This was posted 3 years 8 months 24 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PC, Pre Order, Origin] Battlefield 2042 $66.29 @

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For those interested in pre-ordering. Seems to be cheaper than the previously posted JB-HIFI deal (Although this is a digital copy)

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closed Comments

  • +21

    Stop pre-ordering games.

    • +2

      I personally haven't preorded, but if others want to spend their money on it. It's not my business

      • +1

        The more people pre order the less inventive they have to make good games

    • +1

      Thanks. Have purchased.

    • It has a single player bot match, like BF1942 and BF2 did before they started adding single player campaigns.

    • +2

      So don't buy it? Not every game is for every one.

    • +5

      The vast majority of people that play Battlefield buy it for the multiplayer.

    • The whole premise of Battlefield is multi-player team war.

      If you're looking for single-player games, then there are a gazillion to choose from. This isn't one of them.

  • -1

    Imagine paying a full price game for less content

    • +11

      Imagine thinking that dramatically larger individual maps = less content. And don't start with 'no campaign'. Nobody buys Battlefield for the campaign. I say this as someone who has played and enjoyed each. It's a 6hr mediocre linear experience vs. the hundred hours you're likely to spend in the MP.

      • Yeah I've played probably over 5000 hours of Battlefield MP across the series. I don't think I've made it past about 5 total of all the SP Campaign's. It's not what Battlefield is about to me.

      • -1

        Yea ok but you (& others)were paying full price for those BF titles that did have those mediocre linear experience. Now you're doing the same except a chunk of content is removed. Plus a battle pasd system for you know " the poor devs to keep the lights on". Oh but they have bigger maps now? And? How else were they supposed to make this one stand out from the last two train wrecks? This is quite literally the whole COD Black ops 4 drama again. Funny enough the COD games that did come after have this "obselete" single player content with these. Not telling you what to do with your money but think about it before buying it just based on hype. BF4 release should have taught that.

        • +4

          If it's content that you never would have used anyway, it's the same as if it had never existed.

          Like most other Battlefield players, I've never bothered with the single player beyond the first mission just to see what it's like. I don't care about the story, or the world building - massive multiplayer is why I bought the game and that's what I want to play.

          Based on dev stats, the single player campaign of BF5 took almost 50% of the cost of the game's development and about 15% of buyers completed it. That's obviously a terrible waste of resources, and Dice have made the right decision to dump it and devote their resources to the part of the game that everyone plays.

          I'm not going to pre-order the game because that's just stupid, and I'm very interested but not hyped like some. I will wait to see what the game looks like at launch, and make a purchase decision then.

          Comparing Battlefield with COD is pointless - as far as I'm concerned they are totally different game types, although obviously they overlap more than they used to.

          • @klaw81: Thats pretty stupid. I'm not comparing the 2 games as they cater to two different audiences. Im taking about the situation regarding content removal and charging the same full price with the promise of content being added later (done multiple times by dice). If the single player was a waste of resources why not remove it and charge a lower price? Squadrons did well. Plus they going the battlepass route anyways. So more money for them at the end of the day.

  • +1

    I really want to get involved with another good Battlefield game - but after the shambolic mess that was Cyberpunk, I think I'll hold onto my money for now and see how its launch is receieved.

    • There will be a "free" open beta in a few months so it will be a good time to try it out.

      Realistically we aren't going to know how good the game is for at least a year after it launches. Pre-launch promises like the battlepass system having 4 major updates throughout the year mean nothing this early. They said BF5 would have great support, it didn't.

  • -4

    Battlefield 2042 has no campaign and no battle royale mode

    • +8

      Glad that's the case. Hopefully meant more time and resources went into the multiplayer. Seems like a lot of people are forgetting how BFV battle royale went

      • Firestorm was actually a lot of fun.. It was just riddled with matchmaking and other problems from the start.

    • If it ain't broke, dont fix it!

    • +2


      Campaign modes just distract development on the main game and divert attention away from what's important.

      Battle Royale is already done to death and there's plenty of free ones out there if that's what you are looking for.

      Battlefield needs to concentrate on what it does best - massive multiplayer infantry and vehicle combat in a sandbox environment

  • +2

    This one's looking a lot like BF4. I like how they aren't trying to get bogged down with characters in the trailer, just faceless soldiers dieing all the time. Going to be great.

  • +4

    Now's the time to play BF4 again, there are so many full servers. At 5 am this morning there were 5 full servers. Crazy.

  • +2

    never again will I buy battlefield without doing my due diligence

    • Pre-ordering games is just stupid in my opinion. It's not like the online stores will "sell out" and won't be able to buy it on launch day.

  • +1

    $69 at Harvey Norman, get JB HI FI to price match, use TCN gift card from Coles which is 10% off.

  • +2

    not preordering but defiantly keeping an eye on this. activision have lost me after cold war

    • No idea

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