Pretty decent price for a recent quality headset. Combine with AfterPay $20 back to get it for $207.05.
Got it cause Hardware Canucks says it's good.
Pretty decent price for a recent quality headset. Combine with AfterPay $20 back to get it for $207.05.
Got it cause Hardware Canucks says it's good.
Hmmmm the link isn't working I am interested in this though.
Managed to drop the l from the page extension:
They are foam pads. Have you actually compared them? The build seems much inferior, also mainly being plastic
This is a brand new release, so no I haven't.
If you take a closer look, you can clearly see the pads are hybrid, with a leatherette interior and likely a microfiber exterior, which is a fairly common combination for tuning 800Hz-6000Hz without hampering the bass range (notably done by Focal and HIFIMAN). The only foam would be the memory foam inside the pads and the headband.
A common pad change recommendation for the original flight was microfiber or microsuede, so this choice does match up with it being the driver in the Flight and Flight S.
I take your point about the build having more plastic, but I trust Takstar to do a far better tuning of the enclosure than Kingston, which also has a plastic enclosure.
These are all generic headsets though, takstar and hyperx buy from the same factory. The ones you listed are the clone like cloud flight, which is cheaper than this cloud 2. Mpow listed below is the clone that the cloud 2 is from - 53mm drivers, not the takstar one you linked which is the 50mm cheaper range one.
@onlinepred: Takstar is the OEM for all of the drivers.
The Flight, Flight S and Cloud II wireless starting prices were all the same.
@jasswolf: Yea, so I'm failing to see your point here. Buy the cheaper model as an import with less warranty?
@jasswolf: My cloud 2 are going on 1.5 years of very heavy use, my flights lasted 6 months. They were very different beasts.
@onlinepred: Thank you for your tangential anecdote without any key information, I'm personally moved and convinced by your words in absence of any explanation.
Pro 82 > MH751 > Pro 80 > Cloud II
That's a pattern with looking into.
@jasswolf: The hinge for the cups failed twice on the flights, the first one I got replaced through warranty (in australia jbhifi), the second I got my money back and bought cloud 2.
The cloud 2 is the Takstar Pro 80.
If you want to save money, get these as "They're all cheap crap"
@onlinepred: How is the hinge on a different headband structure relevant?
The Cloud II is a modified Pro 80… different pads, different enclosure, more v-shaped/l-shaped, and less detailed. Neither are a headphone to write home about, but both are comfortable.
@jasswolf: Speak for yourself, the cloud 2 is very comfortable for me. Most gaming cans are bass focused, with less details as treble is fatiguing over time. Yes, the cloud 2 is more focused on gaming, roughly sound exactly the same as pro 80 though.
Anyway, peace out mate, I respect that a takstar might be a great value proposition, but it comes with a negative of being import without local warranty which you have to factor into costs, then there is the fact you are comparing a model below to the item here on sale.……
@onlinepred: I never wrote they weren't comfortable… and yes gaming headsets to tend to mute things above 2kHz and below 5kHz to enhance imaging and prevent mic comms from sounding cruddy, with bass boosted for footsteps. Above 5kHz they tend to be quite uncontrolled, but a poorer experience if they are muted above 10kHz (particularly above 15kHz).
Latitude Pay are also doing $25 off $100 spend at JB Hi-Fi
Are there any wireless headsets that can do stereo audio AND microphone at the same time on windows?
Pretty much all of them? You might want to check your playback device if you're not getting stereo audio.
Pretty much none of them.….
It was a serious question if someone has an answer.
You're conflating 2.4GHz wireless with Bluetooth… there's a naming distinction for a reason.
So I think I worked out my own answer.
This HyperX, the Takstar above, and the Mpow listed by @buyingcrap all DO support stereo + microphone by NOT using bluetooth, but requiring their own dongle (or cable) (presumably, it is not obvious for the HyperX from the JB page).
These are good for a more budget oriented option.
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This headset is not worth this price, and Takstar have their own variant of it, too:
Wait for an AliE sale, and you'll basically get the same thing with better audio for $100+ less through coupons and cashbacks.
EDIT: this might be a variant of the Cloud Flight, but I'd still back Takstar to make a better audio experience than someone using them as an OEM.