darkoverlord » user profile

Member Since 23/03/2018
Last Seen 24/08/2021

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Well they dont have the single player section to worry about, had a year off so how hard can that be???
12/06/2021 - 07:25
Thats pretty stupid. I'm not comparing the 2 games as they cater to two different audiences. Im taking about the situation regarding…
11/06/2021 - 09:56
Yea ok but you (& others)were paying full price for those BF titles that did have those mediocre linear experience. Now you're doing the…
11/06/2021 - 09:30
Yes ands just part of the gameplay loop. Not really an intresting point about the game but a fun part of the game. But for a game centered…
26/05/2021 - 18:45
Zzz... so the side quests, the various shrines platforming, beautiful landscapes, various activities, mongol camps, Japanese folklore,…
26/05/2021 - 15:53
*Traveling is boring and have no interest in exploring*....then why get an open world game in the first place? Just beeline through the…
26/05/2021 - 10:04
interested to see the reaction on this comment.
28/04/2021 - 23:15
hmm...so the data presented is basically taking the asking price of games on release at different time points (Release years) and then…
27/04/2021 - 17:23
Yay managed to get one Disc version. Refresh page guys.
05/03/2021 - 11:28
No Massive discount from Massive studio, no Deal. Rather play warlords of Draenor instead.
13/05/2020 - 21:20
not in the usual way but u get 20% of the discounted price not the original price.
13/05/2020 - 21:18
I actually had fun with Wildlands despite the bad vehicle controls and boring repetitive missions. BreakPoint on the other hand, the beta…
18/10/2019 - 21:53
PSA: You can access the game (free to play for the week) via UPLAY directly. Not a requirement to go through EPIC store as you would have…
28/08/2019 - 20:15
Well most of the upcoming ubisoft releases will most likely be released on PC via the UPlay & the EPIC store..... seeing as their sales…
28/08/2019 - 20:09
May be check the video before spouting nonsense. Its just info about the new battle pass system being added.
28/08/2019 - 20:00
Not a problem. Just proves what I said in an earlier comment. Good day.
31/07/2019 - 23:24
Nope, the Caps are there mainly to put emphasis on basic information that's readily available on the internet. Something you have just…
30/07/2019 - 18:53
Promote corporate greed = asking for a feature complete store (or atleast the customer friendly ones), not liking the exclusivity nonsense…
30/07/2019 - 00:03
Yea its not like whatever I've stated have credible proof that anyone can obtain by doing a simple google search. Keep your selective…
29/07/2019 - 01:01
So because Microsoft and steam did it in the past, Epic gets a free go? LUL this thinking. Coat you arguments/comments with any amount of…
27/07/2019 - 22:25
Just blowing stuff out of context like the other guy. Read the full CDPR quote.
13/06/2019 - 06:28
Funny how you only took that part of the pre-order message and then say: " It's a person's job to sell their game into retail, don't be…
13/06/2019 - 06:25
Yes its that bad. The campaign starts off promising and then quickly plummets. If your in the market where you want a game where you just…
08/06/2019 - 08:54
@Lysander Couple of points to note: "All Steam needs to do is to lower their fees to 10% and remove the incentive for publishers to do…
18/05/2019 - 11:52
@Lysander YES steam was FORCED to implement many of the features they are applauded for including the refund system, so Why in hell's name…
17/05/2019 - 21:42
Wouldnt say they were in the same spot as Saints row...the saints row series actually had a decent story but also had the notion that it…
21/03/2019 - 21:12
Trade RDR2 game $15 ---> PSN card $15 ---> Credit paid $30 to get the game back. How is the outcome 50% off when the amount you got matches…
02/03/2019 - 12:05
so it only works for games with trade value below $15 as anything above that ur basically paying for the $15 credit?
02/03/2019 - 11:40
Not a bargain but its actually $120 ($119.99) for a yearly subscription and $20 ($19.99) for a monthly subscription. Basically paying…
19/02/2019 - 17:38
Well no, besides a select few no cares if a woman was on the cover or not. The game was released in a half baked state with features as…
21/12/2018 - 11:25