outta stock.

  • +3

    Definitely not a deal. Sounds like a rip-off. IMHO

  • +1

    Not a deal, literal RRP. Seethe.

  • Are these the same BT's in death stranding ? Now that would be a deal

  • +1

    RRP for everyday item readily available everywhere not a bargain.

  • I want mine with Butter and Dynamite sauces. Not a deal for daily consumption, but a novelty for ARMYs out there.

  • -3

    Are we sure BTS is a boyband? they look too pretty?

  • KFC sell their meal with Colonel Sanders face on their boxes and it is not a deal, McD should have Ronald McDonald instead of BTS.

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